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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Oh! But (all of) your human rights were guaranteed to be upheld, never broken/taken-away-from-you, at all times, with or without your knowledge, (without or with consent has no relevance) in the multi-component Monarch/Spellbinder/SoulCatcher crimes, or scientism, (ideas you align your thinking, beliefs, and positioned-moral-compass with). How does it feel to be ponerologically complicit about yourself? But the selection process (did not somehow "magically," include you) in the selection process's "pool" in probability/likelihood has no possibility of you being selected for Monarch/Spellbinder/SoulCatcher projects/programs. This must be true, right? -Mark R. Rowe (See last page for references associated with what was written on this post and also on the next few posts). Satanic Ritual Abuse: Principles of Treatment, Collin Ross; University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division; 2nd ed. edition (October 2, 1995), ISBN-10: 9780802073570, ISBN-13: 978-0802073570. Buy the book, "Satanic Ritual Abuse: Principles of Treatment," by Collin Ross, MD: https:// www. .amazon .com/Satanic-Ritual-Abuse-Principles-Treatment/dp/0802073573

These punishable crimes (against humanity) by U.S. and beyond laws, are laws that are clear written, laws that are clearly stated, and are laws that prohibit the cybernetic human use of human beings.  These laws (should) prevent anyone, any group of people, any organization, (and/or) any government/military, from executing the capture, sedition, rendition, and redaction of it's own citizens, to be used in cybernetic-based, programming (de-patterning and re-patterning), control, and entrainment.

It is somehow ok, for you, to have the possibility, to be, "up for grabs," and be programmed, trained, and used via multiple hypnotic (NLP, and others) methods, used outside your knowledge, and without your consent, used for nefarious purposes, (refer to source list is found below, for definitions defined these nefarious purposes) used by another human-being/organization [in these (human based) cybernetic domains]?

[additional sources (in addition to sources found in the last paragraph of this webpage)]:

The Invisible Crime "Illegal Microchip Implants and Their Use Against Humanity,"  by Michael F. Bell, on Amazon .com, for only $12.95, click on (url) link (to buy now):

I gave plenty of direct-proof about the existence of these types of crimes against humanity, as there is no excuse for not learning about them.


Refer to the work of Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D., Collin Ross, M.D., Marshall Thomas, Michael F. Bell, Richard Lighthouse, M.S., Tom Knots, Ph.D., Tom Horn, Ph.D., Eric Karlstrom, M. Aqunio, "Mind War papers," ABC, Inc., Paul Altmeyer, 1979, "Close Up, Mission Mind Control," John Hall, M.D., Dallas-based physician, and NBC, Inc., "Prime Time," with Diane Sawyer and D. Hammond, Ph.D., 1993, is about the "Greenbaum Speech," at the Raddison Hotel/Mark Center, that took occurred during July, 1992, with keynote speaker, D. Hammond, Ph.D., and some of the work done by MIT (university) associate emeritus professor, distinguished, award-winning, mathematician, Norbert Weiner, with his (book); "The Human Use Of Human Beings: Cybernetics And Society, (The Da Capo series in science), Norbert Wiener; Da Capo Press; New edition (March 22, 1988), ISBN-10: 0306803208, ISBN-13: 978-0306803208.

Do you know about the 12 most frequently used brainwashing methods Spellbinder/Monarch handlers, operatives, CBA's, and couriers use to anchor/debrief (source: Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D., EndRitualAbuse. org and her blog, ) [used for, in one example - to gain information about enemy-agent, without risk of breech in operation, Monarch-Gamma's are commonly used for this purpose, (refer to the search is: "Greenbaum Speech"] (a crime victim, a human-subject (in Monarch-Parlance) tampered with outside his knowledge and without his consent) in autonomic hypersensitive arousal in trance-training, and corresponding resultant management of the affects of this abuse/torture, (involuntarily experienced, due to the mind's need to purge experienced emotionally-adverse affect upon (crime-victim/human-subject-Monarch-Parlance, experienced an "internalization" of this custom-tailored attack on him, where he cannot avoid this aspect of the Monarch-Parlance's control him, behaved in manner in accordance with depatternization, and repatternization of the human mind (refer to: Google-search: "ABC, Mission Mind Control, 1979, Paul Altmeyer") pair conditions, paired to (in seditionary-programming while in rendition) external-stimuli, with reward-punishment based truama-based-conditioning system was already (illegally done) to crime-victim/human-subject-in-Monarch-Parlance Monarch-Parlance network is ("-currently") focused on in (a live psychological or political operation) a specific geographically-based (physical) location, associated with location of crime-victim/human-subject-in-Monarch-Parlance, and every relevant Monarch-Parlance assailant (felon) tampered with crime-victim/human-subject-in-Monarch-Parlance. 

The role of crime-victim/human-subject-in-Monarch-Parlance is defined by "cult created part," proved, (this that this is, defacto, true) by the (academic-based, lecture) has psudeonym lecture-name is "Greenbaum Speech," D. C. Hammond, Ph.D., gave to a fairly large-sized group of therapists at the Mark-Center/Raddison-Hotel, (located in Alexandria, VA, during July 1992) with click/tap made to (url) link is, .

Also, watch (on YouTube) a television interview, investigation, and analysis about (directly) related (this topic about human-rights violations/crimes-against-humanity) TV interview (NBC Inc., "Prime Time," 1993) with (NBC Inc., journalist) Diane Sawyer investigation/analysis (and report) of this lecture given by D. C. Hammond, Ph.D., (a professor of physical-medicine at the University of Utah) click on the (url) link (to watch this television report) is (and watch this NBC Inc. (televised) report of the "Greenbaum Speech," (lecture) given/spoken by D. C. Hammond, Ph.D.

-Mark R. Rowe


#humanrights #humanrightswatch #humanrightsactivist #humanrightsaboveallother #humanrightsaboveall #humanrightsviolations

#CitizensCommissionOnHumanRights #AmnestyInternational

The screenshots [.png's are shown below, are taken/borrowed from Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D.'s blog is found at the (url) link is]:

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