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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Khazars were a Pagan civilization, and for a short time came be the largest and most powerful kingdom in Europe, and possibly the wealthiest also. They clung to their religious worship they had adopted from other regions of the world based on a mix of phallic worship and other forms of idolatrous worship practiced in Asia by other Pagan nations. This form of Pagan worship continued into the seventh century with vile forms of sexual excesses and lewdness indulged in by the Khazars as part of their religious beliefs. This form of worship produced to a large degree a moral degeneracy that the Khazarian King could no longer endure, so something had to be done about this problem. During the seventh century King Bulan, (the ruler at that time), decided to end the practice of Phallic worship and all other forms of idolatrous worship and to make one of three monotheistic religions, the new Khazarian state religion. After a meeting with representatives from the three monotheistic religions, King Bulan decided to adopt "Talmudism", (as it was known then and practiced today as Judaism) over Islam and Christianity, as it became the new state religion. King Bulan and his four thousand feudal nobles were soon after converted by rabbis imported from Babylonia for the event. Phallic worship and all other forms of idol worship were thereafter forbidden. The Khazarian Kings invited huge numbers of Rabbis from Babylon and its vacinity, to come and open synagogues and schools to instruct the population in learing about the new state religion. After this mass conversion done by the King to his empire, none other than a so called or self styled Jew could occupy the Khazarian throne. The empire became a virtual theocracy with the religious leaders also fufilling the roles of civil administrators. The Talmud was added to and altered to protect their state religion from any other outside religious influence so the prevention of previous vile worship styles would not return to the empire. -Mark R. Rowe

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The Khazars were a Pagan civilization, and for a short time came be the largest and most powerful kingdom in Europe, and possibly the wealthiest also. They clung to their religious worship they had adopted from other regions of the world based on a mix of phallic worship and other forms of idolatrous worship practiced in Asia by other Pagan nations. This form of Pagan worship continued into the seventh century with vile forms of sexual excesses and lewdness indulged in by the Khazars as part of their religious beliefs. This form of worship produced to a large degree a moral degeneracy that the Khazarian King could no longer endure, so something had to be done about this problem.  During the seventh century King Bulan, (the ruler at that time), decided to end the practice of Phallic worship and all other forms of idolatrous worship and to make one of three monotheistic religions, the new Khazarian state religion.  After a meeting with representatives from the three monotheistic religions, King Bulan decided to adopt "Talmudism", (as it was known then and practiced today as Judaism) over Islam and Christianity, as it became the new state religion.  King Bulan and his four thousand feudal nobles were soon after converted by rabbis imported from Babylonia for the event.  Phallic worship and all other forms of idol worship were thereafter forbidden. The Khazarian Kings invited huge numbers of Rabbis from Babylon and its vacinity, to come and open synagogues and schools to instruct the population in learing about the new state religion.  After this mass conversion done by the King to his empire, none other than a so called or self styled Jew could occupy the Khazarian throne. The empire became a virtual theocracy with the religious leaders also fufilling the roles of civil administrators.  The Talmud was added to and altered to protect their state religion from any other outside religious influence so the prevention of previous vile worship styles would not return to the empire. -Mark R. Rowe

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