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Friday, December 29, 2017

Richard McGarrah Helms (3/30/13–10/22/02), Director of the Central Intelligence Agency from 1966 to 1973, a convicted perjurer, a man substantially responsible for bringing Saddam Hussein into power, the not-entirely-successful destruction of records of the MK-ULTRA mind control program, the overthrow of the democratically elected president of Chile and uncounted deaths and mutilations during his career with the agency from its origins as the Office of Strategic Services. Upon being brought to heel by Congress, he was appointed by Nixon as ambassador to our client, the Shah's Iran. In 1983 Ronald Reagan awarded this Eichmann-like criminal the National Security Medal.

Richard McGarrah Helms (3/30/13–10/22/02), Director of the Central Intelligence Agency from 1966 to 1973, a convicted perjurer, a man substantially responsible for bringing Saddam Hussein into power, the not-entirely-successful destruction of records of the MK-ULTRA mind control program, the overthrow of the democratically elected president of Chile and uncounted deaths and mutilations

Richard McGarrah Helms (3/30/13–10/22/02), Director of the Central Intelligence Agency from 1966 to 1973, a convicted perjurer, a man substantially responsible for bringing Saddam Hussein into power, the not-entirely-successful destruction of records of the MK-ULTRA mind control program, the overthrow of the democratically elected president of Chile and uncounted deaths and mutilations during his career with the agency from its origins as the Office of Strategic Services.

Upon being brought to heel by Congress, he was appointed by Nixon as ambassador to our client, the Shah's Iran.

In 1983 Ronald Reagan awarded this Eichmann-like criminal the National Security Medal.

illuminati leaks

info on the free and accepted masons

current nwo plans

the latest on the Rothschild family dealings

current events of the CFR

the last move of the Trilateral Commission

videos of nwo protest

nwo canceled plans

tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry

the decline of Royal Society influence

Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive

consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

destruction, records, MK, ULTRA, mind, control, program,

Sunday, December 24, 2017

ILLUMINATI [ilu’mine’tai];[ilu’mina’ti], a name given by the Ante-Nicene Church Fathers to those who submitted to Christian baptism (Greek; phi omega tau o’ s, “illumination”). They were called “Illuminati” (phi omega tau o’ s), or “illuminated ones,” on the assumption that those who were instructed for baptism in the Apostolic faith had received the grace of illumination in an enlightened understanding. Clement of Alexandria speaks thus of such baptismal light: “This is the one grace of illumination, that our characters are not the same as before our washing. And since knowledge springs up with illumination, shedding its beams around the mind, the moment we hear, we who were untaught become disciples. . .This work is called. . .illumination by which that holy light of salvation is beheld, that is, by which we see God clearly.” Among the societies subsequently adoption the name “illuminati” were the Alumbrados or Alombrados, a mystical sect existing in Spain from the early sixteenth century and appearing in France as the Guerinets during the period by a secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at Ingoldstaldt, on May 1, 1776, with the aim of combating religion and fostering rationalism.-Frederick Bonekema

Illuminati Bavaria Ingoldstaldt college Prussia secret society billionaires top 300 .02 percent Adam Weishaupt professor canon law May 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion Rothschild Welcome to my blog! Our educational system is broken. It beats the creativity out of you by the time that you are in the fourth grade. It forces you to become a blogger or hacker in order to become creative. Blog that!

The federal government is out of money. The federal government does not have enough money to fund itself for the next 10 years. When all that is left is guns, it will be bloggers that will carry us through! Blog that!

ILLUMINATI [ilu’mine’tai];[ilu’mina’ti], a name given by the Ante-Nicene Church Fathers to those who submitted to Christian baptism (Greek; phi omega tau o’ s, “illumination”). They were called “Illuminati” (phi omega tau o’ s), or “illuminated ones,” on the assumption that those who were instructed for baptism in the Apostolic faith had received the grace of illumination in an enlightened understanding. Clement of Alexandria speaks thus of such baptismal light: “This is the one grace of illumination, that our characters are not the same as before our washing. And since knowledge springs up with illumination, shedding its beams around the mind, the moment we hear, we who were untaught become disciples. . .This work is called. . .illumination by which that holy light of salvation is beheld, that is, by which we see God clearly.” Among the societies subsequently adoption the name “illuminati” were the Alumbrados or Alombrados, a mystical sect existing in Spain from the early sixteenth century and appearing in France as the Guerinets during the period by a secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at Ingoldstaldt, on May 1, 1776, with the aim of combating religion and fostering rationalism.

-Frederick Bonekema

illuminati leaks

info on the free and accepted masons

current nwo plans

the latest on the Rothschild family dealings

current events of the CFR

the last move of the Trilateral Commission

videos of nwo protest

nwo canceled plans

tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry

the decline of Royal Society influence

Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive

consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

Only the experiment of putting them from earliest infancy into an optimum environment--not forgetting that it need not be the same for everyone--than to modify gene frequencies by wise selection. Once mankind has produced an approximation of that optimum environment, the eugenics task will be much simpler. In fact, the natural selection exerted by such an environment may make eugenics quite unnecessary. -H. Bentley Glass

Only the experiment of putting them from earliest infancy into an optimum environment--not forgetting that it need not be the same for everyone--than to modify gene frequencies by wise selection. Once mankind has produced an approximation of that optimum environment, the eugenics task will be much simpler.   In fact, the natural selection exerted by such an environment may make eugenics quite unnecessary. -H. Bentley Glass


illuminati leaks

info on the free and accepted masons

current nwo plans

the latest on the Rothschild family dealings

current events of the CFR

the last move of the Trilateral Commission

videos of nwo protest

nwo canceled plans

tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry

the decline of Royal Society influence

Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive

consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

The Rockefeller Plan for the BRICS New World Order, in their own words… Decades before President George H.W. Bush introduced the “New World Order” (NWO) into the American vernacular, the Rockefeller family and their minions were making plans to expend America’s post-World War 2 power to bring about such an order. In the course of researching Laurence Rockefeller for my last entry, Why are the Rockefellers and the Jesuits guiding the UFO Disclosure Movement?, I came across a book titled Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel Report…It was the product of a 1956 Rockefeller Brothers Fund effort known as the Special Studies Project, and it lays out the blueprint for the multilateral / multipolar New World Order that is currently materializing around us. In the aftermath of World War 2 and the resulting formation of the United Nations (which the Rockefellers were instrumental in creating and funding), the Special Studies Project, directed by Henry Kissinger, was formed to carry out two apparent tasks: 1) to create an action plan to bring about the “elite’s” long-sought world government within the existing postwar environment, and 2) to spin the agenda in such a way that it could be sold to the American people as being in their best interest. Upon completion of their work, the Special Studies Project’s various panels compiled their reports in an incomplete, sanitized, and heavily spun book, the above-mentioned Prospect for America. The book spells out how to sacrifice the national interests of the United States.

The Rockefeller Plan for the BRICS New World Order in their own word Decades before President George H W Bush introduced the New World Order NWO into the American vernacular the Rockefeller family and their minions were making plans to expend Americas post World War 2 power to bring about such an order In the course of researching Laurence Rockefeller for my last entry Why are the Rockefellers and the Jesuits guiding the UFO Disclosure Movement Our educational system is broken. It beats the creativity out of you by the time that you are in the fourth grade. It forces you to become a blogger or hacker in order to become creative. Blog that!

The federal government is out of money. The federal government does not have enough money to fund itself for the next 10 years. When all that is left is guns, it will be bloggers that will carry us through! Blog that!

The Rockefeller Plan for the BRICS New World Order, in their own words… Decades before President George H.W. Bush introduced the “New World Order” (NWO) into the American vernacular, the Rockefeller family and their minions were making plans to expend America’s post-World War 2 power to bring about such an order. In the course of researching Laurence Rockefeller for my last entry, Why are the Rockefellers and the Jesuits guiding the UFO Disclosure Movement?, I came across a book titled Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel Reports…It was the product of a 1956 Rockefeller Brothers Fund effort known as the Special Studies Project, and it lays out the blueprint for the multilateral / multipolar New World Order that is currently materializing around us. In the aftermath of World War 2 and the resulting formation of the United Nations (which the Rockefellers were instrumental in creating and funding), the Special Studies Project, directed by Henry Kissinger, was formed to carry out two apparent tasks: 1) to create an action plan to bring about the “elite’s” long-sought world government within the existing postwar environment, and 2) to spin the agenda in such a way that it could be sold to the American people as being in their best interest. Upon completion of their work, the Special Studies Project’s various panels compiled their reports in an incomplete, sanitized, and heavily spun book, the above-mentioned Prospect for America. The book spells out how to sacrifice the national interests of the United States.

illuminati leaks

info on the free and accepted masons

current nwo plans

the latest on the Rothschild family dealings

current events of the CFR

the last move of the Trilateral Commission

videos of nwo protest

nwo canceled plans

tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry

the decline of Royal Society influence

Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive

consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaires top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt professor of canon law Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaire Rockefeller David John Evelyn Rothschild Jacob Samuel New World Order Ages Baden Baden Germany Lower Saxony Berlin Munich Zurich Take over of the world wide financial crisis public necessary dependency on one world system government language currency one set of world leaders elected rule the entire planet without national boarders no need for military world peace credit debt enslavement purchased all nations debt giving them ownership of the world ruled by their one world government Our educational system is broken. It beats the creativity out of you by the time that you are in the fourth grade. It forces you to become a blogger or hacker in order to become creative. Blog that!

The federal government is out of money. The federal government does not have enough money to fund itself for the next 10 years. When all that is left is guns, it will be bloggers that will carry us through! Blog that!

Operation Paperclip was the United States Office of Strategic Services (OSS) program in which more than 1,500 German scientists, engineers, and technicians (many of whom were formerly registered members of the Nazi Party and some of whom had leadership roles in the Nazi Party) were recruited and brought to the United States for government employment from post-Nazi Germany (after World War II).

illuminati leaks

info on the free and accepted masons

current nwo plans

the latest on the Rothschild family dealings

current events of the CFR

the last move of the Trilateral Commission

videos of nwo protest

nwo canceled plans

tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry

the decline of Royal Society influence

Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive

consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaires top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt professor of canon law Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaire Rockefeller David John Evelyn Rothschild Jacob Samuel New World Order Ages Baden Baden Germany Lower Saxony Berlin Munich Zurich Take over of the world wide financial crisis public necessary dependency on one world system government language currency one set of world leaders elected rule the entire planet without national boarders no need for military world peace credit debt enslavement purchased all nations debt giving them ownership of the world ruled by their one world government Our educational system is broken. It beats the creativity out of you by the time that you are in the fourth grade. It forces you to become a blogger or hacker in order to become creative. Blog that!

The federal government is out of money. The federal government does not have enough money to fund itself for the next 10 years. When all that is left is guns, it will be bloggers that will carry us through! Blog that!

The Crusaders therefore referred to the Al-Aqsa Mosque as Solomon's Temple, and from this location the new order took the name of Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon, or "Templar" knights. The order, with about nine knights including Godfrey de Saint-Omer and André de Montbard, had few financial resources and relied on donations to survive. Their emblem was of two knights riding on a single horse, emphasising the order's poverty.

illuminati leaks

info on the free and accepted masons

current nwo plans

the latest on the Rothschild family dealings

current events of the CFR

the last move of the Trilateral Commission

videos of nwo protest

nwo canceled plans

tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry

the decline of Royal Society influence

Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive

consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaires top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt professor of canon law Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaire Rockefeller David John Evelyn Rothschild Jacob Samuel New World Order Ages Baden Baden Germany Lower Saxony Berlin Munich Zurich Take over of the world wide financial crisis public necessary dependency on one world system government language currency one set of world leaders elected rule the entire planet without national boarders no need for military world peace credit debt enslavement purchased all nations debt giving them ownership of the world ruled by their one world government Our educational system is broken. It beats the creativity out of you by the time that you are in the fourth grade. It forces you to become a blogger or hacker in order to become creative. Blog that!

The federal government is out of money. The federal government does not have enough money to fund itself for the next 10 years. When all that is left is guns, it will be bloggers that will carry us through! Blog that!

The required computations needed for Human Genome Project advance required human with computer implant made calculations for genomic sequencing has aim to clone human.

     -Mark R. Rowe, on May 12, 2017, in San Diego, CA

illuminati leaks

info on the free and accepted masons

current nwo plans

the latest on the Rothschild family dealings

current events of the CFR

the last move of the Trilateral Commission

videos of nwo protest

nwo canceled plans

tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry

the decline of Royal Society influence

Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive

consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaires top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt professor of canon law Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaire Rockefeller David John Evelyn Rothschild Jacob Samuel New World Order Ages Baden Baden Germany Lower Saxony Berlin Munich Zurich Take over of the world wide financial crisis public necessary dependency on one world system government language currency one set of world leaders elected rule the entire planet without national boarders no need for military world peace credit debt enslavement purchased all nations debt giving them ownership of the world ruled by their one world government Our educational system is broken. It beats the creativity out of you by the time that you are in the fourth grade. It forces you to become a blogger or hacker in order to become creative. Blog that!

The federal government is out of money. The federal government does not have enough money to fund itself for the next 10 years. When all that is left is guns, it will be bloggers that will carry us through! Blog that!

We need to all wake up and learn about Kabbalahism and its evolution with respect to Alchemy, Occult practices, and the intended popularization of esoteric ideology and universal collectivism for world government end goal spread by elite class families also practiced by ruling class families such as the, Warburg, Rockefeller, DuPont, Morgan, McCormick, Rothschild, and Bush families demonstrates their relationship to "Golden Dawn" methods -- taken from the principles contained within "The Book of the Dead" axiomatic laws were the foundations of Egyptian Gnostic religions formation of Zooastric religions was first used by the ruling class and noble class to control large groups of governed people -- since its introduction during the Babylonian empire (cir. B.C. 4100) followed by banking system established by "Templar Knights" financially controlling large groups of people evolved into Rosicrucians, "Free Masons," "Order of the Illuminati," Odin, "Priory of Scion," "Skull and Bones," "Trilateral Commission," and "Bilderberg Group" consists of individuals financially controlling their subjects with mapped cognitively dissonanted perceptions molded and shaped by prolonged exposure to visual/audio graphics and audio sound waves propaganda programming believed by their mind causing their continuous enslavement caused from their continual unwavering need to satisfy root core emotions hardwired into their mind caused by elite class monetary credit/debt system execution.

-Mark R. Rowe

illuminati leaks

info on the free and accepted masons

current nwo plans

the latest on the Rothschild family dealings

current events of the CFR

the last move of the Trilateral Commission

videos of nwo protest

nwo canceled plans

tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry

the decline of Royal Society influence

Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive

consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaires top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt professor of canon law Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaire Rockefeller David John Evelyn Rothschild Jacob Samuel New World Order Ages Baden Baden Germany Lower Saxony Berlin Munich Zurich Take over of the world wide financial crisis public necessary dependency on one world system government language currency one set of world leaders elected rule the entire planet without national boarders no need for military world peace credit debt enslavement purchased all nations debt giving them ownership of the world ruled by their one world government Our educational system is broken. It beats the creativity out of you by the time that you are in the fourth grade. It forces you to become a blogger or hacker in order to become creative. Blog that!

The federal government is out of money. The federal government does not have enough money to fund itself for the next 10 years. When all that is left is guns, it will be bloggers that will carry us through! Blog that!

Agrippa argued for a synthetic vision of magic whereby the natural world combined with the celestial and the divine through Neoplatonic participation, such that ordinarily licit natural magic was in fact validated by a kind of demonic magic sourced ultimately from God. By this means Agrippa proposed a magic that could resolve all epistemological problems raised by skepticism in a total validation of Christian faith.

illuminati leaks

info on the free and accepted masons

current nwo plans

the latest on the Rothschild family dealings

current events of the CFR

the last move of the Trilateral Commission

videos of nwo protest

nwo canceled plans

tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry

the decline of Royal Society influence

Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive

consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaires top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt professor of canon law Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaire Rockefeller David John Evelyn Rothschild Jacob Samuel New World Order Ages Baden Baden Germany Lower Saxony Berlin Munich Zurich Take over of the world wide financial crisis public necessary dependency on one world system government language currency one set of world leaders elected rule the entire planet without national boarders no need for military world peace credit debt enslavement purchased all nations debt giving them ownership of the world ruled by their one world government Our educational system is broken. It beats the creativity out of you by the time that you are in the fourth grade. It forces you to become a blogger or hacker in order to become creative. Blog that!

The federal government is out of money. The federal government does not have enough money to fund itself for the next 10 years. When all that is left is guns, it will be bloggers that will carry us through! Blog that!

The Carnegie Institute of Washington engaged in research in biology from 1904 using a tract of about 9 acres leased for 50 years from the Wawepex Society in Cold Spring Harbor NY. With Charles Davenport as the Director, a laboratory was built and the “station” opened in June 1904; it was named “Station for Experimental Evolution” (SEE) in 1906. In 1910, with funding from Mrs. E. H. Harriman.

illuminati leaks

info on the free and accepted masons

current nwo plans

the latest on the Rothschild family dealings

current events of the CFR

the last move of the Trilateral Commission

videos of nwo protest

nwo canceled plans

tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry

the decline of Royal Society influence

Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive

consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaires top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt professor of canon law Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaire Rockefeller David John Evelyn Rothschild Jacob Samuel New World Order Ages Baden Baden Germany Lower Saxony Berlin Munich Zurich Take over of the world wide financial crisis public necessary dependency on one world system government language currency one set of world leaders elected rule the entire planet without national boarders no need for military world peace credit debt enslavement purchased all nations debt giving them ownership of the world ruled by their one world government Our educational system is broken. It beats the creativity out of you by the time that you are in the fourth grade. It forces you to become a blogger or hacker in order to become creative. Blog that!

The federal government is out of money. The federal government does not have enough money to fund itself for the next 10 years. When all that is left is guns, it will be bloggers that will carry us through! Blog that!

The Crusaders therefore referred to the Al-Aqsa Mosque as Solomon's Temple, and from this location the new order took the name of Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon, or "Templar" knights. The order, with about nine knights including Godfrey de Saint-Omer and André de Montbard, had few financial resources and relied on donations to survive. Their emblem was of two knights riding on a single horse, emphasising the order's poverty.

illuminati leaks

info on the free and accepted masons

current nwo plans

the latest on the Rothschild family dealings

current events of the CFR

the last move of the Trilateral Commission

videos of nwo protest

nwo canceled plans

tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry

the decline of Royal Society influence

Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive

consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaires top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt professor of canon law Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaire Rockefeller David John Evelyn Rothschild Jacob Samuel New World Order Ages Baden Baden Germany Lower Saxony Berlin Munich Zurich Take over of the world wide financial crisis public necessary dependency on one world system government language currency one set of world leaders elected rule the entire planet without national boarders no need for military world peace credit debt enslavement purchased all nations debt giving them ownership of the world ruled by their one world government Our educational system is broken. It beats the creativity out of you by the time that you are in the fourth grade. It forces you to become a blogger or hacker in order to become creative. Blog that! The federal government is out of money. The federal government does not have enough money to fund itself for the next 10 years. When all that is left is guns, it will be bloggers that will carry us through! Blog that! The tendencies and tenets of the Order were enveloped in profound mystery, and it externally progressed the most perfect orthodoxy. The Chiefs alone knew the aim of the Order: the Subalterns followed them without distrust. To acquire influence and wealth, then to intrigue, and at need to fight, to establish the Johannite or Gnostic and Kabalistic dogma, were the object and the means proposed to the initiated Brethren. The Papacy and the rival monarchies, they said to them, are sold and bought in these days, become corrupt, and to-morrow, perhaps, will destroy each other. All that become heritage of the Temple: the World will soon come to us for its Sovereigns and Pontiffs. We shall constitute the equilibrium of the Universe, and be rulers over Masters of the World. “The Templars, like all other Secret Orders and Associations, had two doctrines, one concealed and reserved for the Masters, which was Johannism; the other public, which was the Roman Catholic. Thus they deceived the adversaries whom they sought to destroy.”

illuminati leaks

info on the free and accepted masons

current nwo plans

the latest on the Rothschild family dealings

current events of the CFR

the last move of the Trilateral Commission

videos of nwo protest

nwo canceled plans

tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry

the decline of Royal Society influence

Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive

consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

ILLUMINATI [ilu’mine’tai];[ilu’mina’ti], a name given by the Ante-Nicene Church Fathers to those who submitted to Christian baptism (Greek; phi omega tau o’ s, “illumination”). They were called “Illuminati” (phi omega tau o’ s), or “illuminated ones,” on the assumption that those who were instructed for baptism in the Apostolic faith had received the grace of illumination in an enlightened understanding. Clement of Alexandria speaks thus of such baptismal light: “This is the one grace of illumination, that our characters are not the same as before our washing. And since knowledge springs up with illumination, shedding its beams around the mind, the moment we hear, we who were untaught become disciples. . .This work is called. . .illumination by which that holy light of salvation is beheld, that is, by which we see God clearly.” Among the societies subsequently adoption the name “illuminati” were the Alumbrados or Alombrados, a mystical sect existing in Spain from the early sixteenth century and appearing in France as the Guerinets during the period by a secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at Ingoldstaldt, on May 1, 1776, with the aim of combating religion and fostering rationalism. -Frederick Bronkema

top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaires top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt professor of canon law Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaire Rockefeller David John Evelyn Rothschild Jacob Samuel New World Order Ages Baden Baden Germany Lower Saxony Berlin Munich Zurich Take over of the world wide financial crisis public necessary dependency on one world system government language currency one set of world leaders elected rule the entire planet without national boarders no need for military world peace credit debt enslavement purchased all nations debt giving them ownership of the world ruled by their one world government Our educational system is broken. It beats the creativity out of you by the time that you are in the fourth grade. It forces you to become a blogger or hacker in order to become creative. Blog that!

The federal government is out of money. The federal government does not have enough money to fund itself for the next 10 years. When all that is left is guns, it will be bloggers that will carry us through! Blog that!

ILLUMINATI [ilu’mine’tai];[ilu’mina’ti], a name given by the Ante-Nicene Church Fathers to those who submitted to Christian baptism (Greek; phi omega tau o’ s, “illumination”). They were called “Illuminati” (phi omega tau o’ s), or “illuminated ones,” on the assumption that those who were instructed for baptism in the Apostolic faith had received the grace of illumination in an enlightened understanding. Clement of Alexandria speaks thus of such baptismal light: “This is the one grace of illumination, that our characters are not the same as before our washing. And since knowledge springs up with illumination, shedding its beams around the mind, the moment we hear, we who were untaught become disciples. . .This work is called. . .illumination by which that holy light of salvation is beheld, that is, by which we see God clearly.” Among the societies subsequently adoption the name “illuminati” were the Alumbrados or Alombrados, a mystical sect existing in Spain from the early sixteenth century and appearing in France as the Guerinets during the period by a secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at Ingoldstaldt, on May 1, 1776, with the aim of combating religion and fostering rationalism. -Frederick Bronkema

illuminati leaks

info on the free and accepted masons

current nwo plans

the latest on the Rothschild family dealings

current events of the CFR

the last move of the Trilateral Commission

videos of nwo protest

nwo canceled plans

tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry

the decline of Royal Society influence

Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive

consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaires top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt professor of canon law Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaire Rockefeller David John Evelyn Rothschild Jacob Samuel New World Order Ages Baden Baden Germany Lower Saxony Berlin Munich Zurich Take over of the world wide financial crisis public necessary dependency on one world system government language currency one set of world leaders elected rule the entire planet without national boarders no need for military world peace credit debt enslavement purchased all nations debt giving them ownership of the world ruled by their one world government Our educational system is broken. It beats the creativity out of you by the time that you are in the fourth grade. It forces you to become a blogger or hacker in order to become creative. Blog that!

The federal government is out of money. The federal government does not have enough money to fund itself for the next 10 years. When all that is left is guns, it will be bloggers that will carry us through! Blog that!

Go back to Camp Peary and take your applications affected asset has development from unregulated projects' development. Projects with no rules for ethics, no oversight, and completed without anyone's knowledge of application existence caused affect on asset, but due to the hard work of hackers gained transparency of this fact and the hard work of bloggers caused millions of people observe this fact, as many people in the world know about application developed resultant from project without ethics. -Mark R. Rowe

illuminati leaks

info on the free and accepted masons

current nwo plans

the latest on the Rothschild family dealings

current events of the CFR

the last move of the Trilateral Commission

videos of nwo protest

nwo canceled plans

tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry

the decline of Royal Society influence

Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive

consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaires top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt professor of canon law Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaire Rockefeller David John Evelyn Rothschild Jacob Samuel New World Order Ages Baden Baden Germany Lower Saxony Berlin Munich Zurich Take over of the world wide financial crisis public necessary dependency on one world system government language currency one set of world leaders elected rule the entire planet without national boarders no need for military world peace credit debt enslavement purchased all nations debt giving them ownership of the world ruled by their one world government Our educational system is broken. It beats the creativity out of you by the time that you are in the fourth grade. It forces you to become a blogger or hacker in order to become creative. Blog that!

The federal government is out of money. The federal government does not have enough money to fund itself for the next 10 years. When all that is left is guns, it will be bloggers that will carry us through! Blog that!

US District Court Judge Joe Kendall leveled his gaze at Peter Alexis. 'So it was just a massive kickback operation?'  Alexis, a former VP of Psychiatric Institutes of America, a subsidiary of National Medical Enterprises (NME), answered in the affirmative.  'Yes, Your Honor.' 'Were you buying patients?' Judge Kendall continued. Again, the same response.  'Yes, Your Honor.'  Patients like Sherry, who as a young teenager in 1987, was referred to NME's Brookhaven Psychiatric Pavilion in Dallas for evaluation of a possible chemical imbalance, were among the untold number of children who were put in psychiatric hospitals not because of any medical need, but because NME was bribing doctors to hospitalize kids that had good insurance.  Sherry's insurance was so good that she spent 422 days locked inside what some insiders described as a "clinical rat hole."

illuminati leaks

info on the free and accepted masons

current nwo plans

the latest on the Rothschild family dealings

current events of the CFR

the last move of the Trilateral Commission

videos of nwo protest

nwo canceled plans

tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry

the decline of Royal Society influence

Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive

consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaires top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt professor of canon law Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaire Rockefeller David John Evelyn Rothschild Jacob Samuel New World Order Ages Baden Baden Germany Lower Saxony Berlin Munich Zurich Take over of the world wide financial crisis public necessary dependency on one world system government language currency one set of world leaders elected rule the entire planet without national boarders no need for military world peace credit debt enslavement purchased all nations debt giving them ownership of the world ruled by their one world government Our educational system is broken. It beats the creativity out of you by the time that you are in the fourth grade. It forces you to become a blogger or hacker in order to become creative. Blog that!

The federal government is out of money. The federal government does not have enough money to fund itself for the next 10 years. When all that is left is guns, it will be bloggers that will carry us through! Blog that!

JP Morgan Stanley chocked on a tall Starbucks latte this morning.

illuminati leaks

info on the free and accepted masons

current nwo plans

the latest on the Rothschild family dealings

current events of the CFR

the last move of the Trilateral Commission

videos of nwo protest

nwo canceled plans

tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry

the decline of Royal Society influence

Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive

consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaires top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt professor of canon law Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaire Rockefeller David John Evelyn Rothschild Jacob Samuel New World Order Ages Baden Baden Germany Lower Saxony Berlin Munich Zurich Take over of the world wide financial crisis public necessary dependency on one world system government language currency one set of world leaders elected rule the entire planet without national boarders no need for military world peace credit debt enslavement purchased all nations debt giving them ownership of the world ruled by their one world government Our educational system is broken. It beats the creativity out of you by the time that you are in the fourth grade. It forces you to become a blogger or hacker in order to become creative. Blog that!

The federal government is out of money. The federal government does not have enough money to fund itself for the next 10 years. When all that is left is guns, it will be bloggers that will carry us through! Blog that!

JP Morgan Stanley chocked on a tall Starbucks latte this morning.

illuminati leaks

info on the free and accepted masons

current nwo plans

the latest on the Rothschild family dealings

current events of the CFR

the last move of the Trilateral Commission

videos of nwo protest

nwo canceled plans

tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry

the decline of Royal Society influence

Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive

consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaires top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt professor of canon law Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaire Rockefeller David John Evelyn Rothschild Jacob Samuel New World Order Ages Baden Baden Germany Lower Saxony Berlin Munich Zurich Take over of the world wide financial crisis public necessary dependency on one world system government language currency one set of world leaders elected rule the entire planet without national boarders no need for military world peace credit debt enslavement purchased all nations debt giving them ownership of the world ruled by their one world government Our educational system is broken. It beats the creativity out of you by the time that you are in the fourth grade. It forces you to become a blogger or hacker in order to become creative. Blog that!

The federal government is out of money. The federal government does not have enough money to fund itself for the next 10 years. When all that is left is guns, it will be bloggers that will carry us through! Blog that!

ILLUMINATI [ilu’mine’tai];[ilu’mina’ti], a name given by the Ante-Nicene Church Fathers to those who submitted to Christian baptism (Greek; phi omega tau o’ s, “illumination”). They were called “Illuminati” (phi omega tau o’ s), or “illuminated ones,” on the assumption that those who were instructed for baptism in the Apostolic faith had received the grace of illumination in an enlightened understanding. Clement of Alexandria speaks thus of such baptismal light: “This is the one grace of illumination, that our characters are not the same as before our washing. And since knowledge springs up with illumination, shedding its beams around the mind, the moment we hear, we who were untaught become disciples. . .This work is called. . .illumination by which that holy light of salvation is beheld, that is, by which we see God clearly.” Among the societies subsequently adoption the name “illuminati” were the Alumbrados or Alombrados, a mystical sect existing in Spain from the early sixteenth century and appearing in France as the Guerinets during the period by a secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at Ingoldstaldt, on May 1, 1776, with the aim of combating religion and fostering rationalism. -Frederick Bronkema
top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaires top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt professor of canon law Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaire Rockefeller David John Evelyn Rothschild Jacob Samuel New World Order Ages Baden Baden Germany Lower Saxony Berlin Munich Zurich Take over of the world wide financial crisis public necessary dependency on one world system government language currency one set of world leaders elected rule the entire planet without national boarders no need for military world peace credit debt enslavement purchased all nations debt giving them ownership of the world ruled by their one world government Our educational system is broken. It beats the creativity out of you by the time that you are in the fourth grade. It forces you to become a blogger or hacker in order to become creative. Blog that!

The federal government is out of money. The federal government does not have enough money to fund itself for the next 10 years. When all that is left is guns, it will be bloggers that will carry us through! Blog that!

Go back to Camp Peary and take your applications affected asset has development from unregulated projects' development. Projects with no rules for ethics, no oversight, and completed without anyone's knowledge of application existence caused affect on asset, but due to the hard work of hackers gained transparency of this fact and the hard work of bloggers caused millions of people observe this fact, as many people in the world know about application developed resultant from project without ethics. -Mark R. Rowe