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Sunday, February 10, 2019

The book titled “Our Life Beyond MKULTRA, Books 1 and 2,” is an insider's story of intentionally designed trauma-based mind kontrol Multiple Personality Disorder and her resultant use involving government, military, intelligence, religious and corporate organizations and institutions, as well as the insidious kontrol of humanity by an eons old cross-dimensional species involved in hybridization and cloning. The demi-gods and Nephilim of old have a predominant role in her story, having encountered them repeatedly in the altered consciousness of trauma-based mind kontrol programming as well as in full waking consciousness. It is a journey through the mind fragmenting "black tech" being utilized by a bloodline network of human victims to these malevolent beings who are now its minions and perpetrators. Elisa's is a story of abilities attained through this process some of which still remain well into her deep deprogramming which began in April 2008. Her story takes you through hybridization, cloning and cybernization, though not in the future, instead already here and successfully implemented in the black projects of high-level mind kontrol. Our Life Beyond MKULTRA is contained in 2 Books to provide the perspective of not only the horrendous programming and "on task" years running decades, but the life threatening journey that continues in deep deprogramming. Her contention, "once MKULTRA, always MKULTRA," however the dismantling and manageability of her still surfacing alters and programs has allowed an intelligent and self-aware evaluation of not only her own situation, yet that of the "next level" End Time agenda now affecting the globe. If the current intellect continues to demand that all that is surreal is a judge to falsehoods, then humanity will not extract itself from the impending species kontrol. According to Elisa and many of her alternate personalities, the "next level" is total kontrol of the human species without their recognition that it occurred.

Our Life Beyond MKULTRA hybridization cloning cybernization trauma based mind kontrol black budgets

The book titled “Our Life Beyond MKULTRA, Books 1 and 2,” is an insider's story of intentionally designed trauma-based mind kontrol Multiple Personality Disorder and her resultant use involving government, military, intelligence, religious and corporate organizations and institutions, as well as the insidious kontrol of humanity by an eons old cross-dimensional species involved in hybridization and cloning. The demi-gods and Nephilim of old have a predominant role in her story, having encountered them repeatedly in the altered consciousness of trauma-based mind kontrol programming as well as in full waking consciousness.

It is a journey through the mind fragmenting "black tech" being utilized by a bloodline network of human victims to these malevolent beings who are now its minions and perpetrators. Elisa's is a story of abilities attained through this process some of which still remain well into her deep deprogramming which began in April 2008.

Her story takes you through hybridization, cloning and cybernization, though not in the future, instead already here and successfully implemented in the black projects of high-level mind kontrol. Our Life Beyond MKULTRA is contained in 2 Books to provide the perspective of not only the horrendous programming and "on task" years running decades, but the life threatening journey that continues in deep deprogramming. Her contention, "once MKULTRA, always MKULTRA," however the dismantling and manageability of her still surfacing alters and programs has allowed an intelligent and self-aware evaluation of not only her own situation, yet that of the "next level" End Time agenda now affecting the globe.

If the current intellect continues to demand that all that is surreal is a judge to falsehoods, then humanity will not extract itself from the impending species kontrol. According to Elisa and many of her alternate personalities, the "next level" is total kontrol of the human species without their recognition that it occurred.

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