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The followubg words are from the title of the video shown below: Dr. Peter Beter Audio Letter 06 - Ford; Fort Knox Plutonium; Gerald Ford - November 14, 1975

The followubg words are from the description of the video shown above: 

Published on Oct 15, 2014

Dr. Peter David Beter - Audio Letter No. 06 - November 14, 1975
(1) The Ford depression, Asian war, and the impending doom of the OPEC nations
(2) Fort Knox plutonium and our sellout by Congress
(3) Gerald Ford's last days as president

" Hello everybody, this is Dr. Beter. Today is November 14,
1975, and this is my monthly AUDIO LETTER(R) No. 6.

As I speak to you today, the four Rockefeller Brothers--David,
Nelson, John D. III, and Laurance--operating as a unit, are
nearing the goal line in their merciless drive to enslave
America. Even so, as I discussed in my monthly AUDIO LETTER No.
2 for July 1975, they have been partially tripped up recently by
unexpected obstacles, both here and abroad--obstacles caused by
your increasing awareness of what is going on. Their grip on the
ball has been loosened a trifle, and they are beginning to lose
their balance. They can be stopped; but this will only happen if
each of us keeps doing our part, spreading the word by all
possible means about what is happening. Otherwise they still
can, and will, reach their goal line of DICTATORSHIP.

One thing we should always keep in mind is that you and I are
not alone in this fight. There are many, many members of the
United States Intelligence Service who do not agree with the
horrendous perversion of their activities that is going on under
the control of the Rockefeller Brothers, so they give me
information and I pass it on to you. I'm fighting on their
behalf, among other things, especially for over 500 ex-CIA and
ex-FBI officers and agents who are now "dead" on file, agents who

Last month I mentioned the electronic techniques of
psychological programming which are now in use. Similar
techniques are used on agents themselves in Operation DEEP
FREEZE, enabling them to assume false identities so completely
that they can even pass lie detector tests. They are programmed
this way for an assignment and are supposed to be deprogrammed
afterward, releasing their minds from this artificial state. But
some of these agents have been double-crossed by the CIA and FBI
for certain reasons--pronounced "dead" on file and dumped out on
the street without being de-programmed. They are left without
access to jobs, welfare, or in most cases even their families.
Many of those in this situation are the very men who most want
what is right for America--not for the international conquests of
the Rockefellers; and, therefore, I'm fighting their fight as
best I can.

The three topics I want to discuss today parallel the three
AUDIO BOOKS that I have recorded so far for Audio Books, Inc. In
those I have tried to give you essential background information.
In my monthly AUDIO LETTERS, on the other hand, I am trying to
keep you continually informed of the latest plans and
developments on a current events basis.[...]"

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