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Thursday, December 17, 2020

When will we have justice served for these insidious crimes against humanity still continue today, crimes associated with the illegal cybernetic/cyber human use of human beings in the continuatiation of US government run project MKULTRA, MONARCH, SPELLBINDER, MKOFTEN, and SLEEPING BEAUTY, terror/torture and ritual abuse requirements necessary to divide a human mind, where this (Monarch) crime-victim did not consent to human-augmentation, human-performance, involutary undue-influence, abreactive human terrain team cooridinated/organized hypersensitivity arousal indirect suggestion code/cue/signal-phrase was paired with ritual trained punishments avoidance (purged ) condirioned stimulus response entrained behavioral (aviod) 

Still no justice for these particular crimes are routinely ignored, but were already verified that they occur, with existence proof provided with authentic multiple projects documentation shown to the world, with observation of this proof, observed by 100s of millions of people (via webpages, books, and articles found within millions of ethical bloggers' blogs) around the world understand what RA MKULTRA and MONARCH CSIS RCMP mind-control and brainwashing is, [ with complete definition given by adjunct professor of psychology, (at the University of Utah) D. C. Hammond, Ph.D., definition given in the video with (url) link, [ ] as this knowledge is commonly known information.

-Mark R. Rowe


The work of psychologist, Ellen P. Lacter, PhD: 

The work of John Hall, MD:


["A New Breed: Sattelite Terrorism," by John Hall, MD]

The book shown above is available for purchase on by clicking on the (url) link shown below.

How is Monarch Programming MKULTRA different than Joseff Mengele Human Experiments and human use of human beings that took place in Germany during WW2?

Does the “Nuremburg Code of Ethics," clearly state in it’s authentic/original form, the words to follow: “Consent given to individual involved in human experiment is essential, and needs to be completely explained in all possible contexts, and also in terms of all possible contexts might have terms that vary from one different context to another found across multiple projects involved tests administered to humans, as the "Nuremburg Code" was a result of the "Nazi-War-Crimes trials" refers to it correct proper name is "The Nuremburg Trials" put several hundred Nazi physicians, scientists, and engineers behind bars for life or sent to electric-chair/public-hanging, as they were forced (by the rule-of-law) to take responsibility for their insidious crimes against humanity, (as this is when and where the first exposure of these types crimes against humanity unfolded, wittnessed by the public-eye) where more than 1000 were smuggled into the USA to continue mind-control research, human-experimentation, and product development [refer to Pulitzer Prize Winner, Journalist, Author, Blogger, Annie Jacobson's keynote speech at book-signing event/TV-production's associated video has (url) link ( )].

-Mark R. Rowe

Additional sources:

1. Nuremburg Trials, (verdict coverage) Oct. 7, 1946/Associated Press, Inc., NY, NY, US:

2. The work (of Dr. Tom Knotts and the work of D. C. Hammond, Ph.D.,) can be studied from multiple published articles, videos, webpages, and multiple books written by both Knotts and Hammond, of which I recommend beginning to learn these topics, where information can learned from the (url) links shown below.

3. Persinger, Michael (1974). ELF and VLF electromagnetic field effects. New York: Plenum Press. ISBN 978-0-306-30826-0.

4. Persinger, Michael (1974). The paranormal. New York: MSS Information Corp. ISBN 978-0-8422-5212-6.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Facts about the occult (activity) of (the ongoing) "Babalon Working" project.

The following words (shown below) are taken/borrowed from the description of video, [ ] a Glastonbury (England) Occult Conference (2015):

Paul Weston lecture from Glastonbury Occult Conference March 21st 2015.

The story of the Babalon Working is an occult legend. Rocket scientist Jack Parsons, future founder of Scientology L Ron Hubbard, and fiercely individual witch-woman artist Marjorie Cameron used the ideas of Aleister Crowley to try and bring forth a goddess into the modern world of the A Bomb and Gnostic revival. The results were mysterious, controversial, and even catastrophic. Paul uses material from his book Aleister Crowley and the Aeon of Horus to give unique insight into this story, including a contentious take on the role of Hubbard.

Deliberately posted on the anniversary of Jack Parsons death.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

As our illusions were created by design, via what was (already) institutionalized (affects all human domains) caused from what was implied/adopted from the imposition of Political Correctness, Critical Theory, Change Theory, and Transactional Theory all have unforeseen unintended adverse social/interpersonal-communication adverse (resultant) consequences arose as the result of the (wide-scale) human adaptation of these "new age" different morals values, (conflict with cherished values, we once all had, remained the same, for thousands of years, is information passed down generation-to-generation at both the biological and social levels (portrayed to be attractive, seductive, permissibly accepted by all, portrayed to have the appearance as an already accepted norm done by actors, spokesmen, and artists/musicians on TV, radio, advertising, film, and news. 

And, also, where observation-based operational environments involve (influence/performance) social engineering constructs (human) commodity was conditioned/trained from the use (in application) of new information discovered/applied in MKULTRA's 147 (distinct) projects and the ongoing wide-spread MONARCH projects/internal-based-operations in the "Monarch-Parlance" administered to an unwitting (persons selected for subjugation, based of personality profile, IQ, and creative-aptitude, J. Gittenger, PhD, 1965, Fairfax County, VA, U.S.) populace, where expected media coverage, (reports things occurred from fabrication) can be relatively easy to predict in advance based on planning takes place prior to what construct will do from operative/operator (handler/provocateurs') influence over construct's perception/behavior/entrained-activity, deemed unintended out-side imposed influence to an unaware populace left to deal with inescapable change (the general public did not vote for) among society in terms of the sociological, cultural, political, educational, economic, public-policy, health/medicine, law, security/freedom, human rights, and a general tolerance of violence exchanged for scientific advance.

-Mark R. Rowe


Dr Tom Knotts, Ellen P Lacter, PhD, Collin Ross, MD, and Robert Duncan, PhD.  Do some Google searches.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Some information about the illegal human use of human beings in modern-day social-engineering operations. Written by -Mark R. Rowe

illegal human use of human beings in modern day social engineering

The "screenshot" photo shown above, is taken from the Google-search associated with the (url) link is:

As our illusions were created by design, via what was (already) institutionalized (affects all human domains) caused from what was implied/adopted from the imposition of Political Correctness, Critical Theory, Change Theory, and Transactional Theory all have unforeseen unintended adverse social/interpersonal-communication adverse (resultant) consequences arose as the result of the (wide-scale) human adaptation of these "new age" different morals values, (conflict with cherished values, we once all had, remained the same, for thousands of years, is information passed down generation-to-generation at both the biological and social levels (portrayed to be attractive, seductive, permissibly accepted by all, portrayed to a have the appearance as an already accepted norm done by actors, spokesmen, and artists/musicians on TV, radio, advertising, film, and news.  

And, also, where observation-based operational environments involve (influence/performance) social engineering constructs (human) commodity was conditioned/trained from the use (in application) of new information discovered/applied in MKULTRA's 147 (distinct) projects and the ongoing wide-spread MONARCH projects/internal-based-operations in the "Monarch-Parlance" administered to an unwitting (persons selected for subjugation, based of personality profile, IQ, and creative-aptitude, J. Gittenger, PhD, 1965, Fairfax County, VA, U.S.) populace, where expected media coverage, (reports things occurred from fabrication) can be relatively easy to predict in advance based on the planning prior to what construct will do from operative/operator (handler/provocateurs') influence over construct's perception/behavior/entrained-activity, was, merely, once, only modeled data prior to the neuro-linguistic programming of a human being did not consent to his (unavoidable) involuntary participation (due the high-level of perfectly timed personal attacks upon subject/construct, based on surveillance data-collection/assessment op. centered around subject/construct is information (gained prior to it's use and application) used against construct in situationally-based timely manner, affects human-psyche in a significant way, where mind required this affect to be purged also has (subsequent) corresponding pattern of behavior/activity directly tied to a goal to be achieved in the Monarch-Parlance, generally (already) understood to be known outcomes, an engineered/predicted product is information used by many yielded high-profits for the informed compared against the uninformed profited less when a generalized comparison (in terms of business/market-knowledge/financial advantage) was made, but it is also (all to obvious) that this type of human-use of human beings is illegal by any standard, infracted multiple-laws found in multiple (distinct) nations around the world, enforced laws that have average incarceration-time-length/fines associated with person (when punishment was rendered in courtroom, where judge gave sentence to defendant) convicted of these (distinct) crimes-against-humanity (where, these evidence trails are routinely covered-up, ignored, at the professional-level with or without the use of bribery, blackmail, threats, and coercion, E. Lacter, PhD, ,and the work of both C. Ross, MD, 2010, Austin, TX, U.S. and J. Hall, MD, 2014, Dallas, TX, U.S.)

And, when the results of these fabricated processes (are reported on by mainstream media is seen by the general public is content designed with subluminal affect the human mind, where human-mind reasoning ability was bypassed ("Engineering Consent" by Edward Bernays, born in Vienna, Austria-Hungary during 1891, and passed away in Boston, MA, U.S., during 1995) permeated the world in terms of all-levels of human-consciousness, ground-level (human domain) environment culture characteristics differ by a high-degree in the post-1950's world compared to characteristics that largely remained the same throughout all of human-history prior to the mid-20th century, characteristics directly associated with mankind's family-values, religious-values, and patriotic-values.

-Mark R. Rowe

Monday, November 2, 2020

Was (criminal malice does not have plausible deniabilty

Watch the video associated with the "Greenbaum" speech given by D. C. Hammond, PhD during 1992 (spoken to an audience of around 3 or 4 dozen psychotherapists in Alexandria, VA at the "Mark" Center Raddison Hotel located (in southeastern Fairfax County Virginia)
approximately 7 miles from NW Washington, DC

Buy the book, "The Mind Possessed" written by William Sargant ( on ) with cover featured above. Make this purchase with click made to (url) link is shown below:

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Facts about MKULTRA/MONARCH projects/programmes' in the human use of human beings in ritual abuse mind control and brainwashing. Refer to (url) Amazon links associated with the books featured on this webpage.

It will soon become completely impossible (in every way) to install/maintain a global government, when all the hard work and millions of man hours and large fortunes of money (in efforts of political and psychological social engineering ground-based domestic operations in terms of one of the main functions of MKULTRA/MONARCH projects' final desired outcome is the hearts of the mind of men shaped and molded to the desire of a few small (sick) groups of men with means to do this, but cannot enslave (due to information controlled by 7400 million verses information controlled by .750 million people at most has a clearly mathematically defined winner) the entire world's population in the name of "world peace," when both sides of every war since the 1790's (Napoleonic) have been funded by the same European-based banking family, the Rothschilds.  

So many people don't even know how "hoodwinked" they are, while complicit in their daily personal and business affairs.

-Mark R. Rowe


The work of the following individuals (in the form of books, articles, and media reports):

1. Dr. John Coleman.
2. Nesta H. Webster.
3. William Guy Carr.
4. Alex Ccnstantine.
5. George Green.
6. Arthur Dobbs.

Taken/borrowed from San Diego based psychologist, Ellen P. Lacter, PhD's blog is:

Friday, October 2, 2020

Modern day human experimentation (without consent) should not exist, but unfortunately it does. This is dispicable.




Does the “Nuremburg Code of Ethics," clearly state in it’s authentic/original form, the words to follow: “Consent given to individual involved in human experiment is essential, and needs to be completely explained in all possible contexts, and also in terms of all possible contexts might have terms that vary from one different context to another found across multiple projects involved tests administered to humans, as the "Nuremburg Code" was a result of the "Nazi-War-Crimes trials" refers to it correct proper name is "The Nuremburg Trials" put several hundred Nazi physicians, scientists, and engineers behind bars for life or sent to electric-chair/public-hanging, as they were forced (by the rule-of-law) to take responsibility for their insidious crimes against humanity, (as this is when and where the first exposure of these types crimes against humanity unfolded, wittnessed by the public-eye) where more than 1000 were smuggled into the USA to continue mind-control research, human-experimentation, and product development [refer to Pulitzer Prize Winner, Journalist, Author, Blogger, Annie Jacobson's keynote speech at book-signing event/TV-production's associated video has (url) link ( )].

Please visit Ellen P. Lacter, PhD's (San Diego based psychologist) website:

Thank you!  If everyone cared about the human rights of all in the world, includes the protected human rights of your family, my family, me and you, we would not be (blindly killing each other based on Hegelian warfare theory, propaganda content, and undisclosed international business profit dollar quantity, and the extension of illuminism is socialism helped the top .01 own 80 percent of what the world could produce and sell in any given one day, while most "pawns in the game" never understand this high level inside realty.

Sources:  the work of the following individuals in the form of books articles, and media reports:

1.  William Guy Carr.
2. Arthur Dobbs.
3. George Green.
4. John Coleman, PhD.
5. Nesta Webster.
6. G. Edward Griffin
Please watch this interview (with G. Edward Griffin):

-Mark R. Rowe

Additional sources:

1. Nuremburg Trials, (verdict coverage) Oct. 7, 1946/Associated Press, Inc., NY, NY, US:

2. The work (of Dr. Tom Knotts and the work of D. C. Hammond, Ph.D.,) can be studied from multiple published articles, videos, webpages, and multiple books written by both Knotts and Hammond, of which I recommend beginning to learn these topics, where information can learned from the (url) links shown below.

3. Persinger, Michael (1974). ELF and VLF electromagnetic field effects. New York: Plenum Press. ISBN 978-0-306-30826-0.

4. Persinger, Michael (1974). The paranormal. New York: MSS Information Corp. ISBN 978-0-8422-5212-6.

Buy the book shown (above) on, by clucking on the (url) link shown below.

Buy the book shown (above) on, by clucking on the (url) link shown below.

Thursday, October 1, 2020


The words below refer (and reflect) San Diego based psychologist, Ellen P. Lacter, PhD's blog,

Dr. Sydney Gottleib
Lt. Col John Alexander
Richard Dabney Anderson (USN)
Dr. James Monroe
Dr. John Lilly
Lt. Comdr. Thomas Narut
Dr William Jennings Bryan
Dr. Bernard L. Diamond
Dr. Martin T. Orne
Dr. Louis J. West
Dr Robert J. Lifton
Dr. Harris Isbel
Col. Wilson Green

Heinrich Mueller

"Malcolm”, Aquino
E. Hummel
W. Bowers

University of Rochester
Georgetown University Hospital
Maimonides Medical Center
St. Elizabeth’s Hospital (Washington D.C.)
Bell Laboratories
Stanford Research Institute
Westinghouse Friendship Laboratories
General Electric
Mankind Research Unlimited

The book above can be purchased on by clicking on the link shown below.

China Lake Naval Weapons Center
The Presidio
Ft. Dietrick
Ft. Campbell
Ft. Lewis
Ft. Hood
Redstone Arsenal
Offutt AFB
Patrick AFB
McClellan AFB
MacGill AFB
Kirkland AFB
Nellis AFB
Homestead AFB
Grissom AFB
Maxwell AFB
Tinker AFB

Langley Research Center
Los Alamos National Laboratories
Tavistock Institute
areas in or by Mt. Shasta, CA, Lampe, MO and Las Vegas, NV.

[By Ellen P. Lacter, PhD, from]

One of the first documented cases of a MONARCH secret agent was that of the voluptuous 1940’s model, Candy Jones. The book, The Control of Candy Jones, (Playboy Press) portrays her 12 years of intrigue and suspense as a spy for the CIA.

Jones, whose birth name is Jessica Wilcox, apparently fit the physiological profile as to be one of the initial experiments or human guinea pigs under the government’s “scientific” project, MKULTRA.

The most publicized case of MONARCH monomania has surfaced through the book TRANCE Formation of America: The True Life Story of a ClA Slave by Cathy O’Brien. On the back cover it emphatically states, “Cathy O’Brien is the only vocal and recovered survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency’s MKULTRA Project Monarch mind control operation” This documented autobiography contains compelling accounts of O’Brien’s years of unrelenting incest and eventual introduction into Project MONARCH by her perverted father.

Along with co-author Mark PhiIlips, her rescuer and deprogrammer, Cathy covers an almost unbelievable array of conspiratorial crime: forced prostitution (white slavery) with those in the upper echelons of world politics, covert assignments as a “drug mule” and courier, and the country-western music industry’s relationship with illegal CIA activities.

Paul Bonacci a courageous survivor who endured almost two decades of degradation under Project MONARCH, has disclosed strong corroborating evidence of widescale crimes and corruption from the municipal/state level all the way up to the White House.[17]

He has testified about sexually-abused males selected from Boy’s Town in Nebraska and taken to nearby Offut AFB, where he says they were subjected to intense MONARCH programming, directed mainly by Commander Bill Plemmons and former Lt. Col. Michael Aquino.[18]

After thoroughly tormenting the young boys into mindless oblivion, they were used (along with girls) for pornography and prostitution with several of the nation’s political and economic power brokers. Bonacci recalled being transported from the Air Force base via cargo planes to McClelland AFB in California. Along with other unfortunate adolescents and teenagers, he was driven to the elite retreat, Bohemian Grove.

The perpetrators took full advantage of these innocent victims, committing unthinkable perversions in order to satisfy their deviant lusts. Some victims were apparently murdered, further traumatizing already terrified and broken children.

An insatiable actress of marginal talent (now deceased), a morally-corrupt T.V. evangelist, a heralded former Green Beret officer and a popular country-western singer are a few others likely having succumbed to MONARCH madness.

Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan-Sirhan, Charlie Manson, John Hinckley Jr., Mark Chapman, David Koresh, Tim McVeigh and John Salvi are some notable names of infamy, strongly suspected of being pawns who were spawned by MKULTRA.

Deprogrammers and Exposers

Dr. Corydon Hammond, a Psychologist from the University of Utah, delivered a stunning lecture entitled “Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse” at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality, June 25, 1992 in Alexandria, Virginia.

He essentially confirmed the suspicions of the attentive crowd of mental health professionals, wherein a certain percentage of their clients had undergone mind control programming in an intensively systematic manner.

Hammond alluded to the Nazi connection, military and CIA mind control research, Greek letter and color programming and specifically mentioned the Monarch Project in relation to a form of operative conditioning. Shortly after his ground breaking speech, he received death threats. Not wanting to jeopardize the safety of his family, Dr. Hammond stopped disseminating any follow-up information.

Mark Phillips, a former electronics subcontractor for the Department of Defense, was privy to some of the top secret mind control activities perpetrated by the U.S. government.

His inquisitive demeanor, strong conscience and heart-felt concern for Cathy O’Brien, a “Presidential Model’ under Project MONARCH, prompted him to reveal the inner-workings of this grand deception beginning about 1991. As the story goes, he helped Ms. O’Brien escape from her captors and was able to deprogram her in about a years time in Alaska.

The controversial Phillips has his share of critics who are skeptical of the veracity of his claims.

New Orleans therapist Valerie Wolf introduced two of her patients before the President’s Committee on Human Radiation Experiments on March 15, 1995 in Washington D.C. The astonishing testimony made by these two brave women included accounts of German doctors, torture, drugs, electroshock, hypnosis and rape, besides being exposed to an undetermined amount of radiation. Both Wolf and her patients stated they recovered the memories of this CIA program without regression or hypnosis techniques.[19]

Wolf presently devotes much of her time to counseling such survivors.

A former labor attorney for Atlantic Richfield Co., David E. Rosenbaum, conducted a nine. year investigation (1983-1992) concerning allegations of physical torture and coercive conditioning of numerous employees at an ARCO plant in Monaca, PA.[20]

His clients, Jerry L. Dotey and Ann White, were victims of apparent radiation exposure; but as Mr. Rosenbaum probed deeper in the subsequent interview sessions, a “Pandora’s Box” was unveiled.

His most astonishing conclusion was that Jerry Dotey and Ann White were likely the off-spring of Adolf Hitler, based in part on the uncanny resemblance from photos (facial features; bone structure and size were taken into consideration).

Rosenbaum also states, “They both exhibit feelings and experiences that indicate they are twins.”
Dotey and White were allegedly subjected to torture of many kinds while under drug induced hypnosis, with each one undergoing at least three training techniques by plant physicians.

Each victim was trained to enter into a hypnotic state upon the occurrence of specific stimuli, usually involving a “cue” word or phrase and trained to “remember to forget” what transpired in the hypnotic state. They were repeatedly subjected to identical stimulus-response sequence, to produce nearly automatic reactions to the particular status.

MKULTRA veteran, Dr. Bernard Diamond, Dr. Martin Orne and Dr. Josef Mengele regularly visited the ARCO plant, according to Rosenbaum. The special conditioning of Dotey and White was intended for the artificial creation of dual German personalities. Rosenbaum, who is Jewish, has maintained a deep friendship with the two, despite the seemingly precarious circumstances.

Other renowned therapists involved in deprogramming are Cynthia Byrtus, Pamela Monday, Steve Ogilvie, Bennett Braun, Jerry Mungadze and Colin Ross. Some Christian counselors have been able to eliminate parts of the programming with limited success.

Journalists who have recently expounded on the subject matter in exemplary fashion are Walter Bowart, Operation Mind Control, Jon Rappoport, U.S. Government Mind-Control Experiments on Children and Alex Constantine, Psychic Dictatorship In The USA.


The most incriminating statement to date made by a government official as to the possible existence of Project MONARCH was extracted by Anton Chaitkin, a writer for the publication, The New Federalist.

When former CIA Director William Colby was asked directly, “What about monarch?” he replied angrily and ambiguously, “We stopped that between the late 1960’s and the early 1970’s.” Suffice to say that society, in its apparent state of cognitive dissonance, is generally in denial of the over whelming evidence of this multifarious conspiracy.

Numerous victims/ survivors of Project MONARCH are in desperate need of help. However, the great majority of people are too preoccupied with themselves to show any genuine compassion toward these severely wounded individuals. Apathy has taken over the minds of the masses, who choose to exist within the comforts of this world.

Reality has thus become obscured by relativism and selfishness.

Related Reports:

The Montauk Project and Camp Hero Today
Interview with Ex Illuminati Programmer


1. David L. Carrico, The Egyptian Masonic Satanic Connection, 1992
2. Walter H. Bowart, Operation Mind Control, Flatland Editions, 1994, p. 216
3. Martin Cannon, Mind Control and the American Government, Prevailing Winds Research, 1994, p. 19
4. Linda Hunt, Secret Agenda, St. Martin’s Press, 1991
5. Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations, U.S. Senate, April 1976, p. 337
6. Ibid, p. 390
7. John Marks, The Search For The Manchurian Candidate, Times Books, 1979, pp 60-61
8. Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations, U.S. Senate, April 1976, p. 391
9. Barbara G. Walker, The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects, Harper Collins, 1988
10. Marshall Cavendish, Man, Myth and Magic, 1995
11. Dr. Corydon Hammond, The Greenbaum Speech, 1992; Mark Phillips and Cathy O’Brien, Project Monarch Programming Definitions, 1993
12. Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Formula Used To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave, 1996
13. Gerald L. Posner, Mengele: The Complete Story, McGraw-Hill, 1986
14. Lucette Matalon Lagnado, Dr. Josef Mengele and the Untold Story of the Twins of Auschwitz, Morrow, 1991
15. Gordon Thomas, Journey into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse, Bantam Books, 1989
16. Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips, Trance Formation of America, 1995
17. John DeCamp, The Franklin Cover-Up, Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska, AWT Inc, 1992
18. Anton Chaitkin, “Franklin Witnesses Implicate FBI and U.S. Elites in Torture and Murder of Children”, The New Federalist, 1993
19. Jon Rappoport, “CIA Experiments with Mind Control on Children”, Perceptions Magazine, September/October 1995, p. 56
20. David E. Rosenbaum, Esq., First Draft Overview of Investigation of the Group, 1983-1993

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Info. related to the "Babalon Working." | 'Heavily' sourced Essay written by -Mark R. Rowe on 27 August 2020.

Some of the work done by the following individuals: [was described and shown with the words (displayed on photo below is page-108 of Michael A. Hoffman's book, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, Michael A. Hoffman; Independent History and Research (July 7, 2001), ISBN-13: 978-0970378415] 1); John Whiteside Parsons, Wiki-bio: 2); Marjorie Cameron, Wiki-bio: and 3); L. Ron Hubbard, Wiki-bio:

Michael A. Hoffman is an author of multiple books, and former journalist/employee of the large-size media company, Associated Press, Inc.

Key influence factors (with respect to the creation/instantiation of the magical working, esoteric project: "Babalon Working" are shown on the list found below.

1. Alister Crowley, Wiki-bio:

2. John Whiteside Parsons.

3. Thelema.

4. The OTO (Pasadena, CA lodge).

5. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

6. Frankism/Sabbatianism.

7. Gnostic-Hermetic (hidden) practices.

Purchase the book, written by, Michael A. Hoffman, is the book with title, "Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare," - click on the (url) link is found on next-line.

Michael A. Hoffman's Wikipedia (biosketch):

-Mark R. Rowe


1. FREEDOM IS A TWO-EDGED SWORD and Other Essays: The Oriflamme, Number 1, John Whiteside Parsons; Falcon Press; 1st Edition (January 1, 1989), ASIN: 001CK5XHC,

2. [ From | refer to link: ]:

"Sabbatian cults are well documented in the ‘Encyclopedia Judaica’ and in the writings of Israeli academics, including the late professor Y. Tishbi, Yehuda Liebes and Yaacov Katz."

3. The Key of the Abyss: Jack Parsons, the Babalon Working and the Witchcraft Decoded, Anthony Testa; September 20, 2013 by Anthony Testa, ASIN: B00FCDQMA2,

Photo (shown below) of page-108 in Michael A. Hoffman's book, "Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare," [ Independent History and Research (July 7, 2001), ISBN-13: 978-0970378415 ].


Thursday, August 20, 2020

When will we have justice served for these insidious crimes against humanity still continue today?

Still no justice for these particular crimes are routinely ignored, but were already verified that they occur, with existence proof provided with authentic multiple projects documentation shown to the world, with observation of this proof, observed by 100s of millions of people (via webpages, books, and articles found within millions of ethical bloggers' blogs) around the world understand what RA MKULTRA and MONARCH CSIS RCMP mind-control and brainwashing is, [ with complete definition given by adjunct professor of psychology, (at the University of Utah) D. C. Hammond, Ph.D., definition given in the video with (url) link, [ ] as this knowledge is commonly known information.

-Mark R. Rowe


The work of psychologist, Ellen P. Lacter, PhD: 

The work of John Hall, MD:


["A New Breed: Sattelite Terrorism," by John Hall, MD]

The book shown above is available for purchase on by clicking on the (url) link shown below.

For additional info. about this topic and similar topic click on the (url) link below.