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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaires top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt professor of canon law Bavaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaire Rockefeller David John Evelyn Rothschild Jacob Samuel New World Order Ages Baden Baden Germany Lower Saxony Berlin Munich Zurich Take over of the world wide financial crisis public necessary dependency on one world system government language currency one set of world leaders elected rule the entire planet without national boarders no need for military world peace credit debt enslavement purchased all nations debt giving them ownership of the world ruled by their one world government Our educational system is broken. It beats the creativity out of you by the time that you are in the fourth grade. It forces you to become a blogger or hacker in order to become creative. Blog that!

The federal government is out of money. The federal government does not have enough money to fund itself for the next 10 years. When all that is left is guns, it will be bloggers that will carry us through! Blog that!

Only the experiment of putting them from earliest infancy into an optimum environment--not forgetting that it need not be the same for everyone--than to modify gene frequencies by wise selection. Once mankind has produced an approximation of that optimum environment, the eugenics task will be much simpler.   In fact, the natural selection exerted by such an environment may make eugenics quite unnecessary. -H. Bentley Glass

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