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Monday, December 2, 2024

A Brief History of Mind Control and it's evolution into the weaponized modern day Nueroscience and Nuero-Technology.

   During the 1940's captives form the Soviet Union were brainwashed into Soviet ideology.  After quite some time 95 per cent reverted back to their original ideology, but 5 per cent of the captives did not revert back to their original ideology.  Back in the United States, George Esterbrooks, was involved with brainwashing and programming manchurian candidates to hopefully get an edge over the soviet union brainwashing techniques (Dan Brown interview, 2018, , Man the Mechanical Misfit, George H. G. Estabrooks; Jan 1, 1941, Macmillian Co, )
     So there was definatly competition on how to seek the inforamtion on how to control a persons mind, Nazi doctors were being recruited from Germany from CIA liasions stationed in Swizterland.  This was done under the direction of Allen Dulles.  Allen Dulles ordered the top secret mind control program MK-Ultra to be funded by the CIA (Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America, Annie Jacobsen; Feb. 11, 2014, ).  MK-Ultra used captured victims, and doctors and staff would subject these victims to  sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation, narco-hypnosis, torture, looped audio playback in victims ears for many hours at a time, victims were exposed to electro-shock, violent beatings, rape, and sensory deprivation chambers (Ellen P. Lacter, 2007, ) The CIA got caught for doing this, at the Ravenscrag manor/Allen Dulles Memorial Psychiatric Hospital.  The CIA was sued by three individuals and the CIA lost and settled out of court for 1 million dollors per individual (The Fifth Estate, CBC Inc, 1984, )
     Now my question is, is there really a need for nations to be conducting these heinous human experiements on there own citizens, just in the name of Warmongering, and financial gain, and weapons superiority.  These are de facto illegal acts that the CIA carried out on thier own citizens.  Did leaders of state ever consider the long term implications of these human experiments, and the legal ramifications that would occur in the future.  The people of the world are not stupid, the people of the world are smart.  The truth about human experiementation first appered in a public light at the "Church Committee Hearings," during the mid-1970s ( )
     Again my question is this human experimention really neccessary on a global scale.  Monarch is the new Pheonix progarm, that targets everyday loyal americans (MONARCH: The New Phoenix Program, Marshall Thomas; September 26, 2007, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, ) UHF scalar directed energy is beamed from ground phased arrays that locks on to salltelites and directs engery beams to targert's head (that may or may not have implanted microchips (A New Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America, John Hall, Phd; April 20, 2009, Strategic Book Publishing, , The Invisible Crime, Illegal Microchip Implants and their use against humanity, Michael F. Bell; )
     We can see a progression that was made in the advancement of the field of mind control and brainwashing.  Ritual abuse is another component the utilizes active gangstalking to sensitize the victim, where denial of timing attacks are used to control a victims mind and redirect involuntary behavior defined by Monarch Handler (Ellen Lacter, PhD, 2007).  
     How would you like it if you were put in a mind control operation without your knowledge or consent?  How would you like it if your Dad, your brother, or your daughter was put in a mind control operataion?  We need to stand up collectively to these ongoing crimes against humanity.  We need to take legal action against the oppressors, who carry out mind control operations.  There is certainaly enough evidence that these crimes occur in the present day.

-Mark R. Rowe

San Diego,CA,92101,92102,92139,92113,92114

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