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Sunday, November 15, 2020

Some information about the illegal human use of human beings in modern-day social-engineering operations. Written by -Mark R. Rowe

illegal human use of human beings in modern day social engineering

The "screenshot" photo shown above, is taken from the Google-search associated with the (url) link is:

As our illusions were created by design, via what was (already) institutionalized (affects all human domains) caused from what was implied/adopted from the imposition of Political Correctness, Critical Theory, Change Theory, and Transactional Theory all have unforeseen unintended adverse social/interpersonal-communication adverse (resultant) consequences arose as the result of the (wide-scale) human adaptation of these "new age" different morals values, (conflict with cherished values, we once all had, remained the same, for thousands of years, is information passed down generation-to-generation at both the biological and social levels (portrayed to be attractive, seductive, permissibly accepted by all, portrayed to a have the appearance as an already accepted norm done by actors, spokesmen, and artists/musicians on TV, radio, advertising, film, and news.  

And, also, where observation-based operational environments involve (influence/performance) social engineering constructs (human) commodity was conditioned/trained from the use (in application) of new information discovered/applied in MKULTRA's 147 (distinct) projects and the ongoing wide-spread MONARCH projects/internal-based-operations in the "Monarch-Parlance" administered to an unwitting (persons selected for subjugation, based of personality profile, IQ, and creative-aptitude, J. Gittenger, PhD, 1965, Fairfax County, VA, U.S.) populace, where expected media coverage, (reports things occurred from fabrication) can be relatively easy to predict in advance based on the planning prior to what construct will do from operative/operator (handler/provocateurs') influence over construct's perception/behavior/entrained-activity, was, merely, once, only modeled data prior to the neuro-linguistic programming of a human being did not consent to his (unavoidable) involuntary participation (due the high-level of perfectly timed personal attacks upon subject/construct, based on surveillance data-collection/assessment op. centered around subject/construct is information (gained prior to it's use and application) used against construct in situationally-based timely manner, affects human-psyche in a significant way, where mind required this affect to be purged also has (subsequent) corresponding pattern of behavior/activity directly tied to a goal to be achieved in the Monarch-Parlance, generally (already) understood to be known outcomes, an engineered/predicted product is information used by many yielded high-profits for the informed compared against the uninformed profited less when a generalized comparison (in terms of business/market-knowledge/financial advantage) was made, but it is also (all to obvious) that this type of human-use of human beings is illegal by any standard, infracted multiple-laws found in multiple (distinct) nations around the world, enforced laws that have average incarceration-time-length/fines associated with person (when punishment was rendered in courtroom, where judge gave sentence to defendant) convicted of these (distinct) crimes-against-humanity (where, these evidence trails are routinely covered-up, ignored, at the professional-level with or without the use of bribery, blackmail, threats, and coercion, E. Lacter, PhD, ,and the work of both C. Ross, MD, 2010, Austin, TX, U.S. and J. Hall, MD, 2014, Dallas, TX, U.S.)

And, when the results of these fabricated processes (are reported on by mainstream media is seen by the general public is content designed with subluminal affect the human mind, where human-mind reasoning ability was bypassed ("Engineering Consent" by Edward Bernays, born in Vienna, Austria-Hungary during 1891, and passed away in Boston, MA, U.S., during 1995) permeated the world in terms of all-levels of human-consciousness, ground-level (human domain) environment culture characteristics differ by a high-degree in the post-1950's world compared to characteristics that largely remained the same throughout all of human-history prior to the mid-20th century, characteristics directly associated with mankind's family-values, religious-values, and patriotic-values.

-Mark R. Rowe

Monday, November 2, 2020

Was (criminal malice does not have plausible deniabilty

Watch the video associated with the "Greenbaum" speech given by D. C. Hammond, PhD during 1992 (spoken to an audience of around 3 or 4 dozen psychotherapists in Alexandria, VA at the "Mark" Center Raddison Hotel located (in southeastern Fairfax County Virginia)
approximately 7 miles from NW Washington, DC

Buy the book, "The Mind Possessed" written by William Sargant ( on ) with cover featured above. Make this purchase with click made to (url) link is shown below: