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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Facts about RA mind-control programming and brainwashing explained by multiple professionals with PhD's and MD's.

If want to know real non-misinformation/non-dissinformation about (current-day) RA mind-control programming and brainwashing proceedures and operations (based soley on the work of several individuals with MD's, PhD's are experienced professionals with inside knowledge of these insidious crimes against humanity, done in the name of greed/profit, political advantage, and (this illegal human use of another human being) for other nefarious purposes. I highly recommend reading the words below (that is, if you care, in anyway shape or form, for humanity).

The following words (shown below) are taken/borrowed from the website: [ ]

Trauma-Based Mind Control Programming 101
(also called MK-Ultra Mind-Control Programing or Monarch Mind-Control Programming

1. Mind Control Programming Basics:

“Trauma-based mind control programming can be defined as systematic torture that blocks the victim’s capacity for conscious processing (through pain, terror, drugs, illusion, sensory deprivation, sensory over-stimulation, oxygen deprivation, cold, heat, spinning, brain stimulation, and often, near-death), and then employs suggestion and/or classical and operant conditioning (consistent with well-established behavioral modification principles) to implant thoughts, directives, and perceptions in the unconscious mind, often in newly-formed trauma-induced dissociated identities, that force the victim to do, feel, think, or perceive things for the purposes of the programmer.

The objective is for the victim to follow directives with no conscious awareness, including execution of acts in clear violation of the victim’s moral principles, spiritual convictions, and volition. Installation of mind control programming relies on the victim’s capacity to dissociate, which permits the creation of new walled-off personalities to “hold” and “hide” programming. — Quoted from Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D.,

Mind Control is total slavery. Those “entities” who programmed the mind-controlled victims are modern day slave masters who view and treat the victims as their total possessions. A mind-control programmed victim is used as a piece of property that has been totally stripped away all human rights and dignity. In the eyes of these “entities”, the victim’s only reason to exist is to be owned, controlled, and used for the benefits of these slave masters.
Mind-control programming has been widely spreaded across the world. The following are typical candidates of mind-control programmed slaves:

Politicians, government leaders and key personnel, military leaders and key personnel, financial industrial leaders and key personnel, influential academic or research personnel. The goal is for the “entities” to control the world’s politics, military, economy, and researches. In the eyes of these controlling “entities”, if you are of any importance to their agenda to control the world, they simply cannot afford to not control you. Children are easily programmed and can be used for child sex trafficking, drug trafficking, intelligence gathering, etc. They can also be programmed to be a “sleeper” slave that can be invoked later during special circumstance by the programmers.

Victims with special traits that can be used for military or genetic research purpose. These victims includes but not limited to: victims from particular races that can be used by the military’s intelligent gathering purpose (Chinese, Russian, etc.), victims who possess special genetic traits (special DNA type, bloodline, heritage, etc.) that can be used for genetic experiments, or victims that can generate huge profits to the entities (victims with attractive appearances, advanced intelligence, special psychic abilities, etc.).
Entertainment industry performers. This group of victims is used to influence the media, generate profit, and simply for the “benefit” of slave masters.

2. Recommended Reading:

About Background of Government-sponsored CIA MK-Ultra Mind Control Project: “Project MKUltra: The CIA’s Mind Control Operation” ( ).

About How to Create Undetectable Mind-Controlled Slave: “The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave“, by Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier. Amazon book link is here:

About Organizations and Methods Related to Mind-Control Programming from an Ex-Programmer: “Articles by Svali: Ex-Illuminati Programmer“( ), by Svali. Amazon book link is here:

About Deprogramming: “Deprogramming Modalities for Trauma Mind Control Survivors." Refer to (url) link:

3. New Type of Mind-Control Programming:

Mind control programming has been evolved to utilize very advanced technologies and has been applied to not only generational illuminati bloodlines, but to general public.

Friday, July 24, 2020

The following words are taken/borrowed from the webpage is on the website with (url) link [  
George Hoben Estabrooks (1895 – 1973) was a Canadian American psychologist and hypnotist. He fully fit the standard “made man” pedigree that we write about so often on this website. Estabrooks was a Harvard University graduate, a Rhodes Scholar and became a 32nd-degree Knight Templar Freemason. His primary books were “Hypnotism,” “Spiritism,” and “Man, the Mechanical Misfit.”

In “Hypnotism,” first published in 1943, Estabrooks candidly acknowledged that his “main interest has always been the military application of hypnosis.” He estimated that five percent of people were excellent hypnosis candidates. Programs at various levels were pursued. Manchurian-candidate assassins, or the use of patsies, was a common theme. Infiltration of targeted governments and key positions to control a country through kakistocratic infestation or in the interest of a foreign power is right out there.

The best candidates of all were subjects suffering from what used to be termed as multiple-personality disorder (MPD), and what is now termed dissociative-identity disorder (DID). The Crime Syndicate has root-level programs to find and develop such subjects. They can also be created by the therapist.

In all cases, the condition is created by severe trauma — so severe, in fact, that the traumatic episode cannot be integrated into the experiences of the core personality, thus the psyche splits.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

When will we have justice served for these insidious crimes against humanity still continue today?

Still no justice for these particular crimes are routinely ignored, but were already verified that they occur, with existence proof provided with authentic multiple projects documentation shown to the world, with observation of this proof, observed by 100s of millions of people (via webpages, books, and articles found within millions of ethical bloggers' blogs) around the world understand what RA MKULTRA and MONARCH CSIS RCMP mind-control and brainwashing is, [ with complete definition given by adjunct professor of psychology, (at the University of Utah) D. C. Hammond, Ph.D., definition given in the video with (url) link, [ ] as this knowledge is commonly known information.

-Mark R. Rowe


The work of psychologist, Ellen P. Lacter, PhD:

The work of John Hall, MD:


["A New Breed: Sattelite Terrorism," by John Hall, MD]

The book shown above is available for purchase on by clicking on the (url) link shown below.

#MarkRoweBlog #jj #roths #humanrights #humanrightswatch #CCHR #humanrightactivist #love #nature #igers #photooftheday #photography #likeforlikes #followforfollowback #art #math #advancedmath #sandiego #sd #ca #la #sf #houston #dmv #arlingtonva #fallschurchva #london #vienna #tibet


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

In his image: The cloning of a man, David M. Rorvik; Lippincott; 1st Edition (January 1, 1978), ISBN-10: 0397012551, ISBN-13: 978-0397012558


The words folllowing this sentance are from the description of the book, "In his image: The cloning of a man" by David M. Rorvik.

Cloning has become rather commonplace and accepted over the years. At the time this book was published, Rorvik was severely ridiculed. Interesting, since his stated desire was to suggest the "Moral Questions" we could face as a result of what was rapidly overtaking us.

"In his image: The cloning of a man" by David M. Rorvik, is available for purchase on, [for $122.80, (hardcover/new-copy) with free shipping/handling] by clicking on the (url) link shown below.

For additional info. about this topic and similar topics, [are (things/collective-group-activity) is in direct violation to (human/civil) rights and/or cause danger to comprimised human freedom] click on the (url) link shown on next-line.


#HumanRights #HumanRightsWatch #CITIZENScommissionONhumanRIGHTS

#AMNESTYinternational #ITNJ | (International Tribunal for Natural Justice); [ ]

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

When will we have justice served for these insidious crimes against humanity still continue today?

Still no justice for these particular crimes are routinely ignored, but were already verified that they occur, with existence proof provided with authentic multiple projects documentation shown to the world, with observation of this proof, observed by 100s of millions of people (via webpages, books, and articles found within millions of ethical bloggers' blogs) around the world understand what RA MKULTRA and MONARCH CSIS

RCMP mind-control and brainwashing is, [ with complete definition given by adjunct professor of psychology, (at the University of Utah) D. C. Hammond, Ph.D., definition given in the video with (url) link: [ ] is this knowledge is commonly known information, understood at a wide-scale global level, with cognative-memory recall access, accessing this information, with simlar ease to that of remembering off the top of one's head, the multiple significances/various-values for how someone uses (memorized) household items.


The work of psychologist, Ellen P. Lacter, PhD: 


The work of John Hall, MD:


["A New Breed: Sattelite Terrorism," by John Hall, MD]

The book shown above is available for purchase on by clicking on the (url) link shown below.

#humanrights #humanrightswatch #CCHR #humanrightactivist