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Showing posts with label RHIC. Show all posts

Monday, December 9, 2019

The unfortunate events that led to the current criminal apparatus of mind controlled human slave production takes place (in highest frequency per day) at China Lake, CA (NOTS), said by whistle-blower, has pen name is, "Illuminati Formula," wrote book with title, "How the Illuminati Create an Undectable Total Mind Controlled Slave," published on December 1, 2008.

Shortly after World War 2, a group of individuals (from the U.S.) with special forces military training, set out to hijack a train carrying a large fortune of gold taken from the holocaust victims during WW2, taken by SS employees. This group of guerrilla soldiers were successful in stealing 100 billion dollars worth of gold smuggled into the United States from snorkeling crew had intelligence information about intentionally sunk sea vessel, sunk just off the eastern shore of Long Island, New York, New York. This huge fortune of money was used to fund the continuation of scientific research and development of applications used to control the human mind.

The pioneer of scientific mind control applications worked for the SS in Nazi Germany during World War 2, with the name Joseff Mengel, as he made discoveries in "Trauma Bonding," "Psychic Driving," and "Depatternization," in efforts to break the human mind gave the mind the ability to be programmed using neurolinguistic programming language calls alters found in amnesiac barriers of the depatternized mind, where amnesic barriers in victims mind are created by bringing about exceeded thresholds of psychological pain produced by a variety of torture mechanisms brought about on the victim enabled these amnesiac barriers of the mind to have the ability to be programmed by hypnotic language patterns controlled by handler/controller's use of pre-hypnotic and post-hypnotic suggestion patterns of key words used in way that corresponded to victim's; (slave) mind in such a way, (used at the precise time) that this use of sequenced words, produced a psycho-physical affect in the slave's brain, triggered alter within amnesiac barrier caused the desired behavior manifested needed for a variety of reasons, such as in domestic counterintelligence operations carried messages across enemy lines (from within slave's native nation), where slave functions as an "outside agent" without the possibility of enemy interference, interception, or eavesdropping detection. Other uses for hypnotically controlled human slaves, are in, blackmail guaranteed continuation of like funding to programs, operations, and projects served the benefit of same military/political agenda, and also for nefarious purposes custom tailored psychopathic degenerative oligarch with means to pay for human purchased and used for a variety of demented reasons.

The current location where the production of these human slaves occurs, (in the highest frequency per day) is at the "Monarch Program's" largest site is at China Lake, CA (NOTS) ponerogenically hidden from public scrutiny.

Please refer to the book, "How the Illuminati Create an Undetectable Mind Controlled Slave, " written by author has pen name is "Illuminati Formula." available for purchase on Amazon.  Please refer to link found in the "Source" section of this webpage.


The Invisible Crime: Part II, Michael Fitzhugh Bell, Brighton Publishing LLC (September 6, 2017), ISBN-13: 978-1621833987

"The Invisible Crime: Part II" is available for purchase on Amazon by clicking on the link below.

The following words are from the Amazon description of the book shown above (also verified by clicking on the link above).

In this chilling true life experience and expose', a sequel to The Invisible Crime: Illegal Microchip Implants and Microwave Technology and Their Use Against Humanity, author, investigative journalist and whistleblower Michael Fitzhugh Bell, reveals a new form of Covert Domestic Terrorism being perpetrated on innocent United States citizens and millions of people around the world. This crime has infiltrated every aspect of society, secretly flourishing at the expense of the U.S. Taxpayer and is being scaled to the entire global population.

In his first book, Bell describes how he became an unwitting victim of the United States Government and a Global Criminal Syndicate; he's known as a Targeted Individual. He has been illegally implanted with non-consensual, non-therapeutic biomedical implant devices which cause severe suffering, electronic sleep deprivation, physical torture, pain and psychological terror.

Bell is victimized through the illegal misuse of advanced nanotechnology, biomedical devices embedded throughout his body, using clandestine government classified technologies. The first book demonstrated this by providing verified doctors reports and actual medical images.

Bell is under constant attack by covert, remote classified weapons, 24/7, in a non-stop assault on his life, fighting on the front lines in this battle for survival all day, every day.

The Invisible Crime: Part II- A Targeted Individual, Synthetic Telepathy and Global Criminal Biomedical Human Experimentation, unearths in detail, the rarely addressed crimes of Organized Stalking, Electronic Harassment and Mind Control, disclosing an astonishing truth that remains part of a secret Government human experimentation and illegal, non-consensual clinical trial test program.

Synthetic Telepathy is the bidirectional process of remotely hacking the human mind using a supercomputer and analyzing, deciphering and manipulating a human being's thoughts in real-time via their emanating brainwave frequencies. Bell is being illegally stalked and tortured wherever he goes, under constant remote electronic surveillance, stripping him of his civil liberties and privacy and severely compromising his health and his life. His every thought being read in real-time using classified technologies by a sinister Government obsessed with control.

This account is validated by cold hard facts and is presented with additional evidence using diagrams, illustrations and actual photographs and medical imaging. This true crime story, told through the eyes of Michael Fitzhugh Bell, takes the reader on a horrifying journey from a life of freedom to one of terror, covert torture and human enslavement. In this ongoing account, the author discloses details and unveils an evil truth hidden in plain sight.

In reading this story, it's important for the reader to keep an open mind and their seat belt securely fastened.

How The Illuminati Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave, by Illuminati Formula, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (December 1, 2008), ISBN-13: 978-1440490224

This book is available for purchase on Amazon by clicking on the link below.

The following words are from the Amazon description of the book shown above (also verified by clicking on the link above).

When the mind and emotions are put under extreme stress they "break" and create a new mental-emotional state. It is within these mental states - born of trauma - that the mind can be conditioned. That someone would do this intentionally is unthinkable yet it has been done and tested to the degree of a science.

"Trauma Based Mind Control" has been used by criminal organizations to maintain secrecy and ensure every order is followed to the letter. Through this process you get the Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave.

Trauma Based Mind Control creates separate personalities within the individual that will carry out their duty with robotic exactness and then "sleep" so that the individual has no memory of their actions.

These people are used as messengers, drug mules, sexual blackmail slaves and are placed in positions close to the worlds most powerful people. In short, they are used to manipulate and control the lives of the world elite.
