Former members of the Jason Society (mistakenly known for its public name); the "Skull and Bones", during the Truman Administration and Eiesenhower Administration; (1947-1954), are shown below
Gordon Dean
Dr. Henry Kissinger
Dr. Edward Teller
Major Gen. C. Lindsey
W. Baldwin
Loyde D. Burtner
Frank C. Nash
Paul H. Neitzey
Charles P. Noise
Frank Pace Jr.
James A. Perkins
Don K. Price
David Rockefeller
Oscar M. Rubenhausen
Lt. Gen. James A. Gavin
Carl P. Haskins
James T. Hill Jr.
Joseph E. Johnson
Mervin J. Kelly
Frank Altschul
Hamilton Fish Armstrong
Maj. Gen. James McCormick Jr.
Robert R. Bowie
McGeorge Bundy
William A. Burdon
John C. Campell
Thomas K. Finletter
George S. Franklin Jr.
I. I. Rabi
Roswell L. Patrick
N. E. Halabey
Gen. Walter B. Smith
Henry Dewolf Smythe
Sheils Warren
Carol L. Wilson
Arnold Wolffers
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