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Showing posts with label just. Show all posts

Monday, May 11, 2015

Explained: How Jerry Kendall never loses, and just does not care!

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No one cares about modern psychiatric drug research anymore, since I have been super successful with my anti-psychiatry blogging campaigns! No one cares about secret societies, or the Zionist’s agendas for the U.S.A. anymore, since I have been super successful with my anti-Zionism blogging campaigns for over 12 months in a row, but many people from around the entire world care very deeply about my blogs and YouTube video channels, for the very close attention to what I write about and read, memorize and learn from the words and videos that I create and teach to them on a daily basis. Well, we all know one thing at least, and this is: "Jerry Kendall just does not care, he goes to any length to set you up and does all of the front line cyber work for setting up cyber terrorists, and the people that manage terrorists, for we know that Jerry Kendall just does not care!"