The following words are from the description of the video shown above.
Anders Wijkman, Co-President of the Club of Rome, on "Come On! Capitalism, Short-termism, Population and the Destruction of the Planet"
Virtual Government: CIA Mind Control Operations in America; Alex Constantine, November 3, 2014, Feral House Inc.
"Virtual Government: CIA Mind Control Operations in America" by Alex Constantine, is available for purchase (on, for only $9.99 is 33% off the manufacturers retail suggested price) with click made to link shown below.
Click here for more information about secret societies and their activities verified by trusted sources (published literature in the form of articles, professional journal columns, books, and blogs' webpages) written by professionals with Ph.D.'s and M.D.'s
For additional information click here.

The book shown on the previous line is available for purchase (on for only $16.19 is 46% off the retail manufactures suggested price).
To buy the book shown above, click the link below.