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Showing posts with label have. Show all posts

Sunday, May 10, 2015

It will be the 3rd and final Anti-Christ that causes the rulers and leaders of the world to strike each other with super-weapons that permanently end human civilization

Spain, France, and England might have shaped the modern world as it is in the present day, but according to Nostradamus, (of whom was never incorrect in any of his written predictions of the future) it will be the 3rd and final Anti-Christ that causes the rulers and leaders of the world to strike each other with super-weapons that permanently end human civilization. "> here


The Illuminati might think they have the upper hand now, but when they are rudely awakened one day when nations of the world cannot recover from a great economic collapse at a global level.

Just what will the Illuminati members do when the financial markets of the world are leveled? Will they run and hide in caves, while having nothing to offer to a single soul, such as two nickels to rub together? Or will they beg the U.S. government (that has since been bankrupted by money spent on long wars) for money to borrow?

Information about the Illuminati click here

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Discover the people who caused the root of all evil, during the course of the last 240 years.

If a person or group of individuals acting together can create two opposing sides that directly oppose each other from within their beliefs, actions and opinions of whom both have a large scale impact on world politics, war planning/strategy, and on the future outcomes of large scale market economies, then this person or group of individuals can in essence, generate any outcome that is favorable only to this person or group of individuals for their material and monetary advantage for the present day, near future, and for the distant future.

The manipulation and control of the masses that is described here in the paragraph above is precisely how -- the people that have been or are members of the secret society called the Illuminati -- have controlled the world since May 1, 1776.

Information about the Illuminati click here