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Showing posts with label torture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label torture. Show all posts

Monday, July 15, 2019

This electromagnetic technology in reported use by thousands of victims today nationwide and near millions globally being used as a covert method of physical torture by specific agencies, military personnel in the civilian arena, Federal (FBI - Joint Resource Intelligence Center (JRIC) in California) and Fusion Center leadership as the approving authority for unified military technology and military personnel, state and local police departments the new paradigm. A corrupt division of the Los Angeles Police Department, satellite counter-terrorism division, four floors underground, known as the Real-Time Analysis and Critical Response (RACR) Division is an example of the hidden and monstrous unchecked use of these weapons when used for hideous silencing, suppression of exposure of official illegal wrong, and subjugation. Scalar, Silent Sound, & Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Sonic and acoustic, and the Active Denial System, also drone equipped, are in widespread use. As early as the 1930s, Nikola Tesla, and others called these types of weapons, having the health deteriorating effect using electromagnetic energy, the "Death Ray." The characteristic of these technologies covert use, when used in relentless attacks on targeted victims is its intentional, deceptive, frightening design, designed to give the appearance of naturally occurring death or major illnesses by extremely low frequencies although it is technological, electromagnetic, slow kill. Leukemia, tumorous cancers, heart inflictions and a host of other intentional medical conditions are manifested in targets resulting in slow debilitating illnesses and diseases. Those being used in remote technological experimentation, for many and varied reasons, are witnessing the slow manifestation of illnesses which range also from unusual joint deterioration to depression, migraines, weakness, and fatigue, to also extreme, and medically unexplained, severe neurological problems and autoimmune disease. Whistleblowers are described as "Primary Targets" such as Renee Pittman. "Primary Targets" are those who have been place on the hit list, marked for slow kill, and are being heavily targeted, 24/7, in intentional physical and psychological torture programs using remotely directed microwave energy weapons, which are also termed psychotronic in a decisive manner to covertly, technologically, reduce a lifespan. The overall structure of this program is to destroy every aspect of the target's life, mentally and physically by using technology to create systematic tissue and organ damage, mental illness resulting from the deployment of the focused, directional beam relentlessly over a period of time. Victims who end up at this level, in this program are often those who begin to realize what is happening and by their exposure become a threat. "The Program" does not just stop with primaries. In the full spectrum of this ruthless, testing program, "Ordinary Victimized Individuals" are people who have been unsuspectingly put on a list to be either experimented on, destroyed, or mind controlled, with remote frequencies. Women, said to be 70% of those targeted, fit this category. This is especially true when single and living alone and reportedly are also being sexually exploited by patented stimulation beams. It is all done quietly, covertly, secretly, and is strategic and slyly orchestrated. Without public awareness, through mainstream media, on "Gag Orders" exposing these crimes, victims have no real help, when it is military and unified law enforcement. The torture then results in microwave COINTELPRO, "Covert Technological Murder" by the "Pain Ray Beam." The weapons are portable, handheld also and defined in the "Space Preservation Act of 2001, Sec. 7. and make the perfect official crime. The covert use of psychophysical, psychological electronic frequency wave technology is in full use today, as well as, the structure of an ongoing high-level nonconsensual human guinea pig program with combined technological harassment revealing corruption that makes other documented human experimentation historical programs look like child play. "The Program" is decades perfected and unleashed legally for testing, some would argue bogusly legalized, for continued research activity, post 9/11, on men, women, and children, individuals, groups, communities and large populations. It is absolutely no wonder there is an ongoing effort to discredit, silence, and subjugate Pittman. And, these are tactics confirmed by thousands of victims worldwide through the use of covertly beamed electromagnetic Directed Energy Weapon psycho-physical attacks designed to shut down Human Rights Advocates, bogusly labeled as "Domestic Terrorist" by any means necessary and for using exposure to fight for their very lives. FBI Joint Resource Intelligence Center JRIC in California and Fusion Center leadership corrupt organized torture and crisis response criminal money racketeering (entity) dog shit sits behind prison bars from new legislation enacted from Tomo Shibata, Ph. D.'s proposed bill currently under review by the California State Legislature. -Mark R. Rowe Source: Covert Technological Murder: Pain Ray Beam (Mind Control Technology Book 3), Rene Pittman, 2013. To purchase on Amazon, Refer to link below.

Commercial Photography 
This electromagnetic technology in reported use by thousands of victims today nationwide and near millions globally being used as a covert method of physical torture by specific agencies, military personnel in the civilian arena, Federal (FBI - Joint Resource Intelligence Center (JRIC) in California) and Fusion Center leadership as the approving authority for unified military technology and military personnel, state and local police departments the new paradigm. A corrupt division of the Los Angeles Police Department, satellite counter-terrorism division, four floors underground, known as the Real-Time Analysis and Critical Response (RACR) Division is an example of the hidden and monstrous unchecked use of these weapons when used for hideous silencing, suppression of exposure of official illegal wrong, and subjugation.

Scalar, Silent Sound, & Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Sonic and acoustic, and the Active Denial System, also drone equipped, are in widespread use. As early as the 1930s, Nikola Tesla, and others called these types of weapons, having the health deteriorating effect using electromagnetic energy, the "Death Ray." 
The characteristic of these technologies covert use, when used in relentless attacks on targeted victims is its intentional, deceptive, frightening design, designed to give the appearance of naturally occurring death or major illnesses by extremely low frequencies although it is technological, electromagnetic, slow kill. Leukemia, tumorous cancers, heart inflictions and a host of other intentional medical conditions are manifested in targets resulting in slow debilitating illnesses and diseases.

Those being used in remote technological experimentation, for many and varied reasons, are witnessing the slow manifestation of illnesses which range also from unusual joint deterioration to depression, migraines, weakness, and fatigue, to also extreme, and medically unexplained, severe neurological problems and autoimmune disease.

Whistleblowers are described as "Primary Targets" such as Renee Pittman.

"Primary Targets" are those who have been place on the hit list, marked for slow kill, and are being heavily targeted, 24/7, in intentional physical and psychological torture programs using remotely directed microwave energy weapons, which are also termed psychotronic in a decisive manner to covertly, technologically, reduce a lifespan.

The overall structure of this program is to destroy every aspect of the target's life, mentally and physically by using technology to create systematic tissue and organ damage, mental illness resulting from the deployment of the focused, directional beam relentlessly over a period of time. Victims who end up at this level, in this program are often those who begin to realize what is happening and by their exposure become a threat.

"The Program" does not just stop with primaries. 
In the full spectrum of this ruthless, testing program, "Ordinary Victimized Individuals" are people who have been unsuspectingly put on a list to be either experimented on, destroyed, or mind controlled, with remote frequencies. Women, said to be 70% of those targeted, fit this category. This is especially true when single and living alone and reportedly are also being sexually exploited by patented stimulation beams.

It is all done quietly, covertly, secretly, and is strategic and slyly orchestrated. 
Without public awareness, through mainstream media, on "Gag Orders" exposing these crimes, victims have no real help, when it is military and unified law enforcement. The torture then results in microwave COINTELPRO, "Covert Technological Murder" by the "Pain Ray Beam." The weapons are portable, handheld also and defined in the "Space Preservation Act of 2001, Sec. 7. and make the perfect official crime.
The covert use of  psychophysical,  psychological  electronic frequency wave technology is in full use today, as well as, the structure of an ongoing high-level nonconsensual human guinea pig  program with combined technological harassment revealing corruption that makes other documented human  experimentation historical programs look like child play.

"The Program" is decades perfected and unleashed legally for testing, some would argue bogusly legalized, for continued research activity,  post  9/11, on men, women, and children, individuals,  groups, communities and large populations. 
It is absolutely no wonder there is an ongoing effort to discredit, silence, and subjugate Pittman.  And, these are tactics confirmed by thousands of victims worldwide through the use of covertly beamed electromagnetic Directed Energy Weapon psycho-physical attacks designed to shut down Human Rights Advocates, bogusly labeled as "Domestic Terrorist" by any means necessary and for using exposure to fight for their very lives.

FBI Joint Resource Intelligence Center JRIC in California and Fusion Center leadership corrupt organized torture and crisis response criminal money racketeering (entity) dog shit sits behind prison bars from new legislation enacted from Tomo Shibata, Ph. D.'s proposed bill currently under review by the California State Legislature.

-Mark R. Rowe

Source: Covert Technological Murder: Pain Ray Beam (Mind Control Technology Book 3), Rene Pittman, 2013.  To purchase on Amazon, Refer to link below.

illuminati leaks

info on the free and accepted masons

current nwo plans

the latest on the Rothschild family dealings

current events of the CFR

the last move of the Trilateral Commission

videos of nwo protest

nwo canceled plans

tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry

the decline of Royal Society influence

Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive

consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

crisis, and, response, criminal, money, racketeering, dog, shit, sits, behind, prison, bars, from, new, legislation, enacted, Tomo, Shibata, Ph, D, proposed, bill, currently, under, review, California, State, Legislature

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Trauma based mind control, besides HAARP, is a favourite weapon of the Illuminati. Although it is an important mind control instrument, there are more. Also in use are efficient propaganda methods combined with NLP through mass media, systemetical mass hypnosis of mankind by subliminal messages with targeted conditioning on the satanic world government, neurochip implantation into innocent people ("targeted individuals", TI's), manipulation of thoughts by HAARP via frequency modulation. The roots of occult rituals and practices of "mind control" are deep in human history. World War II accelerated the mind control researches, so that a new secret science came up. The pioneer was the ruthless Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele, which was well known for his torture experiments. His methods researched, which maximum amount of pain a human was able to bear, and which minimum amount of love he needed. The goal was to find out, how one could make an individual do things, he would never do by his free will - so, to create a perfectly obidient slave. -Mark R. Rowe

top .02 percent Illuminati Adam Weishaupt Bravaria Ingoldstaldt Prussia secret society may 1 1776 foster rationalism combat religion destroy property family religion world government billionaires

Click here to learn more about the Illuminati.

Trauma based mind control, besides HAARP, is a favourite weapon of the Illuminati. Although it is an important mind control instrument, there are more. Also in use are efficient propaganda methods combined with NLP through mass media, systemetical mass hypnosis of mankind by subliminal messages with targeted conditioning on the satanic world government, neurochip implantation into innocent people ("targeted individuals", TI's), manipulation of thoughts by HAARP via frequency modulation. The roots of occult rituals and practices of "mind control" are deep in human history. World War II accelerated the mind control researches, so that a new secret science came up. The pioneer was the ruthless Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele, which was well known for his torture experiments. His methods researched, which maximum amount of pain a human was able to bear, and which minimum amount of love he needed. The goal was to find out, how one could make an individual do things, he would never do by his free will - so, to create a perfectly obidient slave.

-Mark R. Rowe


Monday, May 11, 2015

666 == the Phoenix Program == Lucifer

     On June 10, Open Roads publishers announced a new “Forbidden Bookshelf” series. Curated by New York University Professor Mark Crispin Miller, “Forbidden Bookshelf” aims to “fill in the blanks of America’s repressed history by resurrecting books that focused on issues and events that are too often left in the dark.”
One of the first books published in the series is Douglas Valentine’s invaluable, in-depth history of one of America’s most egregious counterinsurgency, torture and assassination programs, as described in his 1990 book The Phoenix Program: America’s Use of Terror in Vietnam.
The book is intricately and densely written, yet reads like a Rashomon-like detective story, as Valentine allows many of the actors involved speak for themselves. Never has such an in-depth look at a major CIA operation been written. You know who did what and when. The larger picture is not lost either, as, for instance, Valentine refers to earlier counter-terror programs that influenced Phoenix, such as the UK’s counterinsurgency-terror program in Malaysia after World War II.
An encyclopedic attention to detail is Valentine’s forte, as those will know who have read his two-volume history on the rise of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and the Drug Enforcement Agency.
     The Phoenix Program itself was created by the CIA as a way to coordinate numerous counterinsurgency programs during the Vietnam war, using methods of blanket surveillance, kidnapping and extrajudicial detention, interrogation and torture, and the paramilitarization of the police. The goal, beyond gathering of intelligence, was to eliminate — via murder, mass use of informants, and terror — what the U.S. called the “Viet Cong Infrastructure” (VCI), especially the top and middle levels of VC leadership.
Instead, Phoenix sank under the weight of institutional corruption and interagency competition, not to mention Washington’s demand to produce results — even if there were no results to produce. Phoenix itself grew out of the CIA’s theory of “Contre Coup,” or “counter-terror.” The idea was the U.S. would match the terror used by opponent forces, but do it even better.
     As Valentine wrote in a May 2001 article: “The object of Contre Coup was to identify and terrorize each and every individual VCI and his/her family, friends and fellow villagers. To this end the CIA in 1964 launched a massive intelligence operation called the Provincial Interrogation Center Program [PICs]…. Staffed by members of the brutal [South Vietnamese] Special Police, who ran extensive informant networks, and advised by CIA officers, the purpose of the PICs was to identify, through the systematic ‘interrogation’ (read torture) of VCI suspects, the membership of the VCI at every level of its organization….”
As the Vietnam War grew in intensity and the U.S. intervention neared half-a-million troops, the CIA tried to rationalize their anti-terror campaign, uniting their counter-insurgency, police, and intelligence aims, while working closely with their fractious South Vietnamese partners.
What followed was murder and torture and graft and corruption on a grand scale. Untold thousands died and were tortured. The figures for those killed in the “counter-terror” program range from the CIA’s admitted 20,000 to over 40,000.
A vast number of those killed had no connection with the VC at all. Valentine explains in his book, “most Vietnamese jailed under Phoenix were anonymous pawns whose only value was the small bribe their families offered for their release.” The bribes didn’t help thousands, as Phoenix managers imposed quotas as high as 1,800 “neutralizations” per month.
Phoenix and Torture
Free MacBook Pro 17 inch i7 2014      The PICs became an integral part of Phoenix, and torture was standard operating procedure, while CIA “advisers” stood by. Later, CIA personnel argued they had tried to teach their South Vietnamese partners more effective kinds of interrogation, but in practice, they often were present during torture sessions, and countenanced much of what went on. Indeed, CIA’s Support Services Branch was in charge of training police Special Branch officers in interrogation methods.
Valentine describes the torture in the PICs: “rape, gang rape, rape using eels, snakes or hard objects, and rape followed by murder; electrical shock (‘the Bell Telephone Hour’),” as well as suspension in air, beatings with rubber hoses and whips, “use of police dogs to maul prisoners,”and more. But as the first director of the PIC program in Vietnam, John Patrick Muldoon, told Valentine, “You can’t have an American there all the time watching these things.”
The situation will sound familiar to those who have followed the actions of U.S. and allied forces in Iraq and Afghanistan who routinely turned over prisoners for torture to local authorities, while shadowy U.S. agents lurked in the background of the foreign torture chambers. (A direct report on such actions in Iraq can be seen in Peter Maass’s video report, Searching for Steele. More recent revelations in a new FOIA of the CIA’s interrogation manual from the 1960s shows such interactions with foreign intelligence and police services during interrogation and torture was something the CIA thought and planned about a great deal.)
When the CIA was in control of their own captives, they used the kinds of “touchless” torture they had perfected and described in their KUBARK interrogation manual. Valentine describes the torture of high-level North Vietnamese officer Nyguyen Van Tai, who was kept in a specially-built prison cell, kept in isolation and constant surveillance by hidden cameras, in a room painted “snow-white,” all the while exposed to frigid air conditioning. The solitary confinement continued over four years without Van Tai ever admitting who he was.

“Colby’s imprimatur”??     In her August 2007 New Yorker article on the CIA black sites, Jane Mayer noted the interest of the CIA in the Phoenix Program as a model for the U.S. war in Afghanistan.
“A Pentagon-contract study found that, between 1970 and 1971, ninety-seven per cent of the Vietcong targeted by the Phoenix Program were of negligible importance,” Mayer wrote. “But, after September 11th, some CIA officials viewed the program as a useful model.”
While as a work of history The Phoenix Program is one of the most important books ever written on the CIA and the military, on the birth of US “counter-terror” policy, and government sponsored torture and assassination programs, its relevancy to post-9/11 history is self-evident. Anyone trying to understand the chaos and crimes committed by US and associated forces in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars must know this book.
There’s a good reason national security historian and author John Prados has called Phoenix a “must read.” Heavily researched over a number of years, more than any other book I know of about the period (with Nick Turse’s book, Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam, a close second), Valentine’s book relied on over 200 interviews with participants, including top CIA and special forces personnel. How the author obtained such access, and what happened as a result is a story in itself.
Valentine described the story in an email exchange with The Dissenter:
“I began work on The Phoenix Program in the summer of 1984,” Valentine wrote. “I approached the subject from two angles. First, I made a direct approach to William Colby, the former Director of the CIA and the individual most closely associated with Phoenix, based on his defense of the program before several Congressional committees. Colby agreed to help and referred me to several CIA officers who played prominent roles in Phoenix. These former, and in some cases current, agents spoke openly to me, simply because I carried Colby’s imprimatur.
     “Colby generated access lasted into 1987, when I started to notice doors closing and people avoiding me. I’d always known it would happen sooner than later, and I’d pretty much made the rounds, so it didn’t bother me too much. I’d hustled the CIA, I’d gotten inside its walls and rummaged around, and now the CIA was going to exact its revenge. That’s just how it works. If you fuck with he bull, you get the horns. Everyone knows that.
“I also got asked by CIA officer Bob Wall to join the CIA before the door slammed shut altogether.
“But I wasn’t ready to quit, and I wanted to back the CIA off a bit, so I filed a Privacy Act request, and in 1992 I got some results, thanks to the ACLU and a sympathetic judge in the federal district in Springfield, Massachusetts.”
“It may cause damage”
More of the story is documented in John Prados’ book, The Family Jewels:
“Elements at Langley became uncooperative after one retiree asked CIA lawyers, in the summer of 1986, what things were safe to talk about. When a Publications Review Board lawyer checked to see whether Phoenix was off-limits (the Board had previously cleared Phoenix material in works by Colby himself and agency officer Ralph McGehee), he was advised to caution interviewees not to talk to Valentine….
     “By April 1988 the Publications Review Board was advising clandestine service officers of a concern that Valentine’s ‘forthcoming book will contain so much detailed information about Agency operations and officers that… it may cause damage,’ and asking that senior management of the Directorate of Operations should have the entire matter brought to their attention. Spooks, including some in the ostensibly impartial Inspector General’s office, were ranging the halls telling each other that the author was bad news and hoping they might escape his attention. Valentine eventually discovered this stonewalling due to the reticence of CIA veterans—and the materials quoted here emerged in the course of legal discovery in the lawsuit Douglas Valentine brought against the Central Intelligence Agency.”
Valentine has posted online some of the legal documents from his lawsuit against the CIA. His papers collected in the writing of the book are held by the National Security Archives, and available to researchers. Many of his taped interviews, including interviews with William Colby and other senior Phoenix personnel, can be heard online (thanks
What Phoenix Wrought?     While a good knowledge of the Phoenix Program in necessary to understand how U.S. counterinsurgency acts in reality in countries around the globe, in a new introduction for the Open Roads edition of the book, Valentine writes about the corrupting influence of Phoenix upon democratic processes domestically.
Valentine speaks of the “insidious” spread of Phoenix methods in the United States for the purpose of “the political control of its citizens through terrorism, on behalf of the rich military-industrial-political elite who rule our society.”
“Indeed, America’s security forces were always aware of the domestic applications of the Phoenix,” Valentine writes, “and the program has not only come to define modern American warfare, it is the model for our internal ‘homeland security’ apparatus as well. It is with the Phoenix program that we find the genesis of the paramilitarization of American police forces in their role as adjuncts to military and political security forces engaged in population control and suppression of dissent.”
For Valentine, who makes a compelling case, the building of Guantanamo, the use of black sites and torture, the provision — even as late as 2013 — for the indefinite detention of Americans and other “war on terror” prisoners, “was easy to predict,” if you knew about Phoenix.
     I am grateful to Doug Valentine and Mark Crispin Miller for giving The Phoenix Program a new publishing life, to help educate a new generation, which faces a fight against forces of state repression every bit as difficult and important as any faced in this country’s history.
Other books released as part of Open Road Media’s “Forbidden Bookshelf” series include Christopher Simpson’s landmark history, Blowback: America’s Recruitment of Nazis and Its Destructive Impact on Our Domestic and Foreign Policy; The Search for an Abortionist: The Classic Study of How American Women Coped with Unwanted Pregnancy Before Roe v. Wade by Nancy Howell Lee, Interference: How Organized Crime Influences Professional Football by Dan E. Moldea; and The Lords of Creation: The History of America’s 1 Percent by Frederick Lewis Allen. More titles are promised in the near future.

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