Dr. Vannovar Bush is reading a report to the members of this group. Dr. Bush states, “Although the aliens assured the United States Government that the abductions (usually lasting about 2 hours) were merely the ongoing monitoring of developing civilizations, in fact, the purposes for the abductions have turned out to be:
(1) Insertion of a 3mm spherical device through the nasal cavity of the abductee into the brain. The device is used for the biological monitoring, tracking and control of the abductee.
(2) Implementation of post hypnotic suggestions to carry out a specific activity during a specific time period, the actuation of which would occur within the next 2 to 5 years.
(3) Termination of some people so that they could function as living sources for biological material and substances.
(4) Termination of some individuals who represent a threat to the continuation of their activity.
(5) Effect genetic engineering experiments.
(6) Impregnation of human females and early termination of pregnancies to secure crossbred infants.”
Charles Wilson, the Secretary of Defense, says, “Well, I guess that it should be obvious to everyone that the Greys have broken their agreement with us. They are abducting far more people than have been reported to the National Security Council, including large numbers of children!” Dr. Bush says, “It would appear that we have made an error in trusting the Greys.” Secretary Wilson asks, “Well, what are we going to do now?” Admiral Hillenkoetter says, “There is very little that we can do except try to keep the information classified in order to prevent a panic. It is becoming increasingly obvious that things are not going as planned.”
Dr. Bush says, “I am glad that I no longer have to deal with all of this. Under edict number 5411, from the National Security Council, Dr. Henry Kissinger has been assigned as the new chairman of MJ-12. Doctor Kissinger, I stand relieved.” Kissinger walks over to Dr. Bush, shakes his hand, and says, “Thank you very much, Doctor”. Dr. Bush says good-bye to everyone and leaves the room.
Kissinger sits in the chair vacated by the Doctor and states, “Gentlemen, I intend to maintain secrecy regarding everything to do with the aliens. I have learned that the Greys are currently engaged in an active war with a reptilian humanoid species from the Sirius System. I suggests that we attempt to contact the Sirians and ask for their help with regard to the Greys.” Secretary Wilson says, “What if this causes active fighting to break out here on Earth? It could cause great damage and loss of life. I am also concerned about what may happen if the Greys find out about what we are attempting to do and retaliate against us. We don’t know anything about this other species. What assurances do we have that the Sirians would not be worse for humanity than the Greys?” Kissinger says, “Well, I think we should communicate with the Sirians and find out just what their intentions are with regard to mankind.” The members of MJ-12 all agree that communications with the Sirians should be attempted.
Stan enters Evens' office, takes a seat, and asks, “So Tom, what can I do for you today? Evens says, “Thanks for coming over here, Stan. I have been monitoring some communications with a species known as Sirians and I was curious about them. Does the CIA have any information about this species?” Stan replies, “Yes. We know quite a bit about them. Hold onto your seat. You’re in for quite an education, my friend.”
Stan begins with, “Sirius is known as the Dog Star, in the constellation of Canis Major. It is the brightest star in the firmament, and is more than twenty times as luminous as our own sun. The Sirians are a hybrid race with traits that are similar to both human and the Reptilian species. They are similar in appearance to humans except for the eyes, which have vertical slit pupils, and an elongated nose. They have short blond body hair under the tight fitting body suit uniforms that they wear. The Sirians are actively involved in a war with the Greys from the Orion constellation. They have formed an alliance with a tall Blond species against the Greys. They are working in underground bases on Earth for the purposes of abducting humans and programming them to function as biological war machines. They are also performing genetic work there with humanoid forms.
“We have an account from an abductee, known as M.P., who is a twenty year old woman from Las Vegas. She has brought out many interesting factors regarding the Sirians. All of her abductions have featured interactions onboard a craft with three specific Sirian males. A Sirian female would also be there on occasion. One Sirian Male wore a red uniform, was 5'4" tall, and had dominance over the other two. He was very aggressive to the point of being mean. Another Sirian Male wore a black uniform, was 5'7" tall, and was generally even-tempered, except when he became upset. He appeared to have worked almost exclusively with genetics. The third Sirian Male wore a black uniform, was 5'0" tall, and he worked mainly with brainwashing equipment. He did not show any emotions at all during the experiences.
“The Sirian Female had long hair, feminine features, and breasts. She wore a blue two-piece uniform with a pendant on her forehead. The males wore tight fitting hoods with round shaped receivers and a short antenna over their left ears. They wore insignias over their left breasts that were triangular in shape with either three parallel lines across it or a winged serpent inside of it.
Evens says, “I’m curious about something, Stan. What did you mean about the Sirians being a hybrid race of both human and a Reptilian species? What Reptilian species are you referring to?” Stan tells him, “The Reptilians are scaly, rough skinned humanoids that come from the Draco Constellation and the Capella System. These beings have elongated heads and they have dark colored skin. But, there are Reptilians with various colored skins.
“Their leader elite are the "Draco". They have special "wings", which are flaps of skin, supported by long ribs. These can be folded back against the body. They are also known as the "Dragon Race". The Draco are about 8 feet tall and have glowing red eyes. They have the ability to fly and usually operate at night. These entities were the source for some of the legends of the past relating to Gargoyles and Valkyries. It is also apparent that some of the qualities ascribed to vampires have also been taken from these creatures.
“There are elements of their species which do not have wings - the ‘soldier class’ and ‘scientists’ have none. They are all 'cold blooded' and must have a balanced environment to maintain body temperature. The ‘soldier class’ of the species can bury themselves in the ground and wait long periods of time in order to ambush their enemy. If need be they can survive on one very large meal every few weeks or even once a year. As a species, they are well suited for space travel due to their ability to hibernate. These reptoids have scales that protect them from moisture loss and they have no sweat glands.
“The scales, known as scutes, are much larger on their backs, making their skin waterproof. The scales elsewhere on the body are more flexible. They have three fingers with an opposing thumb. The eyes are catlike and large. They have twin nostrils at the end of a short stubby muzzle. They are mostly meat eaters. The mouth is more like a slit, but they do have teeth that are differentiated into incisors, canines, and molars. They average from 6 to 7 feet in height.
“The Reptilians (amphibian) humanoids have been interacting with Earth for ages. Many contactees and abductees repeatedly describe an insignia of a Flying Serpent on the shoulder patch, badge, medallion, or on the helmet. The Serpent Race lives under the ground. The Draconian Group is a Confederation, made up of Reptilian Humanoids, the Sirians, and various crossbreeds. They have set up bases inside of Venus, the Earth, and other locations. Earth is on their ancient space trade routes.
“Some Reptilians are known to eat humans in the same manner that we eat chicken. Children are preferred because they are generally unpoisoned by substances like caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and other things that adults are saturated with, as a group. The Reptilians don't seem to be dependent on humans as a food source, although part of their experimental work with us is toward the end of future food supply and production. When they become involved with crossbreeding (humans and Reptilians), they are not doing it for racial survival but for the purpose of creating a subclass (slave race) within their own culture. These half-breeds are used as biological war machines, slave laborers, etc. They are to be used as someone else's property.
“The Reptilians seem to have little regard for us as living beings. They think we are as ugly and repulsive to them as we ever portrayed them to be, and that we, the human race, are ‘as valuable as weeds’. However, they do seem to consider some of us valuable property. One gets the feeling that they will continue to use us as they see fit and, should we ever become a real problem to them, they would sooner wipe us out than deal with us at all.
“They do not fear us and consider themselves far superior to us in all comparisons. They supposedly consider the surface of this planet to be a poisonous, inhospitable environment and ‘allow’ us to live here, since they live below the surface and in space. We and our surface environment function as a physical buffer, or living shield, around their home underground.”
At approximately 3:00 AM, local time, Major William Cunningham and Sergeant. E-6 Jonathon P. Lovette, of the United States Air Force Missile Test Command near Holloman Air Force Base, are out in a field downrange from the launch sites. They are looking for debris from a missile test. Sgt. Lovette walks over the ridge of a small sand dune. Major Cunningham hears Sgt. Lovette scream in terror and agony. The Major, thinking that the Sergeant had been bitten by a snake or something else, runs over the crest of the dune and sees what appears to be a silver disk like object, that is hovering approximately twenty feet off the ground.
Sgt. Lovette is screaming as he is being dragged into the craft by a long snake-like object that is wrapped around his legs. Major Cunningham freezes in terror. He watches as a hatch closes behind the sergeant and the disc ascends very quickly straight up into the sky. He then realizes that he is alone in the desert. When he finally regains his senses, he reports the incident to Missile Control, over his jeep's radio. Missile control reports back that the craft was sighted by radar. The Major is admitted to the White Sands Base Dispensary for observation. Search parties go out into the field looking for Sgt. Lovette.
After 3 days of searching, the nude body of Sgt. Lovette is found approximately 10 miles downrange. The body has been mutilated; the tongue had been removed from the lower portion of the jaw. An incision had been made just under the tip of the chin and extended all the way back to the esophagus and larynx. He had been emasculated. His eyes and genitalia had been removed. The anus had been removed as though a plug was extended all the way up to the colon. There was no sign of blood within the body or anywhere on the ground.
Henry Kissinger is addressing the members of MJ-12. He reports, “Through our channels of communication, the Greys have stated that they are not responsible for what happened to Sergeant Lovette and they do not know who is.” “Yeah, right”, says Defense Secretary Wilson. No one in the room believes that the Greys are telling the truth. Dr. Kissinger also states, “The Sirians have communicated that they are unable to do anything to help us with regard to the Greys because of a truce which is in place on Earth.” Secretary Wilson sarcastically asks, “Okay, Doctor Kissinger, where does that leave us?”
Kissinger says, “I believe that it is time for us to begin considering the possibility that life, as we know it, may not be possible on Earth in the future. We have all seen the report which states that the course of human evolution will make the planet uninhabitable by the year 2000. So, I believe that it is only prudent for us to discuss various alternatives. Alternative 1 is to allow things to continue the way that they are going and hope that things can be repaired. Alternative 2 is to arrange for underground cities and facilities to be built in order to insure the survival of select groups of people. Alternative 3 is the migration to other planets. Alternatives 2 and 3 are considered to be the most viable. However, in order to implement Alternative 3, alien technology will be needed. In order to enhance the work currently being conducted under Project Redlight, the construction of a facility to test recovered technology, should be given top priority. Are there any objections?” The room becomes silent.
Lt. Colonel Evens reports, as ordered, to General Twining, who is now the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The General tells Evens, “At ease, Colonel. I would like to commend you for the fine work that you have accomplished with Project Sigma. Effective immediately, you have been promoted to the rank of full Colonel. I wanted to be the one to tell you, myself. Congratulations.” “Thank you, General.” “You deserve it. I recall that you have served your country well throughout the years. Well, your services are needed once again, I’m afraid. You are being transferred to a new facility at Groom Lake, Nevada, where you will be in charge of security there.”
The General tells Evens, “This facility is code named DREAMLAND, which stands for Data Repository and Maintenance Land. It has been constructed in the proximity of an alien underground base known as S-4. Here, the process of transferring alien technology has begun. In addition to your responsibilities for the security of DREAMLAND, you are also ordered to report on the progress being made there and the morale of the people working there. Can I rely on your cooperation for this assignment, Colonel?” Evens smiles and says, “Yes, Sir. Thank you for this assignment, General. You can be sure that I will give it my very best effort.” However inside, Evens is not looking forward to returning to the deserts of Nevada once again.
Colonel Evens watches as buses, with blacked out windows, arrive at the facility. He sees the civilian scientists, engineers, and technicians disembark and get herded into lines by military policemen, who treat them like raw recruits. He looks around and sees signs with a Grey alien peeking up over the words, "You are being watched".
After the civilians have had their credentials checked, Evens watches as they are made to pass through a narrow corridor with flashing lights and audio messages which are played repeatedly. He notices that the civilians appear to be dazed and confused as they exit the corridor. Evens asks his Executive Officer, Major Connors, what is happening to them. He is told that the Orion process is used to make the civilians forget their work when they leave the facility and remember it again when they return. Evens becomes concerned about how mind control techniques are being used on innocent American citizens. He then notices that the civilians are always being watched by video cameras and Military Policemen located throughout the facility.
Evens determines that none of this is doing anything for the morale of the people who work there. In order for him to find out what the civilians are thinking, he dresses into civilian clothes and poses as a scientists. He befriends another scientist there by the name of Bob. Evens asks him, “Where do you think all of this stuff comes from?” Bob says, “I am convinced that the technology that we see being tested here is of alien origin. I determined this hypothesis after seeing the furniture inside a craft. It had really small chairs inside. That was just extremely shocking. I asked myself, ‘why does it have little furniture inside?’ I realized that this stuff was just a little too advanced for a group of scientists to have created and, you know, keep it secret. Things began to click together just all too fast."
Bob says, “I have given names to each of the craft, such as 'Top Hat', 'Jell-O Mold', and 'Sports Model'. They all operate without any hitches at all and they look brand new. A few of the disks have been completely dismantled in order to find out how they work. But, others are fully operational. During one test flight that I witnessed, I saw the bottom of a craft begin to glow blue and to hiss like high voltage does on a round sphere. It lifted off the ground quietly, except for that little hiss in the background, and even that stopped as soon as it reached about 20 or 30 feet. This test of the Sports Model was a short one. It made only a few moves before settling back down to the ground. I didn't see who was actually flying the craft, but I was very impressed, nonetheless.”
Evens asks, “What do you think about all of the security precautions that they have in place here?” Bob says, “The excessive caution and intense secrecy contributes to the plodding pace of the program and is the main source of my disenchantment with this whole project. It's just outright unfair not to put this in the hands of the overall scientific community. There are people much more capable of dealing with this information, and by this time would have gotten a lot further along than this small select group of people working out here in the middle of the desert. We don't even have the facilities, really, to completely analyze what we're dealing with here."
Evens asks, “Who do you think is behind all of this?” Bob says, "The group that runs this project, whether it really is the Navy or they just say that, apparently has executive power. They don't report to anyone. It's not an overall government project. It's not something that Congress appropriates money for. I don't believe that Congress even has any knowledge of it at all."
Evens asks, “How do the spacecraft work?” Bob says, "Well, there's no action/reaction system to it. There's no, like in a jet engine, exhaust gas being thrown out, no propeller or noise. It's just, for all intents and purposes, magic. An antimatter reactor allows the spaceships to produce their own gravitational fields, which is how they are able to travel the vast distances between worlds in such a short period of time.”
Bob continues, "Gravity distorts time and space. Just like if you had a water bed and put a bowling ball in the middle. It warps it down like that. That's exactly what happens in space. Imagine that you were in a spacecraft that could exert a tremendous gravitational field to actually warp space and time, and fold it. By shutting that off, you'd be a tremendous distance from where you were but time would not have even moved because you essentially shut it off."
Evens asks, “How can you control gravity?” Bob replies, "Well, the thing is, when you harness gravity, you harness everything. It's the missing piece in physics right now. We really know very little about gravity. At least that's the way it used to be. But now, the technology to harness gravity not only exists, but it is being tested right here. And, if such technology is beyond human capabilities, then it must have come from someplace else."
Evens asks, “How do the spacecraft use gravity?” Bob says, "There are two modes of travel. There is a low speed mode and a high speed mode. In the low speed mode, the craft is actually very vulnerable. It sort of bobs around as it sits on a weak gravitational field. It's essentially sitting on three gravity waves. It can focus the waves behind it and essentially keep falling forward. In the second mode, they increase the amplitude and the craft begins to lift. It performs a roll maneuver. It begins to turn over. As it begins to leave Earth's gravitational field, they point the bottom of the craft at the destination. They converge and focus the three gravity amplifiers on a point that they want to go to, then they bring them up to full power, and this is where the tremendous time-space distortion takes place. It whips them right to that point."
Evens asks, “How are these craft powered?” Bob says, “You may not believe me. But, I have seen an element that cannot be found on the periodic chart of elements. This element, called 115, can be stored in lead casings. It is impossible to synthesize an element that heavy here on Earth. But, the government has 500 pounds of it. Element 115 is the fuel for the antimatter reactors onboard the spacecraft. By bombarding 115 with electrons, antimatter is produced.
“Element 115 could also make one heck of a bomb. A kilo of antimatter can produce the energy equivalent of 45 ten-megaton hydrogen bombs. We're talking about hundreds and hundreds of megatons off a small piece of this stuff. It sounds incredible, but total conversion of matter into energy isn't that difficult. So, it's not something you'd ever want to have fall into just anyone's hands."
Evens asks, “How do you suppose that it could possibly be produced?” Bob says, "It would take an infinite amount of power and an infinite amount of time. The substance has to come from a place where super-heavy elements could have been produced naturally, such as next to a much larger sun where there would be greater mass. Maybe a binary star system, a super-nova, or somewhere where there is just a bigger release of energy to synthesize these things naturally. It has to be a naturally occurring element."
Evens thanks Bob for talking with him and returns to his office where he changes back into uniform. He reaches for the telephone, dials a number, and asks to meet with the Director of Research. An appointment is made and, at the appointed time, Colonel Evens enters Dr. Teller’s office. The two men meet, shake hands, and Dr. Teller asks, “Well, Colonel, how may I help you?” Evens says, “I have been speaking with one of your scientists and he has told me of some very disturbing things which I would like to ask you about.”
Teller says, “Certainly. Go ahead and ask.” “Well, it seems that, due to the tight security restrictions that we have in place here, there is not enough manpower, equipment, or facilities available to adequately evaluate the technology that has been made available to us. Is this true?” Dr. Teller’s face has turned bright red with anger. He stares at Evens with contempt and says, “Absolutely not. We have the best facilities and the brightest minds available working on this project. I am personally responsible for insuring that everything possible is made available for our task here. Are you asking me if I am doing my job properly?”
Evens responds with, “No, Sir. I was asking if the security restrictions prevented you from obtaining the best equipment and scientists in the world.” Teller calms down a little and says, “Well, we are not able to use anyone who does not have a security clearance and we cannot use the equipment in any unsecure facilities. But, I assure you, Sir. We have everything that we need to accomplish our mission.” “I see. Do you feel that the security procedures here negatively impact the effectiveness or the morale of the personnel who work here?” “No.” Evens thinks to himself, This guy is lying through his teeth!
With his best poker face, Evens says, “Very well, Sir. I have just one more question to ask. Do you feel that the aliens have been forthright in providing us with technology which we can use for our own purposes?” Dr. Teller has a troubled look on his face as he squirms in his seat. He says, “The Greys have fulfilled their obligation by providing their advanced technology to us. It is not their concern whether we are able to make use of it or not.” Evens says, “Oh, I believe that it, most certainly, is their concern. Good day to you, Sir.”
Evens hurries to his office in order to begin his report on the situation. But once there, he notices a newspaper story which reports that Edward Ruppelt, the disgruntled man that had been in charge of Project Blue Book, has mysteriously died of a heart attack. Evens wonders if it could be possible that Ruppelt was murdered in order to keep him quiet.
Colonel Evens enters the office of the Secretary of Defense, Thomas Gates, Jr. The Secretary holds out his hand and says, “Welcome, Colonel Evens. Thank you for coming. Please, be seated.” The two men sit down in large, plush chairs, facing one another. Secretary Gates says, “I have been reviewing your background, Colonel. It is most impressive. You have served your country well. I have asked you to come here today because your country needs your special services once again. You are being reassigned back to the Pentagon.” Evens cracks a smile. He is delighted to be leaving the desert once again. Then, the Secretary says, “You are being assigned back on Project Grudge”, and Evens’ spirits sink again. The Secretary sees the frown on Evens’ face and says, “Don’t worry Colonel. It will not be the same as before.”
He tells Evens, “When John Kennedy was elected President, he asked to be briefed about the extraterrestrials. Kennedy was shown the Project Blue Book reports and he was not impressed, due to the fact that he had been briefed about the Roswell incident. Kennedy was then shown Eisenhower's briefing report when he became President back in 1952. Well, now Kennedy wants a complete report regarding extraterrestrials, from 1953 until the present.”
The Secretary tells Evens, “You are being assigned the task of preparing Project Grudge/Blue Book Report Number 13. However, this time, you are to hold nothing back and include all of the gory details. I want the report to cause the President to piss in his pants.” Evens says, “To do as you say, Mr. Secretary, I am going to need access to all of the material from Majestic-12 and the CIA. I would like to request that Stan Edwards, from the CIA, be assigned to this project again as liaison with the CIA.” The Secretary says, “You will have this man’s full support and you will have full access on all of the material available.”
Evens says, “Thank you, Mr. Secretary, for this assignment. You can count on me.” He then begins to leave when the Secretary says, “Oh, Colonel, just one more thing. You have been invited to attend the next meeting of the Council on Foreign Relations. Congratulations. This is quite an honor.” Evens is handed the invitation. He has no idea what he has just been invited to or why he should feel so honored.
Colonel Evens looks around at his new office in the Pentagon. He thinks back to his past when his office consisted of a metal desk, two wooden chairs, a locking filing cabinet, and a coat rack on a hard tiled floor. Now, he has a nice wooden desk, comfortable chairs, a coffee table and couch. There is even a small kitchenette in one corner of the room with a sink, cupboards, and a coffee machine. The walls are covered with wood paneling and the floor is covered with thick carpeting. He now has two locking filing cabinets, a world map hanging on one wall, and lots of lighting. And, for the first time, he has his own secretary who has a small office just outside of his office door. Yes, Evens is quite pleased with his new surroundings.
Evens can hear Stan Edwards yelling at his secretary, just outside his office. Stan is asking, “What jerk decided that I should be reassigned back to Project Grudge? I’ve already served my time in Purgatory and I have no desire to return.” Then, he sees Evens standing in the doorway to his office and asks, “Are you the one who is responsible for this?” Evens grins and says, “Yep. I’m afraid so.” He holds out his hand and the two men shake hands. Evens invites him into his office. After sitting down, Stan says, “Damn it, Tom. I had a nice cushy job at the agency. This had better not be another gigantic waste of time.” Evens assures him that it is not and tells him what the Secretary of Defense wants them to do. Stan smiles and says, “Now, that’s more like it. I would be delighted to help you write that kind of report.” “Good! That’s great.”
Then, Evens gets a serious look on his face and says, “Stan? I’ve been invited to attend a meeting of the Council on Foreign Relations. I’ve never heard of this council. The Secretary of Defense congratulated me for it. What did he mean?” “It means that you are being groomed to become a General. The Council on Foreign Relations is the most influential, semi-secret organization in America. Their membership includes the wealthiest people of this nation along with the owners and directors of the top corporations that control the economy of this country.”
Stan explains, “The Council on Foreign Relations was created during a meeting that was held on May 19, 1919, in the Majestic Hotel of Paris, France. The formal membership in the C.F.R. is composed of close to 1500 of the most elite names in the areas of government, labor, business, finance, communications, the foundations, and the academy. It has staffed almost every key position of every administration since those of F.D.R. All of the heads of the CIA since 1947 have been members. Almost every Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense have been members. Almost every senior member of the government and most of the long-time members of Congress are members or have been members of the C.F.R. Those are the people who rule this nation.”
Evens asks, “But, why have I never heard of this group before?” Stan says, “I doubt that one American in a thousand so much as recognizes the Council's name, or that one in ten thousand can relate anything at all about its structure or purpose.” “Okay. You’ve got me curious now. What is their purpose?” “Well, it is their goal to have a New World Order under a One-World Government.” “Are you saying that it is the goal of these Americans to have the United States Government give up its sovereignty to this one world government?” “Yep.” Evens is astonished by this and asks, “How can our military leaders be a part of such a treasonous act?” Stan says, “Well, only those people who agree with their objectives ever get to become admirals or generals. That would tend to provide a rather strong incentive to obtaining their cooperation. You have been invited to attend one of their meetings in order for them to determine if you have the right stuff to become a general.”
Evens is confused and asks, “But, what does the Council on Foreign Relations have to do with extraterrestrials?” “The members of Majestic-12 are the people who control all of the alien related projects. You will find that they are all members of the Council on Foreign Relations and that they came from the study department of the Council on Foreign Relations because the Council offered to help Truman when the UFO crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, back in 1947. The Council has been secretly advising every president since it's inception in 1919. At no time in our history, has there ever been an executive policy, from the executive branch of our government, which has ever disagreed with recommendations from the Council on Foreign Relations. That should tell you just how powerful they are." Just then, Evens starts to feel trapped.
Robert McNamara, the new Secretary of Defense, is greeted by President Kennedy and asked to have a seat in the chair in front of his desk. Kennedy sits down behind his desk and asks, “Mr. Secretary, I would like to know why I have not received the Project Grudge Report yet regarding extraterrestrial visitation?” McNamara says, “It is currently being prepared, Mr. President. But, more time is required in order to provide you with a thorough report.” “Very well. But, I want to see it just as soon as it is available. I would like to make it clear that I will not tolerate any delays.” “I understand you clearly, Sir. There will be no delays.”
Next, the President states, “I would also like for you to arrange for me to visit the facilities where the extraterrestrials and their craft are being kept.” The Secretary shifts his weight in his seat, clears his throat, and says, “I’m sorry, Mr. President. I am unable to comply with your request. The site is not under military control and you do not have the authority to enter that facility.”
President Kennedy becomes angry and asks, “You have been there. Have you not?” “Yes, Mr. President.” “It is on United States soil. Is it not?” “It is, Sir.” Kennedy shouts, “Well, I am the President of this country and the Commander and Chief of all military forces. I will order the Army to invade it, if necessary, in order for me to gain access.” “But Sir, that area is protected under the provisions of a treaty with extraterrestrial beings and they have the technology to prevent that from happening. However, I will look into obtaining the necessary authorization for you to gain access, Mr. President.” “Very well. You may go now.”
Evens walks into the banquet room wearing a suit and tie, as called for in the invitation. He sees several men, dressed in business suits, talking with each other in small groups. There are waiters passing through the crowd, carrying drinks. Everyone seems to have a drink in their hand, so Evens accepts one from a waiter. The people seem to be in a pleasant mood while they socialize with one another. Evens feels very much out of place.
Just then, Evens hears someone say, "He's here!" Everyone in the room becomes excited and very anxious. Evens asks a gentleman, that is standing next to him, “Who has arrived?” He is told, “It’s the Chairman of the Board, David Rockefeller, of course.” Evens watches as the sea of people part so that Rockefeller, and his entourage, can pass into the meeting room. Everyone applauds as he passes through the room. Then, everyone walks into the meeting room and sits down. All doors are closed behind them.
The Board of Directors sit behind a long table, at the far end of the room. At the podium, a speaker brings the meeting to order. He welcomes everyone to the meeting and introduces David Rockefeller. Rockefeller says to the members, “Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. I am very pleased with your participation and accomplishments. But, there are many challenges that we must face together.” He then starts to describe the economic situation. Evens has no understanding of economics and is growing bored very rapidly. But then, Rockefeller starts talking about things that do concern him and he wonders how Rockefeller knows about them.
Rockefeller says, “President Kennedy intends to compel the steel manufacturers to roll back their price increases. He also intends to reduce the oil depletion allowances and close corporate tax loopholes with a new tax reform bill.” The crowd responds with horror upon hearing each of these issues.
Then, Rockefeller states, ”The President has asked Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, to reappraise the entire defense strategy, capacity, commitments, and needs with a tendency toward down sizing the military and reducing defense spending.” This is received by the crowd in a most unfavorable way. “It will be necessary for all of us to bring pressure to bare upon the President in order to reverse these disturbing trends.”
After the meeting, a man walks up to Evens and says, “Good evening, Colonel Evens. You have been invited to attend a private meeting in the back room. Would you follow me, please.” Evens agrees and follows the man to another room where a few men are sitting at a small table. Evens is asked to join them. So, he sits down. He recognizes one of the men as the new Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara. McNamara tells Evens, “We have been watching your career accomplishments for a long time. We are very pleased in the way that you have dealt with the alien situations.” Evens thanks the Secretary and wonders how they are able to discuss something as sensitive as his top secret dealings with extraterrestrials.
David Rockefeller asks, “What did you think of the meeting tonight?” Evens says, ”I was very impressed with the Council's organization and ability to respond effectively to current events.” This was something that he felt that he could say truthfully. Then, Rockefeller asks, “Where do your loyalties lay, Colonel?” Evens clears his throat and says, “Although I am obligated to obey the orders of the Commander and Chief, I also understand the need for a united One-World Government.” This pleases everyone at the table. Rockefeller asks, “Would you be interested in becoming a member? You would benefit greatly from an association with the council.” Evens smiles and says, “I would be honored, Sir.”
Evens and Stan are reviewing recent UFO activities. Stan says, “Look at this. Radar stations, at Cape Canaveral, locked onto an object that followed a Polaris missile over the Atlantic Ocean.” Evens says, “Damn! That’s fast. Now, I have one for you. Vice President Johnson's private aircraft crash landed recently. Radar tracked UFOs in the area.” “Do you suppose that this was a deliberate act against the Vice President?” “I don’t know. Johnson doesn’t have any real power. I don’t know what value that the Vice President would be to the aliens.”
Stan and Evens then read a report which indicated that 221 U.S. Army personnel were abducted by UFOs from Fort Ord, California, and had small devices implanted into their brains. All were sedated through the efforts of 600 other soldiers who were recruited for this purpose and debriefed. Many suffered severe physical and psychological trauma. They, and their families, were sequestered. Stan says, “221 soldiers? That’s a lot of human beings for just some sort of experiment.” Evens replies, “Yeah, I guess that someone must have thought that they were expendable.”
The two men then read about another report of an abduction that took place on September 20th, 1961. A couple, by the names of Betty and Barney Hill, were abducted while driving along a deserted road, at 2:00 in the morning, on their way to their Hew Hampshire home from Montreal. The Hills reported their sighting of a UFO to nearby Pedes Air Force Base, who’s radar station tracked a UFO at the same time and location as was reported by the Hills.
The final report that the men look at, states that, on September 21st, two Boeing 707 commercial airliners encountered a large donut shaped UFO over the Pacific Ocean. Evens sets the report on a stack with the others and says, “Damn! There’s a lot going on now and it sure don’t look good.”
President John F. Kennedy and his brother, the Attorney General, Robert Kennedy, are discussing current affairs. Robert says, “You know, when you stated, last month, that ‘The United States is neither omnipotent nor omniscient’, you really upset those people who have so much to gain from a strong military-industrial complex.” The President says, “I don’t care. I am more concerned that the federal deficit is at three billion dollars at a time when the military-industrial complex budget is at $47 billion.”
The President says, “The board of inquiry into the Bay of Pigs disaster has shown me just how powerful the military-industrial complex and its intelligence-security force has become. I have discovered that the CIA and the Pentagon has misled me terribly in regard to that fiasco and I can tell you that I will be highly skeptical of any information from those sources in the future. However, I have attempted to correct that situation with National Security Action Memoranda 55 and 57, which holds the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff personally responsible for all military activities and limits the CIA to only small covert operations.” Robert’s eyes grow large and he tells the President, “The CIA and military leaders are not going to appreciate having their power base divided like that.” The President says, “Well, it was necessary in order to bring the nation's paramilitary and undercover operations under some semblance of control.”
The President asks how his brother’s war is going against organized crime. Robert says, “It could be going better. J. Edgar Hoover still maintains that the F.B.I. is still unable to find any evidence that organized crime syndicates exist in this country. This is in spite of the fact that the Kefauver Senate Select Committee provided ample evidence that it does. And, even though I was able to have the INS deport Carlos Marcello, the head of a New Orleans based crime syndicate, I have just found out that he has returned.”
“However”, he says, “I have uncovered a close relationship between organized crime and a military intelligence organization. It seems that the Navy, during World War II, began an association with the Mafia in order to help the war effort. After the war, this Mafia-Navy partnership moved to the Office of Strategic Services, which became the forerunner of the CIA. In 1946, a convicted gangster, known as Lucky Luciano, was granted an executive clemency and deported. In Italy, he organized an international narcotics syndicate that supplies most of the heroin that is shipped to this country, where it is received, processed, and distributed by the Delta Forces, under the supervision of the Naval Reconnaissance Office. The revenues received from the illegal sale of these drugs are used to fund the Black Projects.”
The President says, “Well, I intend to take care of that situation right now.” Robert McNamara has been kept waiting outside of the Oval Office all of this time. The President tells his personal secretary to ask McNamara to come into his office. The two Kennedy brothers greet him upon his entry and ask him to sit down. They sit on couches, with McNamara across a coffee table from the Kennedys. The President says, “Mr. Secretary, I have asked you to come over here today in order to respond to some troubling accusations which I have just learned about. As a member of the Executive Committee for the Bilderbergers, a Director of the Council on Foreign Relations, a member of Majestic-12, and the Secretary of Defense, I thought you might have some knowledge about such things. McNamara says, “I will be happy to respond, if he can, Mr. President.”
The President states, “It has been brought to my attention that the NRO and Delta Forces are importing and distributing illegal drugs in this country in order to pay for MJ-12's Black Projects. Is this true?” McNamara gives an icy stare to Robert Kennedy and then tells the President, “I flatly deny any knowledge of this activity, what-so-ever.”
The President nods his head and says, “Very well. Would you have any information regarding several American citizens that have been abducted by an alien race, with assistance provided by people working for MJ-12?” McNamara sits back and says, “Yes, Mr. President. It is my understanding that these activities are occurring for purely scientific research purposes with the abductees being returned unharmed and with no conscious memory of the incident.” The Attorney General asks, “Mr. Secretary, is it your understanding that this sort of thing is legal?” McNamara replies, “This is one of the provisions in an agreement that the United States Government has with an extraterrestrial race.”
The President asks, “Mr. Secretary, when am I going to be briefed on the alien related activities and be permitted to visit DREAMLAND?” McNamara clears his throat and says, “A full report should be available for you soon, Mr. President. You will then be able to visit the test site after being briefed on the matter.” The President pounds his fist on the coffee table and shouts, “Damn it! You guys better get your stuff together because I’m going to tell the public everything. I will appeal directly to the American people on national television. I will tell them all about the aliens, what’s going on, and allow the people to decide for themselves what should be done about it.” McNamara stands and says, “I will make your position known to the people concerned with these issues, Mr. President”. “Very well, Mr. Secretary. You may leave now.” After he has left, Robert says, “You know, of course, what people he was referring to.”
The Board of Directors are in a somber mood in the headquarters building for the Council on Foreign Relations on 68th Street in New York City. Robert McNamara is telling the directors about his visit with the Kennedys and relays the President's ultimatum. He says, “Well, there you have it, gentlemen. I believe that the President is serious about his intentions to tell the American people about the aliens. I have discussed this matter with the Executive Committee of the Bilderbergers over a secure telephone line. It is their unanimous opinion that we must prevent that from happening, at all costs. Prince Bernhard, in particular, is very upset over this.”
David Rockefeller says, “Clearly, we must find a way to prevent the President from carrying out his threat. But, it will take quite some time to make the necessary preparations.” “I can postpone the release of the Grudge report to the President for only a few more months. But, that is all.” “Very well, that should give us sufficient time. When everything is ready, you will release the report to the President and we will decide on whether to proceed with drastic measures, based upon the President's response to the report.”
