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Sunday, November 7, 2021

Franklin D. Roosevelt warning (the American public, on TV/news,1940, United News, Inc.) about the threat of the "Fifth Column."

Watch this news-report [from United News, Inc, 1940] (video) about Franklin D. Roosevelt's warning of the fifth column, click on the (url) link shown below:

Monday, November 1, 2021

(RE: Manny Grossman's work: see his YouTube channel) Thank you so much for all of your work that you do on the investigation, analysis, and reporting on, an evolving more and more (fast approaching) complete picture of these (professionaly covered up) insidious activities are demented henious crimes [in the "Son of Sam cult." Refer to the book by Maury Terry, "The Ultimate Evil : The Truth about the Cult Murders: Son of Sam and Beyond," available for $45.98 (in paperback form) on Amazon .com ,

click here ] against humanity, where these brainwashed indoctrinated fools (incapable of thinking for themselves) were coerced in peer-presure driven (dimensionless) cult environment directed by cult-master figure-head/personality [in many cases intelligence agency created] designed/organized cult rendered to society, has evidence shown the book by Marshall Thomas, "Monarch: The New Phoenix Program," click here to buy on for only $24.99 (in paperback form)]

Cults like the Son of Sam and others, are manipulated at the peer-level, (from within a cult) where the quantity of acceptable forms of language used in conversation among same cult-members, is very small in number, language that is extremely narrow in scope, with little or no room for (tolerated, acceptable speech, with no variance) verbally communicated in conversation content (is virtualy dimensionless, and easily changed, twisted, or modified to fit the desires of cult-master's we executed at group-level (from within a cult) does activity [focused on goal (only benefited intelligence agency and (to lessor extent) the cult-master] to be achieved (such as the illegal nefarious,

insidious heinous crimes against humanity investigated/reported by (author) Maury Terry, in his book, "The Ultimate Evil : The Truth about the Cult Murders: Son of Sam and Beyond")] based on emotions generated from doctrine designed (by cult-master and job functions/duties, tasks and responsibilities has specific systematically-based (in organized fashion) criterion defined by his intelligence agency employer, where doctrine was designed to keep cult members trapped (for life) in the muck, a group herded by it's shepard kept them perpetually blind (all while cult members are oblivious to their blindness, unless one is somehow able to escape, and return to the way he (once) perceived the world, and how he (once) perceived God's people living among the world.

Cult-masters use (carefully designed, and written) doctrine [consists of ideologically-based principles (aimed at honing in on the emotions of the whole of the "cult-body," and is centered around [(guiding cult members to do things, they would not normally do under normal-conditions, as this is achieved by garnering the hype, cult members' minds/emotions are susceptible to, through coercive verbally-based speech communication, caused their indoctrinationization, whereby (also at the same time, they are not aware, that they are being manipulated by a cult-master)] getting members of a cult to do the bidding of their cult-master and (serving the interests of) corresponding intelligence agency] 

As this newly adopted core-belief system, has ideas at it's most core roots (was imposed on members of a cult, not aware about how they are being manipulated) based on falsehood fiction based script about (ideas have no basis in the physical world we live in, ideas not proven with mathematics, not proven with the scientific-method) associated with make-believe delusions about differences in human beings, (differences in human beings, that do not exist) but are ideas that are believed by cult members, ideas that are false, false ideas used as fuel, used as an instrument to, breed and direct hate (in a fight, directed at a target population, cult members preyed on, in malicious orchestration, committed crimes against humanity (in the name of a lie, a lie they believe, and are not capable of making a distintiction between the validity of what another person (a cult master) tells them (face to face) is true, or not true.

are falsehoods that were never proven with any type test, or measurement, hence, these ideas are not (de facto) data about humans, ideas that do not exist, but rather, played upon (a group of members in this cult) the naivety, fears, and willingness to be accepted by others members in this cult dupped into doing things that most people would never even conceive of doing, while purpose for these activities was to instil fear in the hearts of the public (at just the right time, so that the public is attracted to a desire, as if to feel, as if they need to combat another "boogy-man" that was never there [in the first place, and never existed as the result of natural occurring phenomenon found in nature (not affected by outside forces of social engineering constructs)] but only socially-engineered (refer to the work of Ellen P. Lacter, PhD, Collin Ross, MD, Robert Duncan, BA, MS, MBA, PhD, Marshall Thomas, Annie Jacobsen, Dan Brown interview, "The Real Manchurian Candidate," available to watch on , and the work of Michael F. Bell, R. Klide, MD's book, "Bright Light on Black Shadows," available for purchase on Amazon .com , and the work of Richard Lighthouse, Eric Karlstrom, a Professor of Geography at California State University, Stanstilus, John Hall, MD, and the "Greenbuam Speech," given to a group of therapists at the Radisson-Hotel/Mark-Center, during July 1992, by professor of physical medicine at the University of Utah, Corydon Hammond, PhD, where the current-day definition of "ritual abuse, mind control and brainwashing," was defined in 1.5-hour lecture to therapists wanting to get in "on the inside" level (in the trance-training (in autonomic phenomenon) [higly llegal] human use of human beings (as this speech was investigated and reported, from TV-production, "NBC Prime Time," (1993) with NBC journalist, Diane Sawyer can be watched on YouTube, right now) so that the main goal of olagarchy is to get the public willing to sacrifice individual rights (defined by the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and other written/used law) in exchange for security and protection from a "boogy-man" that never existed (as this propaganda is wide-spread, ever-extending, and repetively announced in such high a frequency (in a relatively short time-duration, over TV, radio, and in other forms of mass-media).

If we did not have our rights, (defined by the U.S. Constitution) would it make it easier for one or more small groups of men to rule the world, those with the means to do exactly just that?

-Mark R. Rowe
#MarkRoweBlog | (ig)

(this is a draft, not a final version)

Monday, October 18, 2021

The Babalon Working is based on a lie and subjugation, trauma based conditioning, ritual abuse, behavior control, the human use of human beings found in complexity scientific research and development, brainwashing research and development, and also (these types of crimes against humanity, are not hidden from the public's eyes, anymore) in social engineering research and development. What is the definition of a high-level "Monarch," according to Dr. Tom Knotts, Jr.? Well, anyone can learn, by watching one of Dr. Tom Knotts, Jr.'s lecture/videos found on YouTube, by clicking on the (url) link shown below.

[The (url) link shown above is a lecture given by Dr.Tom Knotts, Jr., where he scientifically defined, what a Monarch is].

"Son of Sam" (SOS) cult activities [existence was already proved, based on evidence gathered from witness testimony, letters, newspaper-articles, nonfiction works of literature, such as -- (the book by Maury Terry);

Read/buy the book, (shown above) from "Google Reads:"

Buy the book, (shown above) from Amazon .com :

["The Ultimate Evil: An Investigation into America's most Dangerous Satanic Cult," (‎Dolphin Books/Doubleday; First Edition/First Printing [January 1, 1987] ISBN-10: 038523452X, ISBN-13: 978-0385234528)] available for $6.66 (in Kindle version) or $775.00 (in hardcover form) -- [is information in the real world (only if, one does enough work into the investigation/search of, knowing where and what to look for, read, comprehend, and connect dots on the learning about (this information, is information, that is very far removed from society, highly suppressed information not learnt by many, as this information (-was) kept very far away from the public's awareness, (information, almost impossible to find) where, (only, once before) the public could not access anything that (reflected a story that has linearity, shape, and form) based on (information gathered from) statements made in witness interviews (Maury Terry's book, "The Ultimate Evil: An Investigation into America's most Dangerous Satanic Cult," and other documents/articles) is information, that (has been confirmed to be true), since this information (has matched up with) tangible evidence, (refer to the work of Manny Grossman, ) is identically and "side-by-side," the same information [directly reflected in conversation content taken from witness interviews, (refer to Manny Grossman's YouTube channel) documents/articles, (such as documents/articles, that were already) published in mainstream news papers, and "The Son of Sam letters," (do some Google .com searches, to read/learn about this information) and the information found in Maury Terry's book, "The Ultimate Evil: An Investigation into America's most Dangerous Satanic Cult,"] is verified data about the world and its inhabitants [reflected the story (has shape and form) about the Son of Sam's (cult) members, basis for it's origination/inception, and detailed description of its nefarious (highly illegal) criminal activity, now for the first time (has a much more complete picture) certainly gave much more deeper insights  (mostly based on the information found in Maury Terry's book, "The Ultimate Evil: An Investigation into America's most Dangerous Satanic Cult," is available for purchase on Amazon .com , by clicking on the (url) link shown below:

-Mark R. Rowe

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Watch this video about current-day human rights violations.  This video is a (televised) Fox News Report.  Watch this Fox News Report, click on the (url) link is:

Sunday, September 12, 2021

(RE: Mt. Pleasants, West Virginia, 1966-1967, advanced alchemy, unusual sightings of the "Moth Man," and the corresponding [currently] annually-held festival (that takes place, every year, in Mt. Pleasants, WV, a festival centered around the basis of this (historical memory, is information, that is very far removed from the eyes of the general public) highy suppressed history, as "Nick Redfern," a keynote speaker at a good sized conference, "2018 Ozark Mountain UFO Conference in Eureka Springs, Arkansas" is viewed in part [from the YouTube video, has (url) link found in the first sentence of the paragraph to follow this sentence]):

The specific topics, Nick Redfern covers, (as he recited in video, , Nick Redfern presented "The Real Men in Black" at the 2018 Ozark Mountain UFO Conference in Eureka Springs, Arkansas) are facts that are (easily) provable, (listed below) that can be learned, with a little bit of reading/research into associated, books, articles, websites/blogs) and (professionally made) investigative reports in general, found on the internet, and in other places found in the world.

1. The (alchemical) engineering/creation of "Moth Man," (humanoid) archetype, the people of the city of Mt. Pleasants, WV's reaction to witnessing such a thing, and the attempted (permenant) suppression of this information, whereby [attempts to make it impossible for] not even one single person (not even one person) that has any, and all capabilities (he or she might have, at any given time) to never have, any likelihood (throughout the course of one's life) in anywhere coming close to discovering this very far removed information (kept from public scrutiny), whereby, it was thought that, it would be, "seemingly" impossible for anyone to ever have knowledge of these events.

2. Sightings, eye-witness testimonies, reports, conversations about viewing this genetically engineered work of evolutionary (advanced/achemical) proto-synthetic biology, archetype, the "Moth Man."

3. The annually-occurring outdoor festival, (with around 15,000 attendees, each year) is centered around, and has central theme, based on the presence of "Moth Man" in Mt. Pleasant for around a year and half during the late-1960's, (refer to Google search: "Moth Man festival Mt Pleasant WV") near, around, and from within the city of Mt. Pleasants, West Virginia from late-1966 through a good part of the year 1967.

4. The frequent occurrence of "Men in Black" and "Women in Black" (secret) groups of people, surveying/questioning/interrogating the people of Mt. Pleasants, West Virginia, during 1966 and 1967.

Video description of YouTube video featured on this post:

Nick Redfern presented "The Real Men in Black" at the 2018 Ozark Mountain UFO Conference in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. DVDs are available from Ozark Mountain Publishing: . In a fully-illustrated lecture, Nick talked about how the MIB phenomenon began in the late 1940s and how it continues to this day.

-Mark R. Rowe

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Oh! But (all of) your human rights were guaranteed to be upheld, never broken/taken-away-from-you, at all times, with or without your knowledge, (without or with consent has no relevance) in the multi-component Monarch/Spellbinder/SoulCatcher crimes, or scientism, (ideas you align your thinking, beliefs, and positioned-moral-compass with). How does it feel to be ponerologically complicit about yourself? But the selection process (did not somehow "magically," include you) in the selection process's "pool" in probability/likelihood has no possibility of you being selected for Monarch/Spellbinder/SoulCatcher projects/programs. This must be true, right? -Mark R. Rowe (See last page for references associated with what was written on this post and also on the next few posts). Satanic Ritual Abuse: Principles of Treatment, Collin Ross; University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division; 2nd ed. edition (October 2, 1995), ISBN-10: 9780802073570, ISBN-13: 978-0802073570. Buy the book, "Satanic Ritual Abuse: Principles of Treatment," by Collin Ross, MD: https:// www. .amazon .com/Satanic-Ritual-Abuse-Principles-Treatment/dp/0802073573

These punishable crimes (against humanity) by U.S. and beyond laws, are laws that are clear written, laws that are clearly stated, and are laws that prohibit the cybernetic human use of human beings.  These laws (should) prevent anyone, any group of people, any organization, (and/or) any government/military, from executing the capture, sedition, rendition, and redaction of it's own citizens, to be used in cybernetic-based, programming (de-patterning and re-patterning), control, and entrainment.

It is somehow ok, for you, to have the possibility, to be, "up for grabs," and be programmed, trained, and used via multiple hypnotic (NLP, and others) methods, used outside your knowledge, and without your consent, used for nefarious purposes, (refer to source list is found below, for definitions defined these nefarious purposes) used by another human-being/organization [in these (human based) cybernetic domains]?

[additional sources (in addition to sources found in the last paragraph of this webpage)]:

The Invisible Crime "Illegal Microchip Implants and Their Use Against Humanity,"  by Michael F. Bell, on Amazon .com, for only $12.95, click on (url) link (to buy now):

I gave plenty of direct-proof about the existence of these types of crimes against humanity, as there is no excuse for not learning about them.


Refer to the work of Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D., Collin Ross, M.D., Marshall Thomas, Michael F. Bell, Richard Lighthouse, M.S., Tom Knots, Ph.D., Tom Horn, Ph.D., Eric Karlstrom, M. Aqunio, "Mind War papers," ABC, Inc., Paul Altmeyer, 1979, "Close Up, Mission Mind Control," John Hall, M.D., Dallas-based physician, and NBC, Inc., "Prime Time," with Diane Sawyer and D. Hammond, Ph.D., 1993, is about the "Greenbaum Speech," at the Raddison Hotel/Mark Center, that took occurred during July, 1992, with keynote speaker, D. Hammond, Ph.D., and some of the work done by MIT (university) associate emeritus professor, distinguished, award-winning, mathematician, Norbert Weiner, with his (book); "The Human Use Of Human Beings: Cybernetics And Society, (The Da Capo series in science), Norbert Wiener; Da Capo Press; New edition (March 22, 1988), ISBN-10: 0306803208, ISBN-13: 978-0306803208.

Do you know about the 12 most frequently used brainwashing methods Spellbinder/Monarch handlers, operatives, CBA's, and couriers use to anchor/debrief (source: Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D., EndRitualAbuse. org and her blog, ) [used for, in one example - to gain information about enemy-agent, without risk of breech in operation, Monarch-Gamma's are commonly used for this purpose, (refer to the search is: "Greenbaum Speech"] (a crime victim, a human-subject (in Monarch-Parlance) tampered with outside his knowledge and without his consent) in autonomic hypersensitive arousal in trance-training, and corresponding resultant management of the affects of this abuse/torture, (involuntarily experienced, due to the mind's need to purge experienced emotionally-adverse affect upon (crime-victim/human-subject-Monarch-Parlance, experienced an "internalization" of this custom-tailored attack on him, where he cannot avoid this aspect of the Monarch-Parlance's control him, behaved in manner in accordance with depatternization, and repatternization of the human mind (refer to: Google-search: "ABC, Mission Mind Control, 1979, Paul Altmeyer") pair conditions, paired to (in seditionary-programming while in rendition) external-stimuli, with reward-punishment based truama-based-conditioning system was already (illegally done) to crime-victim/human-subject-in-Monarch-Parlance Monarch-Parlance network is ("-currently") focused on in (a live psychological or political operation) a specific geographically-based (physical) location, associated with location of crime-victim/human-subject-in-Monarch-Parlance, and every relevant Monarch-Parlance assailant (felon) tampered with crime-victim/human-subject-in-Monarch-Parlance. 

The role of crime-victim/human-subject-in-Monarch-Parlance is defined by "cult created part," proved, (this that this is, defacto, true) by the (academic-based, lecture) has psudeonym lecture-name is "Greenbaum Speech," D. C. Hammond, Ph.D., gave to a fairly large-sized group of therapists at the Mark-Center/Raddison-Hotel, (located in Alexandria, VA, during July 1992) with click/tap made to (url) link is, .

Also, watch (on YouTube) a television interview, investigation, and analysis about (directly) related (this topic about human-rights violations/crimes-against-humanity) TV interview (NBC Inc., "Prime Time," 1993) with (NBC Inc., journalist) Diane Sawyer investigation/analysis (and report) of this lecture given by D. C. Hammond, Ph.D., (a professor of physical-medicine at the University of Utah) click on the (url) link (to watch this television report) is (and watch this NBC Inc. (televised) report of the "Greenbaum Speech," (lecture) given/spoken by D. C. Hammond, Ph.D.

-Mark R. Rowe


#humanrights #humanrightswatch #humanrightsactivist #humanrightsaboveallother #humanrightsaboveall #humanrightsviolations

#CitizensCommissionOnHumanRights #AmnestyInternational

The screenshots [.png's are shown below, are taken/borrowed from Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D.'s blog is found at the (url) link is]: