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Sunday, December 6, 2020

As our illusions were created by design, via what was (already) institutionalized (affects all human domains) caused from what was implied/adopted from the imposition of Political Correctness, Critical Theory, Change Theory, and Transactional Theory all have unforeseen unintended adverse social/interpersonal-communication adverse (resultant) consequences arose as the result of the (wide-scale) human adaptation of these "new age" different morals values, (conflict with cherished values, we once all had, remained the same, for thousands of years, is information passed down generation-to-generation at both the biological and social levels (portrayed to be attractive, seductive, permissibly accepted by all, portrayed to have the appearance as an already accepted norm done by actors, spokesmen, and artists/musicians on TV, radio, advertising, film, and news. 

And, also, where observation-based operational environments involve (influence/performance) social engineering constructs (human) commodity was conditioned/trained from the use (in application) of new information discovered/applied in MKULTRA's 147 (distinct) projects and the ongoing wide-spread MONARCH projects/internal-based-operations in the "Monarch-Parlance" administered to an unwitting (persons selected for subjugation, based of personality profile, IQ, and creative-aptitude, J. Gittenger, PhD, 1965, Fairfax County, VA, U.S.) populace, where expected media coverage, (reports things occurred from fabrication) can be relatively easy to predict in advance based on planning takes place prior to what construct will do from operative/operator (handler/provocateurs') influence over construct's perception/behavior/entrained-activity, deemed unintended out-side imposed influence to an unaware populace left to deal with inescapable change (the general public did not vote for) among society in terms of the sociological, cultural, political, educational, economic, public-policy, health/medicine, law, security/freedom, human rights, and a general tolerance of violence exchanged for scientific advance.

-Mark R. Rowe


Dr Tom Knotts, Ellen P Lacter, PhD, Collin Ross, MD, and Robert Duncan, PhD.  Do some Google searches.

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