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Showing posts with label were. Show all posts
Showing posts with label were. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

I have thousands and thousands of web pages tat I have written in and JavaScript during the last 8 years. I have sometimes spent 120 hours weeks writing blog posts and promoting my blogs.

I have thousands and thousands of web pages tat I have written in and JavaScript during the last 8 years. I have sometimes spent 120 hours weeks writing blog posts and promoting my blogs.

The topics of my blogs range from math and modular Origami tutorials, to exposing Eugenics Laws that were in effect over the past 130 years in Germany, U.S., England, Canada, Australia, and France. I have over one hundred million web page views for all web pages that I have created, but the total number of web page views that contain my beg content and other peoples web content that contains references to my web contents is a number in the ten billion range.

-Mark R. Rowe


My blogs prove how secret societies popularization of esoteric ideology and universal collectivism aides the process preceeding achieved world government future realization.

Click here to learn more about the Illuminati.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


They were called Illuminati phi omega tau o s or illuminated ones on the assumption that those who were instructed for baptism in the Apostolic faith had received the grace of illumination in an enlightened understanding Clement of Alexandria speaks thus of such baptismal light This is the one grace of illumination that our characters are not the same as before our washing

Information about the Illuminati click here

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

"Bluebird", "MK-Naomi", "Monarch", MK-Search, and "MK-Ultra" are the same human experimentation program conducted by the C.I.A., but broken up into 5 different code words over the duration of 30 years.

Written by Mark R. Rowe on 3/22/2015 in San Diego, CA

The C.I.A. created a synthetic mental illness called Multiple Personality Disorder as a result of a three decade long human experimentation program called by it's code names, "Bluebird", "MK-Naomi", "Monarch", MK-Search, and "MK-Ultra".
In this C.I.A. human experimentation program, human subjects were as young as 11 years old, and were forced to perform sex acts with pedophiles, were subjected to violence, psychological and physical torture, administered and scientifically controlled by C.I.A. physicians.
Three of the known physicians in charge of conducting these hanis illegal acts were by the names of Dr. Sidney Gottileib M.D., Dr. D. Ewen Cameron M.D., and Dr. L. Wilson Green M.D. These three physician were known to be employed by the C.I.A. from the years of 1949-1963, according to Johnathan Mark's book, "The Search for the Manchurian Candidate", copyright 1995.

Information about the Illuminati click here

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Find out how much of a racist, bigot, and satanist, William James and other psychologists of whom all ruined the lives of millions of people since the 1790's

666 = Dr. D. Ewen Cameron M.D. = 666 = Dr. L. Wilson Green M.D. = 666 = Dr. Gittinger M.D. = 666 = Dr. Gotteinlib M.D. = 666 = Allen Dulles = 666 = to the pathetic works of these men and their dumb and stupid little projects such as, the MK-Ultra Program, the Phoenix Program, the Monarch Program, Agenda 21, Project Echelon, and the Prism Project = 666 = The Human Betterment Association of America = 666 = Dianetics = 666 = The Human Genome Project = 666 = Dr. Craig Venter Ph. D. = 666 = Dr. John Corrigan Wells Ph. D. (Ph. D.) = 666 = Descartes  = 666 = Comte = 666 = Pavlov = 666 = Freud = 666 = John B. Watson = 666 = Carl Jung = 666 = Sighele = 666 = Tarde = 666 = Le Bon = 666 = Wittmer = 666 = Dr. G. Stanley Hall M.D. = 666 = Dr. Allen Lightner M.D. = 666 = American psychologist, William James, and his "James" room psychological experiments conducted in front of large numbers of psychologists, physiologists, and scientists at Harvard College (cir. 1790), of which all of the victims were African American slaves, subjected to torture and psychological abuse.