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Friday, June 19, 2015

C.I.A. shooting that took place in 1993 just outside of the company grounds.

1993 shootings at CIA Headquarters

An attack took place on January 25, 1993, outside the premises of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) headquarters in Langley, Virginia where two CIA employees were killed and three others wounded. The perpetrator, Mir Qazi (also spelled as Kasi or Kansi), shot CIA employees in their cars as they were waiting at a stoplight. He reportedly got angry watching news reports of attacks on Muslims and stated his motive was that he was "angry with the policy of the U.S. government in the Middle East, particularly toward the Palestinian people".

Kasi fled the country and was placed on the FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list, sparking a four-year international manhunt. He was captured by FBI agents in Pakistan in 1997 and rendered back to the United States to stand trial. He admitted that he shot the victims of the attack, and was subsequently found guilty of capital and first-degree murder, and was executed by lethal injection in 2002.

Capture and rendition
Possible vendetta
Central Intelligence Agency memorial wall

The CIA Memorial Wall at their Langley headquarters, on which Bennett and Darling are memorialized
Bennett and Darling were memorialized as the 69th and 70th entries on the CIA's "memorial wall" of stars in the foyer of the Langley headquarters building, although President Clinton, in an address to the CIA, attributed the two individuals as the 55th and 56th stars.

Route 123 Memorial
The Route 123 Memorial, consisting of a granite wall and two benches facing each other near the site of the shooting, is dedicated to Bennett and Darling.[19] This memorial is illuminated at night. The memorial is not at the exact location of the shooting due to traffic reasons.

An inscription reads:

In Remembrance of Ultimate Dedication to Mission Shown by Officers of the Central Intelligence Agency Whose Lives Have Been Taken or Forever Changed by Events at Home and Abroad.

Dedicato Par Aevum
(Dedicated to Service)
May 2002

The memorial was dedicated May 24, 2002.[19]

Lansing Bennett Forest
A forest was renamed in Bennett's honor�the Lansing Bennett Forest in Duxbury, Massachusetts, where he was formerly chair of the Duxbury Conservation Commission.[20]

Bennett is buried in the Dennis Village Cemetery, Route 6A, north of Bourne, Massachusetts.

Kasi's memorial

A Mosque built in the name of Kasi in his home province of Balochistan, Pakistan
Kasi is memorialized through a mosque built in his name as Shaheed Aimal Kasi masjid (Martyr Aimal Kasi mosque) in the port city of Ormara in Kasi's home province of Balochistan in Pakistan.[21]

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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Schizophrenia, Manic Depression, Attention Deficit Disorder, Tourettes Syndrome, Aspergers Disorder, and Schizo-affective Disorder are all made up illnesses of the mind, that were made up mostly in the state of New York during the early to late 1950's, for the purpose of a bunch of people having the ability to make a massive amount of money from drug companies, pill-farms, insurance companies, hospitals, jails, prisons, psychiatric drug research companies, with the main aim at creating a large scale and widespread national mass behavior modification agenda first lead by Allen Dulles (former director of the C.I.A.), Dr. D. Ewen Cameron M.D., Dr. Lilly M.D. in the year 1953 with the first experiment of the C.I.A.'s MK-Ultra program at both the Bellevue Hospital in New York, and at the Allen Dulles Psychiatric Hospital in Montreal, Canada.

Schizophrenia, Manic Depression, Attention Deficit Disorder, Tourettes Syndrome, Aspergers Disorder, and Schizo-affective Disorder are all made up illnesses of the mind, that were made up mostly in the state of New York during the early to late 1950's, for the purpose of a bunch of people having the ability to make a massive amount of money from drug companies, pill-farms, insurance companies, hospitals, jails, prisons, psychiatric drug research companies, with the main aim at creating a large scale and widespread national mass behavior modification agenda first lead by Allen Dulles (former director of the C.I.A.), Dr. D. Ewen Cameron M.D., Dr. Lilly M.D. in the year 1953 with the first experiment of the C.I.A.'s MK-Ultra program at both the Bellevue Hospital in New York, and at the Allen Dulles Psychiatric Hospital in Montreal, Canada.

Schizophrenia, Manic Depression, Attention Deficit Disorder, Tourettes Syndrome, Aspergers Disorder, and Schizo-affective Disorder are all made up illnesses of the mind, that were made up mostly in the state of New York during the early to late 1950's, for the purpose of a bunch of people having the ability to make a massive amount of money from drug companies, pill-farms, insurance companies, hospitals, jails, prisons, psychiatric drug research companies, with the main aim at creating a large scale and widespread national mass behavior modification agenda first lead by Allen Dulles (former director of the C.I.A.), Dr. D. Ewen Cameron M.D., Dr. Lilly M.D. in the year 1953 with the first experiment of the C.I.A.'s MK-Ultra program at both the Bellevue Hospital in New York, and at the Allen Dulles Psychiatric Hospital in Montreal, Canada.