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Friday, November 29, 2019
Reptilian Statues in Ancient Satanic Knights Templar Commandery with Extraterrestrial Alien Alphabet.
Reptilian Statues in Ancient Satanic Knights Templar Commandery with Extraterrestrial Alien Alphabet.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Jesse Ventura interview with Robert Duncan, BA, MS, MBA, PhD, featured on Jesse Ventura's TV show broadcasted on Tru Tv (cable television channel) | Voice of God Weapon, Synthetic Telepathy, Cybernetic Hive Minds MK Ultra
Jesse Ventura interview with Robert Duncan, BA, MS, MBA, PhD, featured on Jesse Ventura's TV show broadcasted on Tru Tv (cable television channel) | Voice of God Weapon, Synthetic Telepathy, Cybernetic Hive Minds MK Ultra
cable, television, channel, Voice, of, God, Weapon, Synthetic, Telepathy, Cybernetic, Hive, Minds, MK, Ultra
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Does physiologist at Dulce Deep Underground Military Base working on "Level 6" at "Nightmare Hall" feel good about his loved ones have human rights above the in the absence of the "Orion Process" crimes occur everyday?
RHIC EDOM mind control coupled with controller post-hyptnotic suggestion is a senseless use of words.
-Mark R. Rowe

Friday, August 30, 2019
The Growing Targeted Individual Crisis | Interview with Dr. Sean Andrews, and Dr. Matthew A.
The Growing Targeted Individual Crisis | Interview with Dr. Sean Andrews, and Dr. Matthew A.
Friday, December 14, 2018
Orpheus has entered into an alliance with Pavlov -- the power of sound with the conditioned reflex -Aldous Huxley, 1958 | "Control mankind's environment and you control the minds of men."

Orpheus has entered into an alliance with Pavlov -- the power of sound with the conditioned reflex -Aldous Huxley, 1958.
"Control mankind's environment and you control the minds of men."
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Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive
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Friday, July 13, 2018
The infamous NASA Blue Beam Project has four different steps in order to implement the new age religion with the antichrist at its head. We must remember that the new age religion is the very foundation for the new world government, without which religion the dictatorship of the new world order is completely impossible. I’ll repeat that: Without a universal belief in the new age religion, the success of the new world order will be impossible! That is why the Blue Beam Project is so important to them, but has been so well hidden until now. The first step concerns the breakdown of all archeological knowledge. It deals with the setup with artificially created earthquakes at certain precise locations on the planet where, supposedly, new discoveries will finally explain to all people the error of all fundamental religious doctrines. The falsification of this information will be used to make all nations believe that their religious doctrines have been misunderstood for centuries and misinterpreted.
Click here to learn more about the Illuminati.
The infamous NASA Blue Beam Project has four different steps in order to implement the new age religion with the antichrist at its head.
We must remember that the new age religion is the very foundation for the new world government, without which religion the dictatorship of the new world order is completely impossible.
I’ll repeat that: Without a universal belief in the new age religion, the success of the new world order will be impossible!
That is why the Blue Beam Project is so important to them, but has been so well hidden until now.
The first step concerns the breakdown of all archeological knowledge.
It deals with the setup with artificially created earthquakes at certain precise locations on the planet where, supposedly, new discoveries will finally explain to all people the error of all fundamental religious doctrines.
The falsification of this information will be used to make all nations believe that their religious doctrines have been misunderstood for centuries and misinterpreted.
illuminati leaks
info on the free and accepted masons
current nwo plans
the latest on the Rothschild family dealings
current events of the CFR
the last move of the Trilateral Commission
videos of nwo protest
nwo canceled plans
tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry
the decline of Royal Society influence
Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive
consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21
The infamous NASA Blue Beam Project has four different steps in order to implement the new age religion with the antichrist at its head.
We must remember that the new age religion is the very foundation for the new world government, without which religion the dictatorship of the new world order is completely impossible.
I’ll repeat that: Without a universal belief in the new age religion, the success of the new world order will be impossible!
That is why the Blue Beam Project is so important to them, but has been so well hidden until now.
The first step concerns the breakdown of all archeological knowledge.
It deals with the setup with artificially created earthquakes at certain precise locations on the planet where, supposedly, new discoveries will finally explain to all people the error of all fundamental religious doctrines.
The falsification of this information will be used to make all nations believe that their religious doctrines have been misunderstood for centuries and misinterpreted.
illuminati leaks
info on the free and accepted masons
current nwo plans
the latest on the Rothschild family dealings
current events of the CFR
the last move of the Trilateral Commission
videos of nwo protest
nwo canceled plans
tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry
the decline of Royal Society influence
Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive
consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

Monday, April 9, 2018
Drug Company Founder indicted in Opioid Conspiracy. U.S. prosecutors leveled charges against the billionaire founder of an opioid medication maker that has faced increasing scrutiny from authorities across the country over allegations of pushing prescriptions of powerful painkillers amid a drug epidemic that is claiming the lives of thousand each year. The fraud and racketeering case against Insys Therapeutics founder John Kapoor came the same day President Donald Trump declared the opioid crisis a nationwide public health emergency. The case naming Kapoor follows indictments against the company’s former CEO and other executives and managers on allegations that they provided kickbacks to doctors to prescribe a potent opioid called Subsys. In the new indictment, Kapoor, 74, of Phoenix, and other defendants are accused of offering bribes to doctors to write large numbers of prescriptions for the fentanyl-based pain medication that is meant only for cancer patients with severe pain. Most of the people who received prescriptions did not have cancer. -Mark R. Rowe
Click here to learn more about the Illuminati.
Drug Company Founder indicted in Opioid Conspiracy.
U.S. prosecutors leveled charges against the billionaire founder of an opioid medication maker that has faced increasing scrutiny from authorities across the country over allegations of pushing prescriptions of powerful painkillers amid a drug epidemic that is claiming the lives of thousand each year.
The fraud and racketeering case against Insys Therapeutics founder John Kapoor came the same day President Donald Trump declared the opioid crisis a nationwide public health emergency. The case naming Kapoor follows indictments against the company’s former CEO and other executives and managers on allegations that they provided kickbacks to doctors to prescribe a potent opioid called Subsys.
In the new indictment, Kapoor, 74, of Phoenix, and other defendants are accused of offering bribes to doctors to write large numbers of prescriptions for the fentanyl-based pain medication that is meant only for cancer patients with severe pain. Most of the people who received prescriptions did not have cancer.
-Mark R. Rowe
illuminati leaks
info on the free and accepted masons
current nwo plans
the latest on the Rothschild family dealings
current events of the CFR
the last move of the Trilateral Commission
videos of nwo protest
nwo canceled plans
tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry
the decline of Royal Society influence
Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive
consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Project Blue Beam claims that NASA is attempting to implement a New Age religion with the Antichrist at its head and start a New World Order, via a technologically-simulated Second Coming. This information was leaked in 1994, by Canadian journalist Serge Monast, and later published in his book Project Blue Beam (NASA).Without a universal belief in the new age religion, the success of the new world order will be impossible! The alleged purpose of Project Blue Beam is to bring about a global New Age religion, which is seen as a core requirement for the New World Order's dictatorship to be realised. There's nothing new in thinking of religion as a form of control, but the existence of multiple religions, spin-off cults, competing sects and atheists suggest that controlling the population entirely through a single religion isn't particularly easy. Past attempts have required mechanisms of totalitarianism such as the Inquisition. Monast divulged that sufficiently advanced technology will be used to trick people into believing.Project Blue Beam will mostly be carried out by NASA, aided by the United Nations. Monast leaked the the project's four phases to follow.Step One requires the breakdown of all archaeological knowledge. This will apparently be accomplished by faking earthquakes at precise locations around the planet. Fake "new discoveries" at these locations "will finally explain to all people the error of all fundamental religious doctrines", specifically Christian and Muslim doctrines. Step Two involves a gigantic "space show" wherein three-dimensional holographic laser projections will be beamed all over the planet — and this is where Blue Beam really takes off.The projections will take the shape of whatever deity is most predominant, and will speak in all languages. At the end of this light show, the gods will all merge into one god, the Antichrist. Existing display technology such as 3D projection mapping and holograms are put forward as foreshadowing the great light show in the sky. This stage will apparently be accomplished with the aid of a Soviet computer that will be fed "with the minute physio-psychological particulars based on their studies of the anatomy and electro-mechanical composition of the human body, and the studies of the electrical, chemical and biological properties of the human brain", and every human has been allocated a unique radio wavelength. The computers are also capable of inducing suicidal thoughts. The second part of Step Two happens when the holograms result in the dissolution of social and religious order, "setting loose millions of programmed religious fanatics through demonic possession on a scale never witnessed before." Step Three is "Telepathic Electronic Two-Way Communication." It involves making people think their god is speaking to them through telepathy, projected into the head of each person individually using extreme low frequency radio waves. Step Four has three parts: Making humanity think an alien invasion is about to occur at every major city; Making the Christians think the Rapture is about to happen; A mixture of electronic and supernatural forces, allowing the supernatural forces to travel through fiber optics, coax, power and telephone lines to penetrate all electronic equipment and appliances, that will by then all have a special microchip installed. Then chaos will break out, and people will finally be willing — perhaps even desperate — to accept the New World Order. "The techniques used in the fourth step is exactly the same used in the past in the USSR to force the people to accept Communism." A device has apparently already been perfected that will lift enormous numbers of people, as in a Rapture. UFO abductions are tests of this device. The book detailed the theory. In the 1994 lecture, Monast detailed what would happen afterwards. All people will be required to take an oath to Lucifer with a ritual initiation to enter the New World Order. Resisters will be categorised as follows: Christian children will be kept for human sacrifice or sexual slaves. Prisoners to be used in medical experiments. Prisoners to be used as living organ banks. Healthy workers in slave labour camps. Uncertain prisoners in the international re-education center, thence to repent on television and learn to glorify the New World Order. The international execution centre. An as yet unknown seventh classification. Joel Engel's book Gene Roddenberry: The Myth and the Man Behind Star Trek was released in 1994, shortly before Monast's lecture on Project Blue Beam. References: 1. Faking the Second Coming (Nick Redfern, Mysterious Universe blog, 21 August 2012) 2. What is the Blue Beam Project? (David Openheimer) 3. Devil's Due (episode) (Memory Alpha) 4. Project Blue Beam Exposed! (UPDATED) (Christopher Knowles, The Secret Sun, 2010-11-03)
Click here to learn more about the Illuminati.
Project Blue Beam claims that NASA is attempting to implement a New Age religion with the Antichrist at its head and start a New World Order, via a technologically-simulated Second Coming. This information was leaked in 1994, by Canadian journalist Serge Monast, and later published in his book Project Blue Beam (NASA).Without a universal belief in the new age religion, the success of the new world order will be impossible! The alleged purpose of Project Blue Beam is to bring about a global New Age religion, which is seen as a core requirement for the New World Order's dictatorship to be realised. There's nothing new in thinking of religion as a form of control, but the existence of multiple religions, spin-off cults, competing sects and atheists suggest that controlling the population entirely through a single religion isn't particularly easy. Past attempts have required mechanisms of totalitarianism such as the Inquisition. Monast divulged that sufficiently advanced technology will be used to trick people into believing.
Project Blue Beam will mostly be carried out by NASA, aided by the United Nations. Monast leaked the the project's four phases to follow.
Step One requires the breakdown of all archaeological knowledge. This will apparently be accomplished by faking earthquakes at precise locations around the planet. Fake "new discoveries" at these locations "will finally explain to all people the error of all fundamental religious doctrines", specifically Christian and Muslim doctrines.
Step Two involves a gigantic "space show" wherein three-dimensional holographic laser projections will be beamed all over the planet — and this is where Blue Beam really takes off.
The projections will take the shape of whatever deity is most predominant, and will speak in all languages. At the end of this light show, the gods will all merge into one god, the Antichrist. Existing display technology such as 3D projection mapping and holograms are put forward as foreshadowing the great light show in the sky. This stage will apparently be accomplished with the aid of a Soviet computer that will be fed "with the minute physio-psychological particulars based on their studies of the anatomy and electro-mechanical composition of the human body, and the studies of the electrical, chemical and biological properties of the human brain", and every human has been allocated a unique radio wavelength. The computers are also capable of inducing suicidal thoughts.
The second part of Step Two happens when the holograms result in the dissolution of social and religious order, "setting loose millions of programmed religious fanatics through demonic possession on a scale never witnessed before."
Step Three is "Telepathic Electronic Two-Way Communication." It involves making people think their god is speaking to them through telepathy, projected into the head of each person individually using extreme low frequency radio waves.
Step Four has three parts: Making humanity think an alien invasion is about to occur at every major city; Making the Christians think the Rapture is about to happen; A mixture of electronic and supernatural forces, allowing the supernatural forces to travel through fiber optics, coax, power and telephone lines to penetrate all electronic equipment and appliances, that will by then all have a special microchip installed. Then chaos will break out, and people will finally be willing — perhaps even desperate — to accept the New World Order. "The techniques used in the fourth step is exactly the same used in the past in the USSR to force the people to accept Communism." A device has apparently already been perfected that will lift enormous numbers of people, as in a Rapture. UFO abductions are tests of this device. The book detailed the theory.
In the 1994 lecture, Monast detailed what would happen afterwards. All people will be required to take an oath to Lucifer with a ritual initiation to enter the New World Order. Resisters will be categorised as follows: Christian children will be kept for human sacrifice or sexual slaves. Prisoners to be used in medical experiments. Prisoners to be used as living organ banks. Healthy workers in slave labour camps. Uncertain prisoners in the international re-education center, thence to repent on television and learn to glorify the New World Order. The international execution centre. An as yet unknown seventh classification.
Joel Engel's book Gene Roddenberry: The Myth and the Man Behind Star Trek was released in 1994, shortly before Monast's lecture on Project Blue Beam.
References: 1. Faking the Second Coming (Nick Redfern, Mysterious Universe blog, 21 August 2012) 2. What is the Blue Beam Project? (David Openheimer) 3. Devil's Due (episode) (Memory Alpha) 4. Project Blue Beam Exposed! (UPDATED) (Christopher Knowles, The Secret Sun, 2010-11-03)
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the decline of Royal Society influence
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current events of the CFR
the last move of the Trilateral Commission
videos of nwo protest
nwo canceled plans
tasks abandoned for nwo due to public outcry
the decline of Royal Society influence
Rockefeller fears - nwo not possible to acheive
consideration for the revocation of Jade Helm and Agenda 21

Monday, May 11, 2015
Keep up the Devil's work. Why type of sacrifice did you think would never get exposed on a massive level, John B. Watson?
Free MacBook Pro 17 inch i7 2014
The aim of Watson and Rayner was to condition phobias into an emotionally stable child. They chose "Albert" for this study (at the age of about nine months) from a hospital.
As the preliminary to the experiment, Little Albert was given a battery of baseline emotional tests: the infant was exposed, briefly and for the first time, to a white rabbit, a rat, a dog, a monkey, masks (with and without hair), cotton, wool, burning newspapers, and other stimuli. During the baseline, Little Albert showed no fear toward any of these items. Albert was then placed on a mattress on a table in the middle of a room.
A white laboratory rat was placed near Albert and he was allowed to play with it. At this point, the child showed no fear of the rat. He began to reach out to the rat as it roamed around him. In later trials, Watson and Rayner made a loud sound behind Albert's back by striking a suspended steel bar with a hammer when the baby touched the rat. Little Albert responded to the noise by crying and showing fear. After several such pairings of the two stimuli, Albert was again presented with only the rat. Now, however, he became very distressed as the rat appeared in the room. He cried, turned away from the rat, and tried to move away. Apparently, the baby boy had associated the white rat (originally a neutral stimulus, now a conditioned stimulus) with the loud noise (an unconditioned stimulus) and was producing the fearful or emotional response of crying (originally the unconditioned response to the noise, now the conditioned response to the rat).
This experiment led to the following progression of results: First, the introduction of a loud sound (unconditioned stimulus) resulted in fear (unconditioned response)—a natural response. Secondly, the introduction of a rat (neutral stimulus) paired with the loud sound (unconditioned stimulus) eventually resulted in fear (unconditioned response). Finally, the successive introductions of only a rat (conditioned stimulus) resulted in fear (conditioned response). Therefore, learning was demonstrated.
The experiment did not have a control subject.
Information about the Illuminati click here
As the preliminary to the experiment, Little Albert was given a battery of baseline emotional tests: the infant was exposed, briefly and for the first time, to a white rabbit, a rat, a dog, a monkey, masks (with and without hair), cotton, wool, burning newspapers, and other stimuli. During the baseline, Little Albert showed no fear toward any of these items. Albert was then placed on a mattress on a table in the middle of a room.
A white laboratory rat was placed near Albert and he was allowed to play with it. At this point, the child showed no fear of the rat. He began to reach out to the rat as it roamed around him. In later trials, Watson and Rayner made a loud sound behind Albert's back by striking a suspended steel bar with a hammer when the baby touched the rat. Little Albert responded to the noise by crying and showing fear. After several such pairings of the two stimuli, Albert was again presented with only the rat. Now, however, he became very distressed as the rat appeared in the room. He cried, turned away from the rat, and tried to move away. Apparently, the baby boy had associated the white rat (originally a neutral stimulus, now a conditioned stimulus) with the loud noise (an unconditioned stimulus) and was producing the fearful or emotional response of crying (originally the unconditioned response to the noise, now the conditioned response to the rat).
This experiment led to the following progression of results: First, the introduction of a loud sound (unconditioned stimulus) resulted in fear (unconditioned response)—a natural response. Secondly, the introduction of a rat (neutral stimulus) paired with the loud sound (unconditioned stimulus) eventually resulted in fear (unconditioned response). Finally, the successive introductions of only a rat (conditioned stimulus) resulted in fear (conditioned response). Therefore, learning was demonstrated.
The experiment did not have a control subject.
Psychological Warfare and Counter-Espionage never took place inside the U.S.A. or had anything to do with the Western Hemisphere, and never previously had anything to do with the Continent of Europe.
Free MacBook Pro 17 inch i7 2014
Information about the Illuminati click here
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Does the N.S.A., and C.I.A. think that they will continue to get away with spying on millions of Americans without suffering consequences, such as Congress putting a stop to this electronic surveillance programs, and dishing out corrective punishments to the guilty parties?
13 Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be
brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;
14 As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts of your ignorance:
15 But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation
16 Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy
17 And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man’s work,
pass the time of your sojourning here in fear:
18 Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from
your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers;
19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:
20 Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last
times for you,
21 Who by him do believe in God, that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory; that
your faith and hope might be in God.
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