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Thursday, July 6, 2017

The Montauk Project finally came to end on August 12, 1983. On this date, a time portal was opened connecting Montauk Base with the USS Eldridge of 40 years ago, during the original Philadelphia Experiment. While this portal was being opened and maintained, several members of the project, who had become increasingly uncomfortable with the aims and designs of the project heads (and with the effect warping time and space might have on the world around them) decided to bring the project to a crashing halt. A code phrase was whispered to Duncan, at which point he released a monster from his subconscious. This creature, or the "Beast From The Id," materialized as a large hairy monster, smashed its way about the base, and proceeded to destroy and eat everything it could find. Meanwhile, one of the project members began cutting apart cables and conduits in an attempt to sever the power to the base transmitters and shut down the project. After smashing up and cutting apart enough equipment, the transmitter powered down and the Beast mercifully faded away. Afterwards, the gates to Montauk AFB were locked and the base was abandoned for a second and final time. Eventually, Fort Hero (and Montauk Base) was donated to the state of New York as a park. The three most obvious powers that can be derived from this phase of the project are: Clairsentience, Extra Dimensional Movement, and Mind Control. Other possible powers include Dispel, Summon, Telepathy, Telekinesis, and Transform. Some powers, such as summoning objects "from the ether" are subject to GM's call as to what best fits his universe. No matter which powers are examined for use in a game setting, it’s obvious all of them require the Montauk Chair as a Focus. This means any character designed around this power concept and special effects has to deal with an Immobile IAF foci, which is the chair itself. Fortunately, most of the powers described are Mental Powers, meaning they have no maximum range and if used in conjunction with Mind Scanning can hit anyone the character can detect.

top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt Bravaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaires

Click here to learn more about the Illuminati.

The Montauk Project finally came to end on August 12, 1983. On this date, a time portal was opened connecting Montauk Base with the USS Eldridge of 40 years ago, during the original Philadelphia Experiment. While this portal was being opened and maintained, several members of the project, who had become increasingly uncomfortable with the aims and designs of the project heads (and with the effect warping time and space might have on the world around them) decided to bring the project to a crashing halt.

A code phrase was whispered to Duncan, at which point he released a monster from his subconscious. This creature, or the "Beast From The Id," materialized as a large hairy monster, smashed its way about the base, and proceeded to destroy and eat everything it could find. Meanwhile, one of the project members began cutting apart cables and conduits in an attempt to sever the power to the base transmitters and shut down the project. After smashing up and cutting apart enough equipment, the transmitter powered down and the Beast mercifully faded away.

Afterwards, the gates to Montauk AFB were locked and the base was abandoned for a second and final time. Eventually, Fort Hero (and Montauk Base) was donated to the state of New York as a park.

The three most obvious powers that can be derived from this phase of the project are: Clairsentience, Extra Dimensional Movement, and Mind Control. Other possible powers include Dispel, Summon, Telepathy, Telekinesis, and Transform. Some powers, such as summoning objects "from the ether" are subject to GM's call as to what best fits his universe. No matter which powers are examined for use in a game setting, it’s obvious all of them require the Montauk Chair as a Focus. This means any character designed around this power concept and special effects has to deal with an Immobile IAF foci, which is the chair itself. Fortunately, most of the powers described are Mental Powers, meaning they have no maximum range and if used in conjunction with Mind Scanning can hit anyone the character can detect.


Trauma based mind control, besides HAARP, is a favourite weapon of the Illuminati. Although it is an important mind control instrument, there are more. Also in use are efficient propaganda methods combined with NLP through mass media, systemetical mass hypnosis of mankind by subliminal messages with targeted conditioning on the satanic world government, neurochip implantation into innocent people ("targeted individuals", TI's), manipulation of thoughts by HAARP via frequency modulation. The roots of occult rituals and practices of "mind control" are deep in human history. World War II accelerated the mind control researches, so that a new secret science came up. The pioneer was the ruthless Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele, which was well known for his torture experiments. His methods researched, which maximum amount of pain a human was able to bear, and which minimum amount of love he needed. The goal was to find out, how one could make an individual do things, he would never do by his free will - so, to create a perfectly obidient slave. -Mark R. Rowe

top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt Bravaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaires

Click here to learn more about the Illuminati.

Trauma based mind control, besides HAARP, is a favourite weapon of the Illuminati. Although it is an important mind control instrument, there are more. Also in use are efficient propaganda methods combined with NLP through mass media, systemetical mass hypnosis of mankind by subliminal messages with targeted conditioning on the satanic world government, neurochip implantation into innocent people ("targeted individuals", TI's), manipulation of thoughts by HAARP via frequency modulation. The roots of occult rituals and practices of "mind control" are deep in human history. World War II accelerated the mind control researches, so that a new secret science came up. The pioneer was the ruthless Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele, which was well known for his torture experiments. His methods researched, which maximum amount of pain a human was able to bear, and which minimum amount of love he needed. The goal was to find out, how one could make an individual do things, he would never do by his free will - so, to create a perfectly obidient slave.

-Mark R. Rowe


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Go back to Camp Peary and take your applications affected asset has development from unregulated projects' development. Projects with no rules for ethics, no oversight, and completed without anyone's knowledge of application existence caused affect on asset, but due to the hard work of hackers gained transparency of this fact and the hard work of bloggers caused millions of people observe this fact, as many people in the world know about application developed resultant from project without ethics. -Mark R. Rowe

top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt Bravaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaires

Click here to learn more about the Illuminati.

Go back to Camp Peary and take your applications affected asset has development from unregulated projects' development. Projects with no rules for ethics, no oversight, and completed without anyone's knowledge of application existence caused affect on asset, but due to the hard work of hackers gained transparency of this fact and the hard work of bloggers caused millions of people observe this fact, as many people in the world know about application developed resultant from project without ethics.

-Mark R. Rowe


Sunday, July 2, 2017

Why did the Rockefelker Foundation money usedILLUMINATI [ilu’mine’tai];[ilu’mina’ti], a name given by the Ante-Nicene Church Fathers to those who submitted to Christian baptism (Greek; phi omega tau o’ s, “illumination”). They were called “Illuminati” (phi omega tau o’ s), or “illuminated ones,” on the assumption that those who were instructed for baptism in the Apostolic faith had received the grace of illumination in an enlightened understanding. Clement of Alexandria speaks thus of such baptismal light: “This is the one grace of illumination, that our characters are not the same as before our washing. And since knowledge springs up with illumination, shedding its beams around the mind, the moment we hear, we who were untaught become disciples. . .This work is called. . .illumination by which that holy light of salvation is beheld, that is, by which we see God clearly.” Among the societies subsequently adoption the name “illuminati” were the Alumbrados or Alombrados, a mystical sect existing in Spain from the early sixteenth century and appearing to support Wendell and Holmes proposition reduced human population of "imbeciles," "feeble-minded," and "defective," formation of associations followed by like organizations such as the "Eugenics Records Association," and "The Human Betterment Association," renamed to this association's current name is "The Planned Parenthood Federation," are groups of people with enormous wealth size - feel that they could get away with the concealment of methods used to reduce human population administered by physicians backed by state law, and funded research/developement of Eugenics methods continued advance - without the exposure of these methods used to reduce human population, when the number of computer/mobile device users in 2017 is a number slightly greater than 1 billion for the number of peoole that use computers/mobile debices while connected to the internet sometimes communicating conversations about topics such as the existience of Eugenics in the U.S. already mentioned here?

Adam Weishaupt, a professor of Canon law at (Ingoldstaldt College); [located in the Bravarian region of Austria] founded a secret society called the Illuminati with M. A. Rothschild donation on May 1, 1776 with aim to foster rationalism and combat religious dogma./title> <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"> <meta name="description" content="Adam Weishaupt, a professor of Canon law at (Ingoldstaldt College); [located in the Bravarian region of Austria] founded a secret society called the Illuminati with M. A. Rothschild donation on May 1, 1776 with aim to foster rationalism and combat religious dogma" /> This tag provides a short description of the page. In some situations this description is used as a part of the snippet shown in the search results. More information <title>Adam Weishaupt, a professor of Canon law at (Ingoldstaldt College); [located in the Bravarian region of Austria] founded a secret society called the Illuminati with M. A. Rothschild donation on May 1, 1776 with aim to foster rationalism and combat religious dogma. Why did the Rockefelker Foundation money used to support Wendell and Holmes proposition reduced human population of "imbeciles," "feeble-minded," and "defective," formation of associations followed by like organizations such as the "Eugenics Records Association," and "The Human Betterment Association," renamed to this association's current name is "The Planned Parenthood Federation," are groups of people with enormous wealth size - feel that they could get away with the concealment of methods used to reduce human population administered by physicians backed by state law, and funded research/developement of Eugenics methods continued advance - without the exposure of these methods used to reduce human population, when the number of computer/mobile device users in 2017 is a number slightly greater than 1 billion for the number of people that use computers/mobile devices while connected to the internet sometimes communicating conversations about topics such as the existience of Eugenics in the U.S. already mentioned here?