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Sunday, September 12, 2021

(RE: Mt. Pleasants, West Virginia, 1966-1967, advanced alchemy, unusual sightings of the "Moth Man," and the corresponding [currently] annually-held festival (that takes place, every year, in Mt. Pleasants, WV, a festival centered around the basis of this (historical memory, is information, that is very far removed from the eyes of the general public) highy suppressed history, as "Nick Redfern," a keynote speaker at a good sized conference, "2018 Ozark Mountain UFO Conference in Eureka Springs, Arkansas" is viewed in part [from the YouTube video, has (url) link found in the first sentence of the paragraph to follow this sentence]):

The specific topics, Nick Redfern covers, (as he recited in video, , Nick Redfern presented "The Real Men in Black" at the 2018 Ozark Mountain UFO Conference in Eureka Springs, Arkansas) are facts that are (easily) provable, (listed below) that can be learned, with a little bit of reading/research into associated, books, articles, websites/blogs) and (professionally made) investigative reports in general, found on the internet, and in other places found in the world.

1. The (alchemical) engineering/creation of "Moth Man," (humanoid) archetype, the people of the city of Mt. Pleasants, WV's reaction to witnessing such a thing, and the attempted (permenant) suppression of this information, whereby [attempts to make it impossible for] not even one single person (not even one person) that has any, and all capabilities (he or she might have, at any given time) to never have, any likelihood (throughout the course of one's life) in anywhere coming close to discovering this very far removed information (kept from public scrutiny), whereby, it was thought that, it would be, "seemingly" impossible for anyone to ever have knowledge of these events.

2. Sightings, eye-witness testimonies, reports, conversations about viewing this genetically engineered work of evolutionary (advanced/achemical) proto-synthetic biology, archetype, the "Moth Man."

3. The annually-occurring outdoor festival, (with around 15,000 attendees, each year) is centered around, and has central theme, based on the presence of "Moth Man" in Mt. Pleasant for around a year and half during the late-1960's, (refer to Google search: "Moth Man festival Mt Pleasant WV") near, around, and from within the city of Mt. Pleasants, West Virginia from late-1966 through a good part of the year 1967.

4. The frequent occurrence of "Men in Black" and "Women in Black" (secret) groups of people, surveying/questioning/interrogating the people of Mt. Pleasants, West Virginia, during 1966 and 1967.

Video description of YouTube video featured on this post:

Nick Redfern presented "The Real Men in Black" at the 2018 Ozark Mountain UFO Conference in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. DVDs are available from Ozark Mountain Publishing: . In a fully-illustrated lecture, Nick talked about how the MIB phenomenon began in the late 1940s and how it continues to this day.

-Mark R. Rowe