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Saturday, December 26, 2020
Neurolinguistic Progamming, in good old Ericksonian fashion (multiple felonies, a Community Based Agent, and a Monarch-handler was indicted and found guilty for, along with associated sentence/fine punishment was done in a courtroom is found in a particular distinct county contained within a particular US state) is a worthless operative (criminal) committed crimes against a portion of an intentionally subjugated human population percentage number in a community occurs everyday in project: Monarch operations at a widespread global scale affected high-quality of multiple communities in all 50 US States and also in cities/towns found in most nations on the globe. -Mark R. Rowe
Thursday, December 17, 2020
When will we have justice served for these insidious crimes against humanity still continue today, crimes associated with the illegal cybernetic/cyber human use of human beings in the continuatiation of US government run project MKULTRA, MONARCH, SPELLBINDER, MKOFTEN, and SLEEPING BEAUTY, terror/torture and ritual abuse requirements necessary to divide a human mind, where this (Monarch) crime-victim did not consent to human-augmentation, human-performance, involutary undue-influence, abreactive human terrain team cooridinated/organized hypersensitivity arousal indirect suggestion code/cue/signal-phrase was paired with ritual trained punishments avoidance (purged ) condirioned stimulus response entrained behavioral (aviod)
Still no justice for these particular crimes are routinely ignored, but were already verified that they occur, with existence proof provided with authentic multiple projects documentation shown to the world, with observation of this proof, observed by 100s of millions of people (via webpages, books, and articles found within millions of ethical bloggers' blogs) around the world understand what RA MKULTRA and MONARCH CSIS RCMP mind-control and brainwashing is, [ with complete definition given by adjunct professor of psychology, (at the University of Utah) D. C. Hammond, Ph.D., definition given in the video with (url) link, [ ] as this knowledge is commonly known information.
-Mark R. Rowe
The work of psychologist, Ellen P. Lacter, PhD:
The work of John Hall, MD:
["A New Breed: Sattelite Terrorism," by John Hall, MD]
The book shown above is available for purchase on by clicking on the (url) link shown below.
How is Monarch Programming MKULTRA different than Joseff Mengele Human Experiments and human use of human beings that took place in Germany during WW2?
Does the “Nuremburg Code of Ethics," clearly state in it’s authentic/original form, the words to follow: “Consent given to individual involved in human experiment is essential, and needs to be completely explained in all possible contexts, and also in terms of all possible contexts might have terms that vary from one different context to another found across multiple projects involved tests administered to humans, as the "Nuremburg Code" was a result of the "Nazi-War-Crimes trials" refers to it correct proper name is "The Nuremburg Trials" put several hundred Nazi physicians, scientists, and engineers behind bars for life or sent to electric-chair/public-hanging, as they were forced (by the rule-of-law) to take responsibility for their insidious crimes against humanity, (as this is when and where the first exposure of these types crimes against humanity unfolded, wittnessed by the public-eye) where more than 1000 were smuggled into the USA to continue mind-control research, human-experimentation, and product development [refer to Pulitzer Prize Winner, Journalist, Author, Blogger, Annie Jacobson's keynote speech at book-signing event/TV-production's associated video has (url) link ( )].
-Mark R. Rowe
Additional sources:
1. Nuremburg Trials, (verdict coverage) Oct. 7, 1946/Associated Press, Inc., NY, NY, US:
2. The work (of Dr. Tom Knotts and the work of D. C. Hammond, Ph.D.,) can be studied from multiple published articles, videos, webpages, and multiple books written by both Knotts and Hammond, of which I recommend beginning to learn these topics, where information can learned from the (url) links shown below.
3. Persinger, Michael (1974). ELF and VLF electromagnetic field effects. New York: Plenum Press. ISBN 978-0-306-30826-0.
4. Persinger, Michael (1974). The paranormal. New York: MSS Information Corp. ISBN 978-0-8422-5212-6.
Monday, December 14, 2020
Facts about the occult (activity) of (the ongoing) "Babalon Working" project.
The following words (shown below) are taken/borrowed from the description of video, [ ] a Glastonbury (England) Occult Conference (2015):
Paul Weston lecture from Glastonbury Occult Conference March 21st 2015.
The story of the Babalon Working is an occult legend. Rocket scientist Jack Parsons, future founder of Scientology L Ron Hubbard, and fiercely individual witch-woman artist Marjorie Cameron used the ideas of Aleister Crowley to try and bring forth a goddess into the modern world of the A Bomb and Gnostic revival. The results were mysterious, controversial, and even catastrophic. Paul uses material from his book Aleister Crowley and the Aeon of Horus to give unique insight into this story, including a contentious take on the role of Hubbard.
Deliberately posted on the anniversary of Jack Parsons death.
Sunday, December 6, 2020
As our illusions were created by design, via what was (already) institutionalized (affects all human domains) caused from what was implied/adopted from the imposition of Political Correctness, Critical Theory, Change Theory, and Transactional Theory all have unforeseen unintended adverse social/interpersonal-communication adverse (resultant) consequences arose as the result of the (wide-scale) human adaptation of these "new age" different morals values, (conflict with cherished values, we once all had, remained the same, for thousands of years, is information passed down generation-to-generation at both the biological and social levels (portrayed to be attractive, seductive, permissibly accepted by all, portrayed to have the appearance as an already accepted norm done by actors, spokesmen, and artists/musicians on TV, radio, advertising, film, and news.
And, also, where observation-based operational environments involve (influence/performance) social engineering constructs (human) commodity was conditioned/trained from the use (in application) of new information discovered/applied in MKULTRA's 147 (distinct) projects and the ongoing wide-spread MONARCH projects/internal-based-operations in the "Monarch-Parlance" administered to an unwitting (persons selected for subjugation, based of personality profile, IQ, and creative-aptitude, J. Gittenger, PhD, 1965, Fairfax County, VA, U.S.) populace, where expected media coverage, (reports things occurred from fabrication) can be relatively easy to predict in advance based on planning takes place prior to what construct will do from operative/operator (handler/provocateurs') influence over construct's perception/behavior/entrained-activity, deemed unintended out-side imposed influence to an unaware populace left to deal with inescapable change (the general public did not vote for) among society in terms of the sociological, cultural, political, educational, economic, public-policy, health/medicine, law, security/freedom, human rights, and a general tolerance of violence exchanged for scientific advance.
-Mark R. Rowe
Dr Tom Knotts, Ellen P Lacter, PhD, Collin Ross, MD, and Robert Duncan, PhD. Do some Google searches.
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