As this type of hypno-programming human beings still continues today, where a hypnotherapist can easily test an individual to see whether or not person has programming already "in place," in their, that is programming is already “in place” contained within the mind of unaware/unsuspecting Monarch-crime-victim, each Monarch-crime-victim is required to have initial programming achieved initial “fracture” of mind during the entire process outcome is a mind “divided” can be (at this point) compartmentalized with each compartmentalized section (of a divided disassociated mind) isolated and targeted when hypno-programming a mind driven into a symbiotic (highly suggestible) brain-wave state capable of programming trigger/cue words hypnotically induce already ritually practiced (among perpetrator is a hypno-programmer's crimes against Monarch-crime-victim) punishment/reward behavior associated with high frequent ritual practice of identical behavioral interactions with identical forced-behavior response behaved by Monarch-crime-victim, behavior manifestation is a response to the avoidance of maximum-tolerable levels of psychological-pain experienced from the combination various torture techniques were already mentioned here, where measurements of psycho-physiological responses to this (intentionally) inflicted pain are made and logged into database contained within device hypno-programmer interacts with software sits on top operating system contained within computer-terminal hypno-programmer uses to make required quantitative and qualitative analysis computations about Monarch-crime-victim stress level response (objects) to associated torture technique has fine-tuning and adjustment made to particular torture technique increased maximum efficiency and degree to which torture technique can deliver maximum level of psychological-pain experienced in the mind of Monarch-crime-victim, psychological-pain to be produced and delivered to Monarch-crime-victim, produced from the “effects” caused from ritual abuse/torture psychological-effect permenantly affected the human mind of Monarch-crime-victim in a ritual hypno-programming session to take place in the future has evolved and further-developed more sophisticated methods of computation found linear program's advanced evolution over time is in the process of found data-set completion found all previously (desired) unknown data, information about improved symbiotic mind control techniques and methods was first interperated from electrode (sensor) placed on the body of Monarch-crime-victim captured the measurements of bio-physical change in the brain/body of the Monarch-crime-victim was processed and translated [via fiber-optic based medium, are cable-wires attached to both electrode sensor and (at the other end of the cable-wires) hooked into device reads, processes, and translates useful information about bio-physical change occurred in mind/body of Monarch-crime-victim simultaneously experienced extreme (and also at some points, heinous) various forms of torture carried out in a variety of methods produced by the managed professional-based operation planned/trained and supervised collective coordinated activity of these criminal individuals contribute to advancements made to illegal mind control research and development was made illegal by the definition of “The Nuremberg Code” Laws on the protections of an individual’s human rights involved in clinical trials clearly states (from within the “Nuremberg Code”-document has the following words contained within it's content:
“Consent must first be given to an individual participated in human-experiment before he participates in such human-experiment."
Clearly with this established code of ethics laws regarding human experimentation has already deemed every “Project: Monarch” operative, handler, hypno-programmer, controller, courier, and both computer network operator (CNO), and community based agent (CBA) employee employed by private-sector company/organization with ponerological business relationship with every public-sector organization/agency made use of “Project: Monarch” function have employees guaranteed desired triggered behavior manifestation involuntarily “acted out” by Monarch-crime-victim (is behavior did the bidding of someone else based on someone else’s desire has a specific goal outcome contributed to fabricated event creation usually served the purpose is main-stream media coverage of event swayed public opinion in a certain direction, such as mutual support for war, or not based upon the voluntary choice made by person is (by definition of the details concerning) this collective activity directly violates the law contained within the (Nuremberg Code”-document content); [refer to authentic copy of the “Nuremberg Code-document” is found on webpage has url external link is shown below].
-Mark R. Rowe
Virtual Government: CIA Mind Control Operations in America; Alex Constantine, November 3, 2014, Feral House Inc.
"Virtual Government: CIA Mind Control Operations in America" by Alex Constantine, is available for purchase (on, for only $9.99 is 33% off the manufacturers retail suggested price) with click made to link shown below.
The book shown on the previous line is available for purchase (on for only $16.19 is 46% off the retail manufactures suggested price) with click made to the link below.