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Showing posts with label Bush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bush. Show all posts
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
George H. W. Bush New World Order Quotes
George H. W. Bush New World Order Quotes.
George H W Bush New World Order Speech
George H W Bush New World Order Speech.
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
How can someone obey the New Testament commandment that commands us to love one another as we love ourself and love thy neighbor as thy love thy self, loving our God the father of Abraham, our Father in heaven that lives within us, the Holy Spirit the same, - when this person does not honor their mother, the mother that gave birth to her? What did George Brock Chisholm teach us? He taught us that the eventual adaptation of behaviorism replacement removed the good versus evil model based on godhead or religion god/devil belief system. The shared public belief re-interpretation of national patriotism value based on popularized promoted media content bought and sold ideas formed changed widespread belief that global citizenship is a civic responsibility removed the value of national patriotism from the minds of men, while family definition does not necessarily include one's maternal/parental parents, but defined by individual choice defines parent. This defined parent defined by individual not defined by birth mother/father promoted and accepted by public certainly contributed to the individual not honored birth mother. This believed idea along with promotion of glamorized male homosexual behavior depicted in media content (generated it's popularization) published by the owners 99 percent of media companies owned by much larger companies such as News Corp., The Associated Press, Rutgers, and Time Warner owned by only two men, namely Ted Turner and Rupert Murdoch are responsible observations made to media by 100's of million people in the U.S. and around the world making observations to this media for several hours a day(?) (media that is all encompassing affects most people in the western world 24 hours a day) dictates our decisions, (while we are not even aware of this reality) decided by an intellectual elite is an extension of a government's executive arm gave government more money from war creation profit, wars supported by an already suppressed public not knowing that they are suppressed by entertainment and consumerism creates environment based on ideas that do not have basis in the natural world with shared ideas that support behavior once considered wrong and unacceptable, such as the new social norms are the following: 1); homosexuality, 2); idolized human anatomy, 3); blasphemy, and 4); the transformation of man into prey/predator, or rather it's popularized name use is "bitch/man" relationship also formed from media observation made to music, film, television, and radio. With these newly formed popular beliefs and attitudes about family characteristics devalues the teachings from the Holy Bible, such as “Honor your mother and father," and homosexuality seen as mainstream behavior, (and not an abomination of the flesh taught by the Holy Bible) where two men are seen as in the same manner as man and wife are perceived rearing a family, where added popular definition of family promoted by media content caused the public accept new formed belief changed family dynamic supports two of three G. B. Chisholm principles required to achieve world government are the following: 1); “Remove from the minds of men their loyalty to family traditions,” and 2); “Remove from the minds of men their religious dogma." This environment was “supposed” to be impossible to rebel against due to all characteristics of this environment have a one-to-one relationship with attributes “mask” all evidence this environment's true nature does not have characteristics rooted in the natural world, since the level of permeated cognitive dissonance affects every person not able to accept new information contradicts current belief caused from media giant aided by inhibition and complacency caused from psycho-pharmacological method certainly contributes to the required environment needed for world government to be easily accepted and desired by the people of the world after causation of right world crisis made people beg for world government, while the guarantee of no public interference during this process was thought to be achieved and predicted with 100 percent probability, where public outcry and new enacted laws do not occur certainly supports the statement made by George H. Bush given to the public at 9 pm (EST) on 16 January 1991 televised by CNN included the words to follow: “We have the opportunity before us to forge for ourselves and for future generations, a “new world order”, a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be, we will have a real chance at this new world order, an order where a credible United Nations can use it’s peacekeeping role to fulfill its promise and vision of its U.N. founders.” But the global elite planning world government could not predict a sophisticated global communication system of digital type where millions of people caused the widespread popularization of ethical blogging and ethical hacking that includes the exposure and protest of world government already made specific facts associated with this corruption available for more than 6000 million people to observe on a minute to minute basis with live updates 24 hours a day on something you can put in your pocket and take anywhere in the world while in transit in distinct locations the same. What is the definition of phase, “novus ordo seclorum,” printed on the back of every U.S. one Dollar Federal Reserve Bank note? Blog that! I will. -Mark R. Rowe
How can someone obey the New Testament commandment that commands us to love one another as we love ourself and love thy neighbor as thy love thy self, loving our God the father of Abraham, our Father in heaven that lives within us, the Holy Spirit the same, - when this person does not honor their mother, the mother that gave birth to her?
What did George Brock Chisholm teach us? He taught us that the eventual adaptation of behaviorism replacement removed the good versus evil model based on godhead or religion god/devil belief system. The shared public belief re-interpretation of national patriotism value based on popularized promoted media content bought and sold ideas formed changed widespread belief that global citizenship is a civic responsibility removed the value of national patriotism from the minds of men, while family definition does not necessarily include one's maternal/parental parents, but defined by individual choice defines parent.
This defined parent defined by individual not defined by birth mother/father promoted and accepted by public certainly contributed to the individual not honored birth mother. This believed idea along with promotion of glamorized male homosexual behavior depicted in media content (generated it's popularization) published by the owners 99 percent of media companies owned by much larger companies such as News Corp., The Associated Press, Rutgers, and Time Warner owned by only two men, namely Ted Turner and Rupert Murdoch are responsible observations made to media by 100's of million people in the U.S. and around the world making observations to this media for several hours a day(?) (media that is all encompassing affects most people in the western world 24 hours a day) dictates our decisions, (while we are not even aware of this reality) decided by an intellectual elite is an extension of a government's executive arm gave government more money from war creation profit, wars supported by an already suppressed public not knowing that they are suppressed by entertainment and consumerism creates environment based on ideas that do not have basis in the natural world with shared ideas that support behavior once considered wrong and unacceptable, such as the new social norms are the following: 1); homosexuality, 2); idolized human anatomy, 3); blasphemy, and 4); the transformation of man into prey/predator, or rather it's popularized name use is "bitch/man" relationship also formed from media observation made to music, film, television, and radio. With these newly formed popular beliefs and attitudes about family characteristics devalues the teachings from the Holy Bible, such as “Honor your mother and father," and homosexuality seen as mainstream behavior, (and not an abomination of the flesh taught by the Holy Bible) where two men are seen as in the same manner as man and wife are perceived rearing a family, where added popular definition of family promoted by media content caused the public accept new formed belief changed family dynamic supports two of three G. B. Chisholm principles required to achieve world government are the following: 1); “Remove from the minds of men their loyalty to family traditions,” and 2); “Remove from the minds of men their religious dogma."
This environment was “supposed” to be impossible to rebel against due to all characteristics of this environment have a one-to-one relationship with attributes “mask” all evidence this environment's true nature does not have characteristics rooted in the natural world, since the level of permeated cognitive dissonance affects every person not able to accept new information contradicts current belief caused from media giant aided by inhibition and complacency caused from psycho-pharmacological method certainly contributes to the required environment needed for world government to be easily accepted and desired by the people of the world after causation of right world crisis made people beg for world government, while the guarantee of no public interference during this process was thought to be achieved and predicted with 100 percent probability, where public outcry and new enacted laws do not occur certainly supports the statement made by George H. Bush given to the public at 9 pm (EST) on 16 January 1991 televised by CNN included the words to follow: “We have the opportunity before us to forge for ourselves and for future generations, a “new world order”, a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be, we will have a real chance at this new world order, an order where a credible United Nations can use it’s peacekeeping role to fulfill its promise and vision of its U.N. founders.”
But the global elite planning world government could not predict a sophisticated global communication system of digital type where millions of people caused the widespread popularization of ethical blogging and ethical hacking that includes the exposure and protest of world government already made specific facts associated with this corruption available for more than 6000 million people to observe on a minute to minute basis with live updates 24 hours a day on something you can put in your pocket and take anywhere in the world while in transit in distinct locations the same.
What is the definition of phase, “novus ordo seclorum,” printed on the back of every U.S. one Dollar Federal Reserve Bank note? Blog that! I will.
-Mark R. Rowe
Click here to learn more about the Illuminati.
illuminati leaks
info on the free and accepted masons
current nwo plans
the latest on the Rothschild family dealings
current events of the CFR
the last move of the Trilateral Commission
videos of nwo protest
nwo canceled plans
tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry
the decline of Royal Society influence
Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive
consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21
What did George Brock Chisholm teach us? He taught us that the eventual adaptation of behaviorism replacement removed the good versus evil model based on godhead or religion god/devil belief system. The shared public belief re-interpretation of national patriotism value based on popularized promoted media content bought and sold ideas formed changed widespread belief that global citizenship is a civic responsibility removed the value of national patriotism from the minds of men, while family definition does not necessarily include one's maternal/parental parents, but defined by individual choice defines parent.
This defined parent defined by individual not defined by birth mother/father promoted and accepted by public certainly contributed to the individual not honored birth mother. This believed idea along with promotion of glamorized male homosexual behavior depicted in media content (generated it's popularization) published by the owners 99 percent of media companies owned by much larger companies such as News Corp., The Associated Press, Rutgers, and Time Warner owned by only two men, namely Ted Turner and Rupert Murdoch are responsible observations made to media by 100's of million people in the U.S. and around the world making observations to this media for several hours a day(?) (media that is all encompassing affects most people in the western world 24 hours a day) dictates our decisions, (while we are not even aware of this reality) decided by an intellectual elite is an extension of a government's executive arm gave government more money from war creation profit, wars supported by an already suppressed public not knowing that they are suppressed by entertainment and consumerism creates environment based on ideas that do not have basis in the natural world with shared ideas that support behavior once considered wrong and unacceptable, such as the new social norms are the following: 1); homosexuality, 2); idolized human anatomy, 3); blasphemy, and 4); the transformation of man into prey/predator, or rather it's popularized name use is "bitch/man" relationship also formed from media observation made to music, film, television, and radio. With these newly formed popular beliefs and attitudes about family characteristics devalues the teachings from the Holy Bible, such as “Honor your mother and father," and homosexuality seen as mainstream behavior, (and not an abomination of the flesh taught by the Holy Bible) where two men are seen as in the same manner as man and wife are perceived rearing a family, where added popular definition of family promoted by media content caused the public accept new formed belief changed family dynamic supports two of three G. B. Chisholm principles required to achieve world government are the following: 1); “Remove from the minds of men their loyalty to family traditions,” and 2); “Remove from the minds of men their religious dogma."
This environment was “supposed” to be impossible to rebel against due to all characteristics of this environment have a one-to-one relationship with attributes “mask” all evidence this environment's true nature does not have characteristics rooted in the natural world, since the level of permeated cognitive dissonance affects every person not able to accept new information contradicts current belief caused from media giant aided by inhibition and complacency caused from psycho-pharmacological method certainly contributes to the required environment needed for world government to be easily accepted and desired by the people of the world after causation of right world crisis made people beg for world government, while the guarantee of no public interference during this process was thought to be achieved and predicted with 100 percent probability, where public outcry and new enacted laws do not occur certainly supports the statement made by George H. Bush given to the public at 9 pm (EST) on 16 January 1991 televised by CNN included the words to follow: “We have the opportunity before us to forge for ourselves and for future generations, a “new world order”, a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be, we will have a real chance at this new world order, an order where a credible United Nations can use it’s peacekeeping role to fulfill its promise and vision of its U.N. founders.”
But the global elite planning world government could not predict a sophisticated global communication system of digital type where millions of people caused the widespread popularization of ethical blogging and ethical hacking that includes the exposure and protest of world government already made specific facts associated with this corruption available for more than 6000 million people to observe on a minute to minute basis with live updates 24 hours a day on something you can put in your pocket and take anywhere in the world while in transit in distinct locations the same.
What is the definition of phase, “novus ordo seclorum,” printed on the back of every U.S. one Dollar Federal Reserve Bank note? Blog that! I will.
-Mark R. Rowe
Click here to learn more about the Illuminati.
illuminati leaks
info on the free and accepted masons
current nwo plans
the latest on the Rothschild family dealings
current events of the CFR
the last move of the Trilateral Commission
videos of nwo protest
nwo canceled plans
tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry
the decline of Royal Society influence
Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive
consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

Sunday, December 24, 2017
The Rockefeller Plan for the BRICS New World Order, in their own words… Decades before President George H.W. Bush introduced the “New World Order” (NWO) into the American vernacular, the Rockefeller family and their minions were making plans to expend America’s post-World War 2 power to bring about such an order. In the course of researching Laurence Rockefeller for my last entry, Why are the Rockefellers and the Jesuits guiding the UFO Disclosure Movement?, I came across a book titled Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel Report…It was the product of a 1956 Rockefeller Brothers Fund effort known as the Special Studies Project, and it lays out the blueprint for the multilateral / multipolar New World Order that is currently materializing around us. In the aftermath of World War 2 and the resulting formation of the United Nations (which the Rockefellers were instrumental in creating and funding), the Special Studies Project, directed by Henry Kissinger, was formed to carry out two apparent tasks: 1) to create an action plan to bring about the “elite’s” long-sought world government within the existing postwar environment, and 2) to spin the agenda in such a way that it could be sold to the American people as being in their best interest. Upon completion of their work, the Special Studies Project’s various panels compiled their reports in an incomplete, sanitized, and heavily spun book, the above-mentioned Prospect for America. The book spells out how to sacrifice the national interests of the United States.
The federal government is out of money. The federal government does not have enough money to fund itself for the next 10 years. When all that is left is guns, it will be bloggers that will carry us through! Blog that!
The Rockefeller Plan for the BRICS New World Order, in their own words… Decades before President George H.W. Bush introduced the “New World Order” (NWO) into the American vernacular, the Rockefeller family and their minions were making plans to expend America’s post-World War 2 power to bring about such an order. In the course of researching Laurence Rockefeller for my last entry, Why are the Rockefellers and the Jesuits guiding the UFO Disclosure Movement?, I came across a book titled Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel Reports…It was the product of a 1956 Rockefeller Brothers Fund effort known as the Special Studies Project, and it lays out the blueprint for the multilateral / multipolar New World Order that is currently materializing around us. In the aftermath of World War 2 and the resulting formation of the United Nations (which the Rockefellers were instrumental in creating and funding), the Special Studies Project, directed by Henry Kissinger, was formed to carry out two apparent tasks: 1) to create an action plan to bring about the “elite’s” long-sought world government within the existing postwar environment, and 2) to spin the agenda in such a way that it could be sold to the American people as being in their best interest. Upon completion of their work, the Special Studies Project’s various panels compiled their reports in an incomplete, sanitized, and heavily spun book, the above-mentioned Prospect for America. The book spells out how to sacrifice the national interests of the United States.
illuminati leaks
info on the free and accepted masons
current nwo plans
the latest on the Rothschild family dealings
current events of the CFR
the last move of the Trilateral Commission
videos of nwo protest
nwo canceled plans
tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry
the decline of Royal Society influence
Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive
consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

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