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Friday, August 16, 2019

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

395-4doc-Project MKUltra | Project MKUltra was a human behavioral experiment conducted by the CIA in the 1950s, headed by Dr. Ewen Cameron. Over the course of two decades, Cameron used torture methods and psychological deprivation techniques to try and take control of his patients minds. Most of his patients had depression or schizophrenia, and did not consent to his warped methods of "research". The CIA attempted to cover up the entirety of the MKUltra experiments by destroying all papers pertaining to it in the 1970s, but due to a clerical error, several boxes of files were left untouched. From those files most of the information about the experiments has been gathered, yet much of this part of the CIA's history remains a mystery.

395-4doc-Project MKUltra | Project MKUltra was a human behavioral experiment conducted by the CIA in the 1950s, headed by Dr. Ewen Cameron. Over the course of two decades, Cameron used torture methods and psychological deprivation techniques to try and take control of his patients minds. Most of his patients depression or schizophrenia, and did not consent to his warped methods of "research". The CIA attempted to cover up the entirety of the MKUltra experiments by destroying all papers pertaining to it in the 1970s, but due to a clerical error, several boxes of files were left untouched. From those files most of the information about the experiments has been gathered, yet much of this part of the CIA's history remains a mystery.

George H. W. Bush New World Order Quotes

George H. W. Bush New World Order Quotes.

George H W Bush New World Order Speech

George H W Bush New World Order Speech.

Project Blue Beam : The Four Steps To Global Domination

Project Blue Beam : The Four Steps To Global Domination.

President Ronald Reagan mentions Alien Threat at Fallston_ UN & National Strategy Forum

President Ronald Reagan mentions Alien Threat at Fallston_ UN & National Strategy Forum.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

William Cooper ~ Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare I

William Cooper ~ Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare I.

William Cooper - Sedona Arizona Lecture (1989)

William Cooper - Sedona Arizona Lecture (1989.)



D.U.M.B - Deep Underground Military Bases | Bill Hamilton talks in this rare interview we dug up about Deep underground Military Bases. He also goes through the data on the Dulce Base and a security guard who tried to leave his job

D.U.M.B - Deep Underground Military Bases | Bill Hamilton talks in this rare interview we dug up about Deep underground Military Bases. He also goes through the data on the Dulce Base and a security guard who tried to leave his job.

Underground Bases, CIA Clones, and False Flags

Underground Bases, CIA Clones, and False Flags.

Journey through an Underground Base - Full Video Coverage

Journey through an Underground Base - Full Video Coverage.