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Showing posts with label may. Show all posts
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Dr. Peter Beter Audio Letter 46: Rockfeller; Cosmosphere; Modern Alliance - May 28, 1979
Dr. Peter Beter Audio Letter 46: Rockfeller; Cosmosphere; Modern Alliance - May 28, 1979.
illuminati leaks
info on the free and accepted masons
current nwo plans
the latest on the Rothschild family dealings
current events of the CFR
the last move of the Trilateral Commission
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nwo canceled plans
tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry
the decline of Royal Society influence
Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive
consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

Monday, June 25, 2018
ILLUMINATI [ilu’mine’tai];[ilu’mina’ti], a name given by the Ante-Nicene Church Fathers to those who submitted to Christian baptism (Greek; phi omega tau o’ s, “illumination”). They were called “Illuminati” (phi omega tau o’ s), or “illuminated ones,” on the assumption that those who were instructed for baptism in the Apostolic faith had received the grace of illumination in an enlightened understanding. Clement of Alexandria speaks thus of such baptismal light: “This is the one grace of illumination, that our characters are not the same as before our washing. And since knowledge springs up with illumination, shedding its beams around the mind, the moment we hear, we who were untaught become disciples. . .This work is called. . .illumination by which that holy light of salvation is beheld, that is, by which we see God clearly.” Among the societies subsequently adoption the name “illuminati” were the Alumbrados or Alombrados, a mystical sect existing in Spain from the early sixteenth century and appearing in France as the Guerinets during the period by a secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at Ingoldstaldt, on May 1, 1776, with the aim of combating religion and fostering rationalism. -Frederick Bonekema
ILLUMINATI [ilu’mine’tai];[ilu’mina’ti], a name given by the Ante-Nicene Church Fathers to those who submitted to Christian baptism (Greek; phi omega tau o’ s, “illumination”). They were called “Illuminati” (phi omega tau o’ s), or “illuminated ones,” on the assumption that those who were instructed for baptism in the Apostolic faith had received the grace of illumination in an enlightened understanding. Clement of Alexandria speaks thus of such baptismal light: “This is the one grace of illumination, that our characters are not the same as before our washing. And since knowledge springs up with illumination, shedding its beams around the mind, the moment we hear, we who were untaught become disciples. . .This work is called. . .illumination by which that holy light of salvation is beheld, that is, by which we see God clearly.” Among the societies subsequently adoption the name “illuminati” were the Alumbrados or Alombrados, a mystical sect existing in Spain from the early sixteenth century and appearing in France as the Guerinets during the period by a secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at Ingoldstaldt, on May 1, 1776, with the aim of combating religion and fostering rationalism.
-Frederick Bonekema
illuminati leaks
info on the free and accepted masons
current nwo plans
the latest on the Rothschild family dealings
current events of the CFR
the last move of the Trilateral Commission
videos of nwo protest
nwo canceled plans
tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry
the decline of Royal Society influence
Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive
consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21
-Frederick Bonekema
illuminati leaks
info on the free and accepted masons
current nwo plans
the latest on the Rothschild family dealings
current events of the CFR
the last move of the Trilateral Commission
videos of nwo protest
nwo canceled plans
tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry
the decline of Royal Society influence
Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive
consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

Adam Weishaupt,
Sunday, December 24, 2017
ILLUMINATI [ilu’mine’tai];[ilu’mina’ti], a name given by the Ante-Nicene Church Fathers to those who submitted to Christian baptism (Greek; phi omega tau o’ s, “illumination”). They were called “Illuminati” (phi omega tau o’ s), or “illuminated ones,” on the assumption that those who were instructed for baptism in the Apostolic faith had received the grace of illumination in an enlightened understanding. Clement of Alexandria speaks thus of such baptismal light: “This is the one grace of illumination, that our characters are not the same as before our washing. And since knowledge springs up with illumination, shedding its beams around the mind, the moment we hear, we who were untaught become disciples. . .This work is called. . .illumination by which that holy light of salvation is beheld, that is, by which we see God clearly.” Among the societies subsequently adoption the name “illuminati” were the Alumbrados or Alombrados, a mystical sect existing in Spain from the early sixteenth century and appearing in France as the Guerinets during the period by a secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at Ingoldstaldt, on May 1, 1776, with the aim of combating religion and fostering rationalism.-Frederick Bonekema
The federal government is out of money. The federal government does not have enough money to fund itself for the next 10 years. When all that is left is guns, it will be bloggers that will carry us through! Blog that!
ILLUMINATI [ilu’mine’tai];[ilu’mina’ti], a name given by the Ante-Nicene Church Fathers to those who submitted to Christian baptism (Greek; phi omega tau o’ s, “illumination”). They were called “Illuminati” (phi omega tau o’ s), or “illuminated ones,” on the assumption that those who were instructed for baptism in the Apostolic faith had received the grace of illumination in an enlightened understanding. Clement of Alexandria speaks thus of such baptismal light: “This is the one grace of illumination, that our characters are not the same as before our washing. And since knowledge springs up with illumination, shedding its beams around the mind, the moment we hear, we who were untaught become disciples. . .This work is called. . .illumination by which that holy light of salvation is beheld, that is, by which we see God clearly.” Among the societies subsequently adoption the name “illuminati” were the Alumbrados or Alombrados, a mystical sect existing in Spain from the early sixteenth century and appearing in France as the Guerinets during the period by a secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at Ingoldstaldt, on May 1, 1776, with the aim of combating religion and fostering rationalism.
-Frederick Bonekema
illuminati leaks
info on the free and accepted masons
current nwo plans
the latest on the Rothschild family dealings
current events of the CFR
the last move of the Trilateral Commission
videos of nwo protest
nwo canceled plans
tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry
the decline of Royal Society influence
Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive
consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

Sunday, January 1, 2017
The group's original goal of promoting Atlanticism, of strengthening US-European relations and preventing another world war has grown; the Bilderberg Group's theme is to "bolster a consensus around free market Western capitalism and its interests around the globe" according to Andrew Kakabadse. In 2001, Denis Healey, a Bilderberg group founder and a steering committee member for 30 years, said, "To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing."
Click here to learn more about the Illuminati.
The group's original goal of promoting Atlanticism, of strengthening US-European relations and preventing another world war has grown; the Bilderberg Group's theme is to "bolster a consensus around free market Western capitalism and its interests around the globe" according to Andrew Kakabadse. In 2001, Denis Healey, a Bilderberg group founder and a steering committee member for 30 years, said, "To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing."
Friday, December 30, 2016
top, .02, percent, Illuminati, Adam, Weishaupt, Bravaria, Ingoldstaldt, Prussia, secret, society, may, 1, 1776, foster, rationalism, combat, religion, destroy, property, family, religion, world, government, billionaires, credit, debt, enslavement, purchased, all, nations, debt, giving, them, ownership, of, the, world, ruled, by, their, one, world, government -Mark R. Rowe
The illuminati guarantees all purchases of resultant debt incurred from their credit/debt enslavement system design on May, 1, 1776 in the Bavarian region of Austria by Adam Weishaupt possessing the capability of is execution during 1897 when Baron Rothschild invested a large sum of money to the Illuminati using the analytical reasoning method within the Hegelian Dialectical that guarantees the desired outcome of large scale wars by creating the problem, controlling the reaction to the problem, and providing the accepted solution to the problem. -Mark R. Rowe
top, .02, percent, Illuminati, Adam, Weishaupt, Bavaria, Ingolstadt, Prussia, secret, society, may, 1, 1776, foster, rationalism, combat, religion, destroy, property, family, religion, world, government, billionaires, credit, debt, enslavement, purchased, all, nations, debt, giving, them, ownership, of, the, world, ruled, by, their, one, world, government -Mark R. Rowe
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