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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

In 1942, the US government upgraded Montauk Naval Air Station to "US Military Reservation" by establishing Army, Navy and Coast Guard constituents. The Navy acquired Fort Pond Bay and Montauk Manor. They built docks, seaplane hangars, barracks, and a huge torpedo testing facility. The locals called this site "Camp Hero." Having Army, Navy, and radar facilities at the same site, is perfect grounds for CIA operations like Project MKULTRA. On December 1, 1953, the site designation was changed to LP-45 and the Air Force facilities were renamed Montauk Air Force Station. In November 1957, the Army closed the military reservation on the Eastern side of Camp Hero. Its speculated that the CIA may have conducted secret programs, not approved by congress, at this Army reservation, while having Air force activity as a front on the Westside. By July 1963, the site was re-designated as NORAD ID Z-45, and the high-power AN/FPS-35 radar became fully operational. In 1969, the radar field and housing device at Montauk Point, was closed and fenced off from the public. The US government donated part of the land, but retained the rights to “everything beneath the surface” and the right to reoccupy the land if made necessary by a matter of national security. Part of the Montauk Project conspiracy, is that the US government maintains a secret underground research facility under Montauk Point. The facility is powered by a power-station capable of using gigawatts. In an underground facility at Montauk Point, about 30 to 50 physicists and engineers experimented in quantum and particle physics (black hole simulation). Their experiments included super-powerful electrical fields, weather control, psychotronics (interfacing mind and machine), genetics, particle beam technology, and electronic and drug- based mind control. They also worked with an experimental positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) to detect variations in density, defects, displacements, and more importantly voids within various solid materials, including humans.

In 1942, the US government upgraded Montauk Naval Air Station to "US Military Reservation" by establishing Army, Navy and Coast Guard constituents. The Navy acquired Fort Pond Bay and Montauk Manor. They built docks, seaplane hangars, barracks, and a huge torpedo testing facility. The locals called this site "Camp Hero."

Having Army, Navy, and radar facilities at the same site, is perfect grounds for CIA operations like Project MKULTRA. On December 1, 1953, the site designation was changed to LP-45 and the Air Force facilities were renamed Montauk Air Force Station. In November 1957, the Army closed the military reservation on the Eastern side of Camp Hero. Its speculated that the CIA may have conducted secret programs, not approved by congress, at this Army reservation, while having Air force activity as a front on the Westside. By July 1963, the site was re-designated as NORAD ID Z-45, and the high-power AN/FPS-35 radar became fully operational.

In 1969, the radar field and housing device at Montauk Point, was closed and fenced off from the public. The US government donated part of the land, but retained the rights to “everything beneath the surface” and the right to reoccupy the land if made necessary by a matter of national security. Part of the Montauk Project conspiracy, is that the US government maintains a secret underground research facility under Montauk Point. The facility is powered by a power-station capable of using gigawatts.

In an underground facility at Montauk Point, about 30 to 50 physicists and engineers experimented in quantum and particle physics (black hole simulation). Their experiments included super-powerful electrical fields, weather control, psychotronics (interfacing mind and machine), genetics, particle beam technology, and electronic and drug- based mind control. They also worked with an experimental positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) to detect variations in density, defects, displacements, and more importantly voids within various solid materials, including humans.

One of the main programs of Project Montauk was to conduct condensed matter experiments. They used particle accelerator(s) to perform collision experiments of positrons and electrons at relativistic speeds. The high impact energy and the mutual annihilation of these matter/antimatter opposites, created various and diverse subatomic particles. Montauk physicists studied the results of these collisions to test theoretical predictions, and to study the interaction between matter and electromagnetic radiation. The main purpose behind this research, was to harness radiant energy needed for teleportation and time travel. Due to many of these experiments, the facility was subjected to the hazards of Neutron radiation.

Mind control programs were also included. One experiment made use of the Montauk chair, an "off planet technology" that was used to detect the human biofield; sensors were connected to psycho-active hardware that could "outrun the speed of light".

Events related to Montauk Point

c. 1950- Project MKULTRA established
c. 1958- CIA uses abandoned Army reservation on Eastside of Montauk Point for Project MKULTRA programs that extends underground
c. 1963- may have installed the particle generators, included with the funding for the high-power AN/FPS-35 radar at point
c. 1963- Silva Mind Control courses commercially offered to the public
c. 1964- Montauk Project begins with physics and radar research, then later extends to experiments on humans.
c. 1965- Men in Black recruitment of children in Silva Mind Control program, escalates into abductions for Monarch mind control project
c. 1975- Project MKUltra disclosed to the public
c. 1978- Air Force submits proposal to the Carter Administration to close the base
c. 1983- Duncan Cameron disrupts Montauk Project operations
c. 1984- Montauk Point sealed and abandoned


Van Wyen, Adrian O. (1969). Naval Aviation in World War I. Washington, D.C.: Chief of Naval Operations. p. 33
Mark A., Ed. (2015). American Seacoast Defenses, A Reference Guide, Third Edition. McLean, Virginia: CDSG Press. ISBN 978-0-9748167-3-9
Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell, interview with Preston B. Nichols
The Hidden Hand Q&A Pt. 2, with Duncan Cameron
The Mars Records (2000), by Stephanie Relfe, p.45-46, 62; 102-104; 127-129

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info on the free and accepted masons

current nwo plans

the latest on the Rothschild family dealings

current events of the CFR

the last move of the Trilateral Commission

videos of nwo protest

nwo canceled plans

tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry

the decline of Royal Society influence

Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive

consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21


Former intelligence operative and psychic telepath, James Casbolt discussed his experiences in Project Mannequin, a ‘super soldier’ project allegedly run by the NSA and British intelligence since 1972. Conducted in secret underground facilities, Casbolt said the program used drug-assisted hypnosis, trauma-based mind control and genetic engineering to turn kidnapped children into espionage agents and psychic assassins. According to Casbolt, he was regularly placed in something called a ‘trip seat,’ where he was injected with drugs, connected via cranial implants to a computer, and made to perform telepathic and remote viewing/influencing tasks. Memories of his experiences in the underground base were replaced with new ‘cover memories’ before he was returned back to his life on the outside, he explained. Casbolt claims that renegade NSA operatives have helped him recover memories of these events. Casbolt spoke about various sub-projects of Project Mannequin, including one called Lycan that involved being injected with modified animal DNA. He also talked about extraterrestrial treaties, back-engineered alien technology, as well as military bio-robot clones called programmable life forms (PLF) that look like Grays and are used by the government to stage ‘false flag’ alien abductions. More on Casbolt’s involvement with Project Mannequin can be found in his book, Agent Buried Alive.

Former intelligence operative and psychic telepath, James Casbolt discussed his experiences in Project Mannequin, a ‘super soldier’ project allegedly run by the NSA and British intelligence since 1972. Conducted in secret underground facilities, Casbolt said the program used drug-assisted hypnosis, trauma-based mind control and genetic engineering to turn kidnapped children into espionage agents and psychic assassins.

According to Casbolt, he was regularly placed in something called a ‘trip seat,’ where he was injected with drugs, connected via cranial implants to a computer, and made to perform telepathic and remote viewing/influencing tasks. Memories of his experiences in the underground base were replaced with new ‘cover memories’ before he was returned back to his life on the outside, he explained. Casbolt claims that renegade NSA operatives have helped him recover memories of these events.

Casbolt spoke about various sub-projects of Project Mannequin, including one called Lycan that involved being injected with modified animal DNA. He also talked about extraterrestrial treaties, back-engineered alien technology, as well as military bio-robot clones called programmable life forms (PLF) that look like Grays and are used by the government to stage ‘false flag’ alien abductions. More on Casbolt’s involvement with Project Mannequin can be found in his book, Agent Buried Alive.


James Casbolt was part of a genetic enhancement and mind control program at the AL/499 underground base in Berkshire as well as connected underground facilities in the UK. He was trained and conditioned from a young age for remote viewing, drug running and other tasks. This mind control program is a continuation of the Nazi super race projects. The intelligence community is creating genetically enhanced PLF (Programmable Life Form) super soldiers and spies with psychic abilities and under total mind control. The program is called Project Mannequin and is run by the NSA with help from British Intelligence.

People simply don’t understand just how technologically advanced the NWO is compared to the civilian sector. We aren’t talking about fifty years ahead, we’re talking about one thousand years ahead. Cloning, total mind control, invisibility, anti-gravity, free energy, age regression, soul transfers, extended life spans, time travel, space portals, ability to cure any disease, time machines, etc. are already in the hands of the NWO and their military lap dogs. We are living in a make-believe world of pretend democracy while being lied to by pretend representatives, pretend media, and pretend leaders, of which a large percentage are working on behalf of the NWO to destroy this country and usher in the satanic One World government.

1. The New World Order is run by alien overlords. Humans aren’t calling the shots, Dracos reptilian aliens are calling the shots. Most “human” representatives of the Illuminati, puppet politicians, and military leaders are human/alien hybrids or 100% reptilian shape-shifters (Chimeras) or CLONES of the original person. The current Secretary of the Treasury, for instance, Henry Paulson, is likely a clone of the original Paulson who was killed last December according to Britain’s Christopher Story.

2. The NWO/alien agenda includes eliminating about 85% of the world’s population (wars, chemtrails, vaccines, engineered diseases, engineered hurricanes and earthquakes, etc) so there won’t be enough humans left on the planet to offer any meaningful resistance when the Dracos invasion is in full swing.

3. The “God” of the NWO and their alien cohorts is Lucifer and they intend to convert this planet into a Hell on Earth- obedient to Lucifer. They are attempting to eliminate all expression of spirituality, morality, honor, integrity, and allegiance to God and the teachings of Jesus Christ. That’s why their Illuminated minions are working so hard to destroy the Christian religion (the Catholic church is the prime target) and try to convince you that Jesus Christ never even existed.

illuminati leaks

info on the free and accepted masons

current nwo plans

the latest on the Rothschild family dealings

current events of the CFR

the last move of the Trilateral Commission

videos of nwo protest

nwo canceled plans

tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry

the decline of Royal Society influence

Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive

consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

Monday, July 15, 2019

This electromagnetic technology in reported use by thousands of victims today nationwide and near millions globally being used as a covert method of physical torture by specific agencies, military personnel in the civilian arena, Federal (FBI - Joint Resource Intelligence Center (JRIC) in California) and Fusion Center leadership as the approving authority for unified military technology and military personnel, state and local police departments the new paradigm. A corrupt division of the Los Angeles Police Department, satellite counter-terrorism division, four floors underground, known as the Real-Time Analysis and Critical Response (RACR) Division is an example of the hidden and monstrous unchecked use of these weapons when used for hideous silencing, suppression of exposure of official illegal wrong, and subjugation. Scalar, Silent Sound, & Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Sonic and acoustic, and the Active Denial System, also drone equipped, are in widespread use. As early as the 1930s, Nikola Tesla, and others called these types of weapons, having the health deteriorating effect using electromagnetic energy, the "Death Ray." The characteristic of these technologies covert use, when used in relentless attacks on targeted victims is its intentional, deceptive, frightening design, designed to give the appearance of naturally occurring death or major illnesses by extremely low frequencies although it is technological, electromagnetic, slow kill. Leukemia, tumorous cancers, heart inflictions and a host of other intentional medical conditions are manifested in targets resulting in slow debilitating illnesses and diseases. Those being used in remote technological experimentation, for many and varied reasons, are witnessing the slow manifestation of illnesses which range also from unusual joint deterioration to depression, migraines, weakness, and fatigue, to also extreme, and medically unexplained, severe neurological problems and autoimmune disease. Whistleblowers are described as "Primary Targets" such as Renee Pittman. "Primary Targets" are those who have been place on the hit list, marked for slow kill, and are being heavily targeted, 24/7, in intentional physical and psychological torture programs using remotely directed microwave energy weapons, which are also termed psychotronic in a decisive manner to covertly, technologically, reduce a lifespan. The overall structure of this program is to destroy every aspect of the target's life, mentally and physically by using technology to create systematic tissue and organ damage, mental illness resulting from the deployment of the focused, directional beam relentlessly over a period of time. Victims who end up at this level, in this program are often those who begin to realize what is happening and by their exposure become a threat. "The Program" does not just stop with primaries. In the full spectrum of this ruthless, testing program, "Ordinary Victimized Individuals" are people who have been unsuspectingly put on a list to be either experimented on, destroyed, or mind controlled, with remote frequencies. Women, said to be 70% of those targeted, fit this category. This is especially true when single and living alone and reportedly are also being sexually exploited by patented stimulation beams. It is all done quietly, covertly, secretly, and is strategic and slyly orchestrated. Without public awareness, through mainstream media, on "Gag Orders" exposing these crimes, victims have no real help, when it is military and unified law enforcement. The torture then results in microwave COINTELPRO, "Covert Technological Murder" by the "Pain Ray Beam." The weapons are portable, handheld also and defined in the "Space Preservation Act of 2001, Sec. 7. and make the perfect official crime. The covert use of psychophysical, psychological electronic frequency wave technology is in full use today, as well as, the structure of an ongoing high-level nonconsensual human guinea pig program with combined technological harassment revealing corruption that makes other documented human experimentation historical programs look like child play. "The Program" is decades perfected and unleashed legally for testing, some would argue bogusly legalized, for continued research activity, post 9/11, on men, women, and children, individuals, groups, communities and large populations. It is absolutely no wonder there is an ongoing effort to discredit, silence, and subjugate Pittman. And, these are tactics confirmed by thousands of victims worldwide through the use of covertly beamed electromagnetic Directed Energy Weapon psycho-physical attacks designed to shut down Human Rights Advocates, bogusly labeled as "Domestic Terrorist" by any means necessary and for using exposure to fight for their very lives. FBI Joint Resource Intelligence Center JRIC in California and Fusion Center leadership corrupt organized torture and crisis response criminal money racketeering (entity) dog shit sits behind prison bars from new legislation enacted from Tomo Shibata, Ph. D.'s proposed bill currently under review by the California State Legislature. -Mark R. Rowe Source: Covert Technological Murder: Pain Ray Beam (Mind Control Technology Book 3), Rene Pittman, 2013. To purchase on Amazon, Refer to link below.

Commercial Photography 
This electromagnetic technology in reported use by thousands of victims today nationwide and near millions globally being used as a covert method of physical torture by specific agencies, military personnel in the civilian arena, Federal (FBI - Joint Resource Intelligence Center (JRIC) in California) and Fusion Center leadership as the approving authority for unified military technology and military personnel, state and local police departments the new paradigm. A corrupt division of the Los Angeles Police Department, satellite counter-terrorism division, four floors underground, known as the Real-Time Analysis and Critical Response (RACR) Division is an example of the hidden and monstrous unchecked use of these weapons when used for hideous silencing, suppression of exposure of official illegal wrong, and subjugation.

Scalar, Silent Sound, & Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Sonic and acoustic, and the Active Denial System, also drone equipped, are in widespread use. As early as the 1930s, Nikola Tesla, and others called these types of weapons, having the health deteriorating effect using electromagnetic energy, the "Death Ray." 
The characteristic of these technologies covert use, when used in relentless attacks on targeted victims is its intentional, deceptive, frightening design, designed to give the appearance of naturally occurring death or major illnesses by extremely low frequencies although it is technological, electromagnetic, slow kill. Leukemia, tumorous cancers, heart inflictions and a host of other intentional medical conditions are manifested in targets resulting in slow debilitating illnesses and diseases.

Those being used in remote technological experimentation, for many and varied reasons, are witnessing the slow manifestation of illnesses which range also from unusual joint deterioration to depression, migraines, weakness, and fatigue, to also extreme, and medically unexplained, severe neurological problems and autoimmune disease.

Whistleblowers are described as "Primary Targets" such as Renee Pittman.

"Primary Targets" are those who have been place on the hit list, marked for slow kill, and are being heavily targeted, 24/7, in intentional physical and psychological torture programs using remotely directed microwave energy weapons, which are also termed psychotronic in a decisive manner to covertly, technologically, reduce a lifespan.

The overall structure of this program is to destroy every aspect of the target's life, mentally and physically by using technology to create systematic tissue and organ damage, mental illness resulting from the deployment of the focused, directional beam relentlessly over a period of time. Victims who end up at this level, in this program are often those who begin to realize what is happening and by their exposure become a threat.

"The Program" does not just stop with primaries. 
In the full spectrum of this ruthless, testing program, "Ordinary Victimized Individuals" are people who have been unsuspectingly put on a list to be either experimented on, destroyed, or mind controlled, with remote frequencies. Women, said to be 70% of those targeted, fit this category. This is especially true when single and living alone and reportedly are also being sexually exploited by patented stimulation beams.

It is all done quietly, covertly, secretly, and is strategic and slyly orchestrated. 
Without public awareness, through mainstream media, on "Gag Orders" exposing these crimes, victims have no real help, when it is military and unified law enforcement. The torture then results in microwave COINTELPRO, "Covert Technological Murder" by the "Pain Ray Beam." The weapons are portable, handheld also and defined in the "Space Preservation Act of 2001, Sec. 7. and make the perfect official crime.
The covert use of  psychophysical,  psychological  electronic frequency wave technology is in full use today, as well as, the structure of an ongoing high-level nonconsensual human guinea pig  program with combined technological harassment revealing corruption that makes other documented human  experimentation historical programs look like child play.

"The Program" is decades perfected and unleashed legally for testing, some would argue bogusly legalized, for continued research activity,  post  9/11, on men, women, and children, individuals,  groups, communities and large populations. 
It is absolutely no wonder there is an ongoing effort to discredit, silence, and subjugate Pittman.  And, these are tactics confirmed by thousands of victims worldwide through the use of covertly beamed electromagnetic Directed Energy Weapon psycho-physical attacks designed to shut down Human Rights Advocates, bogusly labeled as "Domestic Terrorist" by any means necessary and for using exposure to fight for their very lives.

FBI Joint Resource Intelligence Center JRIC in California and Fusion Center leadership corrupt organized torture and crisis response criminal money racketeering (entity) dog shit sits behind prison bars from new legislation enacted from Tomo Shibata, Ph. D.'s proposed bill currently under review by the California State Legislature.

-Mark R. Rowe

Source: Covert Technological Murder: Pain Ray Beam (Mind Control Technology Book 3), Rene Pittman, 2013.  To purchase on Amazon, Refer to link below.

illuminati leaks

info on the free and accepted masons

current nwo plans

the latest on the Rothschild family dealings

current events of the CFR

the last move of the Trilateral Commission

videos of nwo protest

nwo canceled plans

tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry

the decline of Royal Society influence

Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive

consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

crisis, and, response, criminal, money, racketeering, dog, shit, sits, behind, prison, bars, from, new, legislation, enacted, Tomo, Shibata, Ph, D, proposed, bill, currently, under, review, California, State, Legislature