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Monday, December 28, 2015

ILLUMINATI [ilu’mine’tai];[ilu’mina’ti], a name given by theAnte-Nicene Church Fathers to those who submitted to Christian baptism(Greek; phi omega tau o’ s, “illumination”). They were called“Illuminati” (phi omega tau o’ s), or “illuminated ones,” on theassumption that those who were instructed for baptism in the Apostolicfaith had received the grace of illumination in an enlightenedunderstanding. Clement of Alexandria speaks thus of such baptismallight: “This is the one grace of illumination, that our characters arenot the same as before our washing. And since knowledge springs up withillumination, shedding its beams around the mind, the moment we hear,we who were untaught become disciples. . . . This work is called . . .illumination by which that holy light of salvation is beheld, that is,by which we see God clearly.” Among the societies subsequently adoptionthe name “illuminati” were the Alumbrados or Alombrados, a mysticalsect existing in Spain from the early sixteenth century and appearingin France as the Guerinets during the period by a secret societyfounded by Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at Ingoldstaldt, onMay 1, 1776, with the aim of combating religion and fosteringrationalism. -Frederick Bronkema

Agenda 21,” the suspenseful and perhaps sobering tale of a futuristic America in which a UN-led program spawned an authoritarian state where individuals are stripped of all personal rights.

     ILLUMINATI [ilu’mine’tai];[ilu’mina’ti], a name given by the Ante-Nicene Church Fathers to those who submitted to Christian baptism (Greek; phi omega tau o’ s, “illumination”).  
     They were called “Illuminati” (phi omega tau o’ s), or “illuminated ones,” on the assumption that those who were instructed for baptism in the Apostolic faith had received the grace of illumination in an enlightened understanding.  Clement of Alexandria speaks thus of such baptismal light:  “This is the one grace of illumination, that our characters are not the same as before our washing.

My blogs prove how secret societies popularization of esoteric ideology and universal collectivism aides the process preceeding achieved world government future realization.

Click here to learn more about the Illuminati.

Nazi program determined that 805,000 "mentally ill" were to be victimsof terrorism by a one Adolfo Hitler; the private citizen of his thirdReich.

You have been undoubtedly told that you are mentally ill, for daring to say that the emperor, called Psychiatry has no clothes, and not to mention stupid, and unscientific. 

The lies that an acceptable (thousands of cities' law makers) around the world types of drug dealers; Psychiatrists.

The Mental Health System in America is an indisputable crime that never pays for its crimes.

Real disease is found at autopsy and fully scientifically explained in Pathology textbooks Mental Illnes is defined by what someone does, and real disease is what someone has.

-these words were written by the guy that always posts, repost , repeat post, new post, repost older post, repost post, share on add this widget for 300 of my more than 300 social media accounts' website web applications' portal software that only exists in the set of all binary solutions for binary algorithms that create binary solutions for only binary problem definition that exist within only the set of binary problem definitions and binary problems' definitions' solutions' where this set is the set of all HTML, PHP, JS, XML, and XHTML files currently saved on the set of all networked computer "servers" that exist in the set of all five continents with the set of planets such that set earth is the equivalent set to set of planets.

ILLUMINATI [ilu’mine’tai]; [ilu’mina’ti], a name given by the Ante-Nicene Church Fathers to those who submitted to Christian baptism (Greek; phi omega tau o’ s, “illumination”).  

More information about the complete history of the consequences made by the Illuminati: 

They were called “Illuminati” (phi omega tau o’ s), or “illuminated ones,” on the assumption that those who were instructed for baptism in the Apostolic faith had received the grace of illumination in an enlightened understanding.  Clement of Alexandria speaks thus of such baptismal light:  “This is the one grace of illumination, that our characters are not the same as before our washing.  And since knowledge springs up with illumination, shedding its beams around the mind, the moment we hear, we who were untaught become disciples. . . . This work is called . . . illumination by which that holy light of salvation is beheld, that is, by which we see God clearly.”
     Among the societies subsequently adoption the name “illuminati” were the Alumbrados or Alombrados, a mystical sect existing in Spain from the early sixteenth century and appearing in France as the Guerinets during the period by a secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at Ingoldstaldt, on May 1, 1776, with the aim of combating religion and fostering rationalism.                                          
                                                                                                                                                                             -Frederick Bronkema

Ada lady Lovelace Charles Babbage Lord Byron Analytic Engine World's first machine discrete input output polynomial decidable nondeterministic time simultaneous solutions for the pre-Alan Turing pre-Tukey pre-Shannon pre modern digital computer and digital electronics (current tech. Era that we live in in 2015); (1853 A.D.-1913 A.D.).

Causation the temptation to dominate militaries, economies, tradable corporate lead markets buyable and sellable to all people, political leaders, the heads of nation states, the complete removal of these heads of nation states replacing thier jobs' to the desirable head of a particular nation state however, these malicious actions of war against a nation state of whom not one person of this particular group doing these malicious actions were citizens of the particular nation state that was already shown the 2015 effects of the 1990 U.S. Army lead and 1979-1989 money taken from corporate and non-corporate taxes and fluxing the stock market theft by people like the Bush family, Rothschild family, Rockefeller family, Turner family, Gates family, Halliburton family,  Bildberger family, and others to also (e.g., Bloomberg family), or (e.g., Goldman family), (e.g., Sack family) the invasion of the Persian Gulf hence

The people that currently live within a 3000 mile radius of the Persian Gulf have the highest amount of love and respect for the U.S. Department of Defense and also for those families that mentioned in the paragraph above.

Century 2, Quatrain 62

Mabus will soon die, then will come,

A horrible undoing of people and animals,

At once one will see vengeance,
One hundred powers, thirst, famine, when the comet will pass.

Century 8, Quatrain 77 

The antichrist very soon annihilates the three,
twenty-seven years his war will last.

The unbelievers are dead, captive, exiled;
with blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering the earth.

David Rockefeller, long accused of being a shill for the NWO, in his memior finally tired of the facade and admitted what he had been accused of for many decades, when he said this about his familys involvement in the NWO: 

"Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." 

- David Rockefeller, from his book "Memiors".

ILLUMINATI [ilu’mine’tai];[ilu’mina’ti], a name given by the Ante-Nicene Church Fathers to those who submitted to Christian baptism (Greek; phi omega tau o’ s, “illumination”).  
     They were called “Illuminati” (phi omega tau o’ s), or “illuminated ones,” on the assumption that those who were instructed for baptism in the Apostolic faith had received the grace of illumination in an enlightened understanding.  Clement of Alexandria speaks thus of such baptismal light:  “This is the one grace of illumination, that our characters are not the same as before our washing.  And since knowledge springs up with illumination, shedding its beams around the mind, the moment we hear, we who were untaught become disciples. . . . This work is called . . . illumination by which that holy light of salvation is beheld, that is, by which we see God clearly.”
     Among the societies subsequently adoption the name “illuminati” were the Alumbrados or Alombrados, a mystical sect existing in Spain from the early sixteenth century and appearing in France as the Guerinets during the period by a secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at Ingoldstaldt, on May 1, 1776, with the aim of combating religion and fostering rationalism.                                          
                                                                                                                                                                                         -Frederick Bronkema

Agenda 21,” the suspenseful and perhaps sobering tale of a futuristic America in which a UN-led program spawned an authoritarian state where individuals are stripped of all personal rights.

     I just got home from a 12 hour day "math" work day from the Starbucks on the 2nd level at Horton Plaza Mall, Westfield's on 4th Ave in the heart of the business district of downtown San Diego, California 92101.  I was working from where I left off at yesterday, and that is, towards  the proof and algorithm for the following: B is found in set {{N}X{P}}, and B is found in set{{N}X{T}}, if and only if B' is found in {N}X{P} when B is found in {{N}X{T}}, while {{N}X{P}} =  {{N}X{T}}, but if and only if B and B' are both equal to the binary solution; B = B' = {1,0,1}, that must be proved with binary solution B = B' = {1,0,1}'s developed algorithm such that the binary solution is equal to {{N}X{P}} =  {{N}X{T}} = {1,0,1} for both B and B', and that both B and B' are the binary solution for language L, where L is equal to Ax = b and also that the following holds,

     Set A is the set of simultaneous polynomial nondeterministic discrete time coefficients solutions' sets' for the decidable array for the elements found in set {{0,1}^n : (n > 0)}.
     L the language L such that L is an finite array of nonnegative simultaneous polynomial nondeterministic discrete time coefficients solutions' sets' for the decidable array of the elements found in set {{0,1}^n : (n > 0)} = Ax = b,  but if and only if b/A = {x1,...,xij,x(i + 1)(j + 1)}, and if and only if, {x1,...,xij,x(i + 1)(j + 1)} is the finite number of product sums for the binary solutions of [m] finite natural numbers of rows multiples by [n] finite natural number of columns [of which all [m]x[n]'s are only the binary solution equal to [m]x[n] = {1,0,1}].  However this [finite number of product sums for the binary solutions of [m] finite natural numbers of rows multiples by [n] finite natural number of columns of which all [m]x[n]'s are only the binary solution equal to [m]x[n] = {1,0,1}] must equal the matrix w's solution, such that the decidable matrix w = Ax = b only when the following holds,

     There must also exist a particular number (r) if and only if (r) > 0, such that |w| + r = {1,0,1}, while w = Ax = b = |w| + r = {1,0,1}. 
     But however we must also develop the algorithm for w = Ax = b = |w| + r = {1,0,1}, that will be the binary solution for; |w| + r = {1,0,1}, and for w = Ax = b = |w| + r = {1,0,1}. Hence,

     B is found in set {{N}X{P}}, and B is found in set {{N}X{T}}, if and only if B' is found in {N}X{P} when B is found in {{N}X{T}}, while {{N}X{P}} = {{N}X{T}}, but if and only if when B and B' are both binary solution {1,0,1} for that can be proved with the binary solution for number developed algorithm such that the binary solution is equal to {{N}X{P}} =  {{N}X{T}} = {1,0,1}.

     Once I have developed the algorithm from the definition of the following,

[{{N}X{P}} =  {{N}X{T}} = {1,0,1}],

that was already defined from the paragraphs contained on this page [only above this paragraph] indeed the following was proved,

the decidable solutions [b] were found in w such that w = Ax = b [are the decidable solutions [b], and are strictly the same decidable solutions [b] that are equal to [b] found in |w| while the following holds,

     Let P be the set P such that |w| + r = {1,0,1} = set P.  Let T be a set T such that T = w = Ax = b = {1,0,1}, and also that the following holds,

     Let N be the set N such that N = Ax = b = |w| + r = {1,0,1}, while {N}X{P} = {N}X{T}, such that if and only if B is the decidable solution for P while set B' is also the decidable solution for P, such that {{N}X{P}} = {{N}X{T} = {1,0,1}}, such that {B = {1,0,1}} = {B' = {1,0,1}}. 
     It should be obvious [to the reader] that we need the algorithm from the following to be proved,

     B = B' = {1,0,1} = {N}X{P} = {N}X{T}.

     When I am done completing the proof that verifies that the following supposition [was indeed shown to be proved true],

B = B' = {1,0,1} = {N}X{P} = {N}X{T}, 

I will then develop the algorithm from the following,

B = B' = {1,0,1} = {N}X{P} = {N}X{T}, from the following that was proved, that is,

B = B' = {1,0,1} = {N}X{P} = {N}X{T}.

     When I am done completing everything from all of the paragraphs contained above this paragraph, and when all of my proof and developed algorithm from this proof that was then already checked and verified by two or more qualified math readers to have not more that zero errors contained within both the proof and the developed algorithm from this proof that proved that B = B' = {1,0,1} = {N}X{P} = {N}X{T} is true; defined from the paragraphs found above, then the following event will have 100 percent probability it occurrence causing the following to occur,

I will be awarded $1,000,000.00 U.S. dollars from the  Association for the Society of Mathematicians that was founded during the very first year of the Korean War, that both occurred during the year 1951.


Such as all day for every hour in each day, everyday of the calendar year for all years including the year that we are all currently living in, posting the definition of the Illuminati on Google Plus public and on over 200 more social media websites since October of the year 2012, while blogging since July of the year 2006, such as the following

ILLUMINATI [ilu’mine’tai]; [ilu’mina’ti], a name given by the Ante-Nicene Church Fathers to those who submitted to Christian baptism (Greek; phi omega tau o’ s, “illumination”).  

More information about the complete history of the consequences made by the Illuminati: 

They were called “Illuminati” (phi omega tau o’ s), or “illuminated ones,” on the assumption that those who were instructed for baptism in the Apostolic faith had received the grace of illumination in an enlightened understanding.  Clement of Alexandria speaks thus of such baptismal light:  “This is the one grace of illumination, that our characters are not the same as before our washing.  And since knowledge springs up with illumination, shedding its beams around the mind, the moment we hear, we who were untaught become disciples. . . . This work is called . . . illumination by which that holy light of salvation is beheld, that is, by which we see God clearly.”
     Among the societies subsequently adoption the name “illuminati” were the Alumbrados or Alombrados, a mystical sect existing in Spain from the early sixteenth century and appearing in France as the Guerinets during the period by a secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at Ingoldstaldt, on May 1, 1776, with the aim of combating religion and fostering rationalism.                                          
                                                                                                                                                                             -Frederick Bronkema

Ada lady Lovelace Charles Babbage Lord Byron Analytic Engine World's first machine discrete input output polynomial decidable nondeterministic time simultaneous solutions for the pre-Alan Turing pre-Tukey pre-Shannon pre modern digital computer and digital electronics (current tech. Era that we live in in 2015); (1853 A.D.-1913 A.D.).

Causation the temptation to dominate militaries, economies, tradable corporate lead markets buyable and sellable to all people, political leaders, the heads of nation states, the complete removal of these heads of nation states replacing thier jobs' to the desirable head of a particular nation state however, these malicious actions of war against a nation state of whom not one person of this particular group doing these malicious actions were citizens of the particular nation state that was already shown the 2015 effects of the 1990 U.S. Army lead and 1979-1989 money taken from corporate and non-corporate taxes and fluxing the stock market theft by people like the Bush family, Rothschild family, Rockefeller family, Turner family, Gates family, Halliburton family,  Bildberger family, and others to also (e.g., Bloomberg family), or (e.g., Goldman family), (e.g., Sack family) the invasion of the Persian Gulf hence

The people that currently live within a 3000 mile radius of the Persian Gulf have -- the highest amount of love and respect for the U.S. Department of Defense and also for those families that mentioned in the paragraph above.
          The reality is, is that the medicine of pseudo-science is the field of medicine called psychiatry, since Emil Kraege falsely claimed that all of human ailments could be summed up in 3 diagnoses, called "Manic Depressive Illness", "Dreprea Kroc", the first name for Schizophrenia, and "Depressive Psychosis."
     The truth is this: before and after the 1890's real physicians and real scientists of whom some are pathologists wanted nothing to do with any psychiatrist.
     If psychologists still cannot fully understand every aspect of every, some, or only one human mind then is psychiatry a real or fake medical science?  Fake, obviously.
     Chemically engineered drugs are designed by real or fake engineers?  Real engineers, obviously.
     Merck, Astra-Zeneca, Lilly, and Johnson & Johnson are real or fake drug manufacturers, drug production corporations that market and sell legal chemically engineered drugs to a lot of people around the world? These are real corporations that still exist in the current decade of the twenty first century, obviously!

     I just got home from a 12 hour day "math" work day from the Starbucks on the 2nd level at Horton Plaza Mall, Westfield's on 4th Ave in the heart of the business district of downtown San Diego, California 92101.  I was working from where I left off at yesterday, and that is, towards  the proof and algorithm for the following: B is found in set {{N}X{P}}, and B is found in set{{N}X{T}}, if and only if B' is found in {N}X{P} when B is found in {{N}X{T}}, while {{N}X{P}} =  {{N}X{T}}, but if and only if B and B' are both equal to the binary solution; B = B' = {1,0,1}, that must be proved with binary solution B = B' = {1,0,1}'s developed algorithm such that the binary solution is equal to {{N}X{P}} =  {{N}X{T}} = {1,0,1} for both B and B', and that both B and B' are the binary solution for language L, where L is equal to Ax = b and also that the following holds,

     Set A is the set of simultaneous polynomial nondeterministic discrete time coefficients solutions' sets' for the decidable array for the elements found in set {{0,1}^n : (n > 0)}.
     L the language L such that L is an finite array of nonnegative simultaneous polynomial nondeterministic discrete time coefficients solutions' sets' for the decidable array of the elements found in set {{0,1}^n : (n > 0)} = Ax = b,  but if and only if b/A = {x1,...,xij,x(i + 1)(j + 1)}, and if and only if, {x1,...,xij,x(i + 1)(j + 1)} is the finite number of product sums for the binary solutions of [m] finite natural numbers of rows multiples by [n] finite natural number of columns [of which all [m]x[n]'s are only the binary solution equal to [m]x[n] = {1,0,1}].  However this [finite number of product sums for the binary solutions of [m] finite natural numbers of rows multiples by [n] finite natural number of columns of which all [m]x[n]'s are only the binary solution equal to [m]x[n] = {1,0,1}] must equal the matrix w's solution, such that the decidable matrix w = Ax = b only when the following holds,

     There must also exist a particular number (r) if and only if (r) > 0, such that |w| + r = {1,0,1}, while w = Ax = b = |w| + r = {1,0,1}. 
     But however we must also develop the algorithm for w = Ax = b = |w| + r = {1,0,1}, that will be the binary solution for; |w| + r = {1,0,1}, and for w = Ax = b = |w| + r = {1,0,1}. Hence,

     B is found in set {{N}X{P}}, and B is found in set {{N}X{T}}, if and only if B' is found in {N}X{P} when B is found in {{N}X{T}}, while {{N}X{P}} = {{N}X{T}}, but if and only if when B and B' are both binary solution {1,0,1} for that can be proved with the binary solution for number developed algorithm such that the binary solution is equal to {{N}X{P}} =  {{N}X{T}} = {1,0,1}.

     Once I have developed the algorithm from the definition of the following,

[{{N}X{P}} =  {{N}X{T}} = {1,0,1}],

that was already defined from the paragraphs contained on this page [only above this paragraph] indeed the following was proved,

the decidable solutions [b] were found in w such that w = Ax = b [are the decidable solutions [b], and are strictly the same decidable solutions [b] that are equal to [b] found in |w| while the following holds,

     Let P be the set P such that |w| + r = {1,0,1} = set P.  Let T be a set T such that T = w = Ax = b = {1,0,1}, and also that the following holds,

     Let N be the set N such that N = Ax = b = |w| + r = {1,0,1}, while {N}X{P} = {N}X{T}, such that if and only if B is the decidable solution for P while set B' is also the decidable solution for P, such that {{N}X{P}} = {{N}X{T} = {1,0,1}}, such that {B = {1,0,1}} = {B' = {1,0,1}}. 
     It should be obvious [to the reader] that we need the algorithm from the following to be proved,

     B = B' = {1,0,1} = {N}X{P} = {N}X{T}.

     When I am done completing the proof that verifies that the following supposition [was indeed shown to be proved true],

B = B' = {1,0,1} = {N}X{P} = {N}X{T}, 

I will then develop the algorithm from the following,

B = B' = {1,0,1} = {N}X{P} = {N}X{T}, from the following that was proved, that is,

B = B' = {1,0,1} = {N}X{P} = {N}X{T}.

     When I am done completing everything from all of the paragraphs contained above this paragraph, and when all of my proof and developed algorithm from this proof that was then already checked and verified by two or more qualified math readers to have not more that zero errors contained within both the proof and the developed algorithm from this proof that proved that B = B' = {1,0,1} = {N}X{P} = {N}X{T} is true; defined from the paragraphs found above, then the following event will have 100 percent probability it occurrence causing the following to occur,

I will be awarded $1,000,000.00 U.S. dollars from the  Association for the Society of Mathematicians that was founded during the very first year of the Korean War, that both occurred during the year 1951.


Such as all day for every hour in each day, everyday of the calendar year for all years including the year that we are all currently living in, posting the definition of the Illuminati on Google Plus public and on over 200 more social media websites since October of the year 2012, while blogging since July of the year 2006, such as the following

ILLUMINATI [ilu’mine’tai]; [ilu’mina’ti], a name given by the Ante-Nicene Church Fathers to those who submitted to Christian baptism (Greek; phi omega tau o’ s, “illumination”).  

More information about the complete history of the consequences made by the Illuminati: 

They were called “Illuminati” (phi omega tau o’ s), or “illuminated ones,” on the assumption that those who were instructed for baptism in the Apostolic faith had received the grace of illumination in an enlightened understanding.  Clement of Alexandria speaks thus of such baptismal light:  “This is the one grace of illumination, that our characters are not the same as before our washing.  And since knowledge springs up with illumination, shedding its beams around the mind, the moment we hear, we who were untaught become disciples. . . . This work is called . . . illumination by which that holy light of salvation is beheld, that is, by which we see God clearly.”
     Among the societies subsequently adoption the name “illuminati” were the Alumbrados or Alombrados, a mystical sect existing in Spain from the early sixteenth century and appearing in France as the Guerinets during the period by a secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at Ingoldstaldt, on May 1, 1776, with the aim of combating religion and fostering rationalism.                                          
                                                                                                                                                                             -Frederick Bronkema

Ada lady Lovelace Charles Babbage Lord Byron Analytic Engine World's first machine discrete input output polynomial decidable nondeterministic time simultaneous solutions for the pre-Alan Turing pre-Tukey pre-Shannon pre modern digital computer and digital electronics (current tech. Era that we live in in 2015); (1853 A.D.-1913 A.D.).

Causation the temptation to dominate militaries, economies, tradable corporate lead markets buyable and sellable to all people, political leaders, the heads of nation states, the complete removal of these heads of nation states replacing thier jobs' to the desirable head of a particular nation state however, these malicious actions of war against a nation state of whom not one person of this particular group doing these malicious actions were citizens of the particular nation state that was already shown the 2015 effects of the 1990 U.S. Army lead and 1979-1989 money taken from corporate and non-corporate taxes and fluxing the stock market theft by people like the Bush family, Rothschild family, Rockefeller family, Turner family, Gates family, Halliburton family,  Bildberger family, and others to also (e.g., Bloomberg family), or (e.g., Goldman family), (e.g., Sack family) the invasion of the Persian Gulf hence

The people that currently live within a 3000 mile radius of the Persian Gulf have -- the highest amount of love and respect for the U.S. Department of Defense and also for those families that mentioned in the paragraph above.
          The reality is, is that the medicine of pseudo-science is the field of medicine called psychiatry, since Emil Kraege falsely claimed that all of human ailments could be summed up in 3 diagnoses, called "Manic Depressive Illness", "Dreprea Kroc", the first name for Schizophrenia, and "Depressive Psychosis."
     The truth is this: before and after the 1890's real physicians and real scientists of whom some are pathologists wanted nothing to do with any psychiatrist.
     If psychologists still cannot fully understand every aspect of every, some, or only one human mind then is psychiatry a real or fake medical science?  Fake, obviously.
     Chemically engineered drugs are designed by real or fake engineers?  Real engineers, obviously.
     Merck, Astra-Zeneca, Lilly, and Johnson & Johnson are real or fake drug manufacturers, drug production corporations that market and sell legal chemically engineered drugs to a lot of people around the world? These are real corporations that still exist in the current decade of the twenty first century, obviously!

Francis Galton; The father of the scientific medical inclusions' union with the scientific medical exclusions' inclusions the equal the definitions that define the set that equals all people that are normal let laws allow this perpetual group of people the right to have procreation glands that function at 100 percent normality while the scientific medical exclusions equate to the set that equals all people that are not normal let laws made by other men define this groups denial of the God given right to have procreation glands that function at 100 percent normality (equaling now procreation glands function of normality that also equals 0) developed by only one man that was a definition resultant action carried out by family and individual psychiatrists by one person's definition of [three rules that equal a definition for this group of people get the denied God given right to have fun ting procreation glands made by only God (not made by any person or any group os people or not made by any one man or not made by any one woman)] defined by only one man that lived from the 1880's until his death in the 1920's (Francis Galton) of this group's [the following]: 1); national and state level laws that justify surgical procedures done on this perpetual group of individual such that these surgical procedures remove from the human body either the Scrotum, or tie both Fallopian tube together, that prevent this group of individuals from procreating, 2); national and state level laws that imprison children and adults inside psychiatric asylums indefiantly or temporarily, 3); these national and state level laws also sell drugs to pharmacys that buy them from Merck, Astra-Zeneca, Lilly, and Johnson and Johnson, designed by many chemical engineers in psychobiological-chemical medical engineering laboratories at an ever so increasing rate of change, obviously resulting in large quantities of profit dollars every 3 months hence the following has already been verified as the truth
     The psychopharmacological industry profits $16,000,000,000.00 for every three consecutive months within all 50 U.S. states during the years of 2008, 2008, and during the year 2010 referencing well above the number 25 equals 25 website that are owned and updated only by retired psychiatric physicians that either do or do not live in one or more of the 50 U.S. states.
     A large portion of these huge dollar profits are then funneled and reinvested directly back to a federal bank account that now has a much greater the huge amount of dollars to psychobiologically engineered, now more drugs for more sales, to pharmacies that sell these drugs to health insurance corporations, redeemable only by anyone that has paid or not paid for (but only has) health insurance while 35 percent of these millions of people get Tardivdisconesua, a bad liver, a bad heart, the same as unrighteously caused premature death that also equates to the most general goal [of the scope that is also equivalent to these same federal and state level laws of the U.S.A.] made by these same men and women that passed the laws defined here on this page that obviously justly cause the premature death of 20,000,000 people the most general goal achieved by those same law makers shared sometimes by those people that passed these laws of like type  -- is true or if and only if all sentences written on this page are true then this whole page written by Mark Ralph Rowe in a downtown neighbourhood in the City of San Diego, California, U.S. on Thursday, December 23,  2015 (A.D.) is was also shown to be true.

Francis Galton; The father of the scientific medical inclusions' union with the scientific medical exclusions' inclusions the equal the definitions that define the set that equals all people that are normal let laws allow this perpetual group of people the right to have procreation glands that function at 100 percent normality while the scientific medical exclusions equate to the set that equals all people that are not normal let laws made by other men define this groups denial of the God given right to have procreation glands that function at 100 percent normality (equaling now procreation glands function of normality that also equals 0) developed by only one man that was a definition resultant action carried out by family and individual psychiatrists by one person's definition of [three rules that equal a definition for this group of people get the denied God given right to have fun ting procreation glands made by only God (not made by any person or any group os people or not made by any one man or not made by any one woman)] defined by only one man that lived from the 1880's until his death in the 1920's (Francis Galton) of this group's [the following]: 1); national and state level laws that justify surgical procedures done on this perpetual group of individual such that these surgical procedures remove from the human body either the Scrotum, or tie both Fallopian tube together, that prevent this group of individuals from procreating, 2); national and state level laws that imprison children and adults inside psychiatric asylums indefiantly or temporarily, 3); these national and state level laws also sell drugs to pharmacys that buy them from Merck, Astra-Zeneca, Lilly, and Johnson and Johnson, designed by many chemical engineers in psychobiological-chemical medical engineering laboratories at an ever so increasing rate of change, obviously resulting in large quantities of profit dollars every 3 months hence the following has already been verified as the truth
     The psychopharmacological industry profits $16,000,000,000.00 for every three consecutive months within all 50 U.S. states during the years of 2008, 2008, and during the year 2010 referencing well above the number 25 equals 25 website that are owned and updated only by retired psychiatric physicians that either do or do not live in one or more of the 50 U.S. states.
     A large portion of these huge dollar profits are then funneled and reinvested directly back to a federal bank account that now has a much greater the huge amount of dollars to psychobiologically engineered, now more drugs for more sales, to pharmacies that sell these drugs to health insurance corporations, redeemable only by anyone that has paid or not paid for (but only has) health insurance while 35 percent of these millions of people get Tardivdisconesua, a bad liver, a bad heart, the same as unrighteously caused premature death that also equates to the most general goal [of the scope that is also equivalent to these same federal and state level laws of the U.S.A.] made by these same men and women that passed the laws defined here on this page that obviously justly cause the premature death of 20,000,000 people the most general goal achieved by those same law makers shared sometimes by those people that passed these laws of like type  -- is true or if and only if all sentences written on this page are true then this whole page written by Mark Ralph Rowe in a downtown neighbourhood in the City of San Diego, California, U.S. on Thursday, December 23,  2015 (A.D.) is was also shown to be true.

My blogs prove how secret societies popularization of esoteric ideology and universal collectivism aides the process preceeding achieved world government future realization.

Click here to learn more about the Illuminati.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Real disease is found at autopsy and fully scientifically explained inPathology textbooks Mental Illnes is defined by what someone does, andreal disease is what someone has.

Real disease is found at autopsy and fully scientifically explained in Pathology textbooks Mental Illnes is defined by what someone does, and real disease is what someone has.

My blogs prove how secret societies popularization of esoteric ideology and universal collectivism aides the process preceeding achieved world government future realization.

Click here to learn more about the Illuminati.