Dr Robert Duncan exposes HARRP system mind control targeted individual Jesse Ventura Tru TV
Dr. Robert Duncan exposes HARRP system (he designed) electromagnetic mind control acts upon targeted individual in quest for global domination of man. Interviewed by Jesse Ventura on network television's Tru TV. Refer to video contained within this web-page.
cia behavioral modification programs did de-patternization of the human mind on test subject where trauma based conditioning violated human rights of individual with severe functional disorder in the mkultra program and the like for the gain of undetectable counterintelligence operative continuously programmed affects others of the like results in predetermined behavioral affect on person of interest gained gathered intelligence updates database with new signature description
The true nature of modern day domestic counterintelligence application violated human rights of individual (usually person with severe functional disorder) endured trauma based conditioning resulted in de-patternization of mind gave programmer ability to program other minds of the like that programmed other minds of the like of whom all fit into a "chained" sequence of persons affected person of interest predetermined specific intelligence to be gained and gathered updates database with new signature description.